beat my high score in steps today
this week has been the most active week probably in my whole life lol

20k+ steps each day every day so far, just have tomorrow to do

Another CrossFit session yesterday. It was front squats first. What an awful exercise. Again it was dip down, then rise slightly hold for 3 seconds at the 90% angle, then finish the lift. I ended up at 60 kgs which is a light weight now for a back squat, but my wrists did not like this unnatural bending backwards so it was really uncomfortable. I didn't feel like I could go higher on account of my stiff wrists holding me back.

I've also had crazy carpal tunnel in both wrists in the not so distant past.

After that, rowing, kettlebell swings, awful thrusters (squat and lift barbell over head).

I died.

Happiness is a warm manatee


Your boy is becoming leaner but also gaining strength.

I'm enjoying the gains on pullups and dips in particular.

Only God knows.

I was able to accomplish 20k+ steps a day each day this week

need to work on lifting more but really getting the steps in lately

Goal this week is to do 25K+ steps each day

I've been running way more because it's just getting steps in faster

plus I need to lift  more this week

@Shhon I think you're probably juicing your numbers by taking very rapid baby steps, so the distance people generally cover in one step, you do with five.

I mean, it's the most likely explanation.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Quote from: Guybrush on Aug 28, 2024, 05:44 PM@Shhon I think you're probably juicing your numbers by taking very rapid baby steps, so the distance people generally cover in one step, you do with five.

I mean, it's the most likely explanation.

yeah idk what the rapid baby steps means. I've just been running more and making sure I get 25k each day this week.

its a lot of running a few laps, and walking a lap, then running a few, etc.. just tempo running.

here is where I am so far this week: (ive just been posting here because I post to boxden daily)

25k steps should be about 12 miles BTW.

Measure the distance of your route.

Only God knows.

Quote from: jimmy jazz on Aug 29, 2024, 12:49 AM25k steps should be about 12 miles BTW.

Measure the distance of your route.

yeah 25k steps is around 12 miles.

that screenshot is of 21k so far today which isnt yet 12 miles.

im heading out later for more

Daddy Jazz has started lifting with me.

I'm very proud of him.

Tonight he did bench press.

2 x 12 (just the bar) and then a set of 8 with 10kg on.

Keep in mind he is almost 70 and has the lungs of a 90 year old, and also hasn't lifted since his 30s.

Under my guidance, he will be the senior Mr. Olympia in five years.

Only God knows.

Quote from: jimmy jazz on Aug 30, 2024, 12:22 AMDaddy Jazz has started lifting with me.

I'm very proud of him.

Tonight he did bench press.

2 x 12 (just the bar) and then a set of 8 with 10kg on.

Keep in mind he is almost 70 and has the lungs of a 90 year old, and also hasn't lifted since his 30s.

Under my guidance, he will be the senior Mr. Olympia in five years.

Wow, that is great. Brilliant!!

Looking forward to hear about his progress 😊

Happiness is a warm manatee