Today's Kindness
I organized a little coffee get together for tomorrow with a couple of colleagues. A mild sort of kindness 😄

Today's Gratitudes
1) Had a long day at work today, but uhm.. It's nice to get some extra hours in and lunch was great.

2) My wife made us pancakes for dinner 👍

3) I was really tired after work, but got a nice daytime nap 👌

Happiness is a warm manatee

Yesterdays Kindness

1) cant think of anything randomly but just typing back to people online.

Yesterday's Gratitudes

1) It snowed a lot here the past two days and grateful that the weather warmed up top melt most of it for a morning running

2) having parks and hiking places here in my area for photography/hiking sessions

This is turning into a bit of a diary.

Today's Kindness
I gave my colleague a hug today ❤️

Today's Gratitudes
1) I had coffee with two colleagues today, which was very nice 🙂

2) I enjoyed watching the first half of Ghostbusters Frozen Empire with the kids. Looking forward to the continuation!

3) Also enjoyed watching Oddity yesterday. It has some nice creepy scenes.

4) Dinner was awesome! Pasta chicken with cheese and lots of garlic and stuff. My wife knows her stuff 👌

Happiness is a warm manatee

Yesterday's Kindness
I stayed at home with the kids so my wife could go shopping 🙂 also made breakfast!

Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I loved the breakfast I made. I always do.. I love a good breakfast! ☕

2) We finished watching Ghostbusters Frozen Empire and I actually really enjoyed it.. even if it was over rather fast in the end.

3) Me and my wife had a sexy date night at home 🥰 some new, sexy lingerie was involved 🤩

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
We visited my mom for Mothers Day 🙂 Thought we could get flowers, but that store was gone. Got some cake instead.

Today's Gratitudes
1) Went to the gym today before breakfast 🙂 felt quite good today, actually, even though my back and shoulder has been complaining a bit. Did squats, pushups, inverted rows instead of pullups due to shoulder pain, Wall sits, push press aaand.. situps rather than modified Candlesticks due to back pain.

2) My parents made us dinner 🙂 old timey, hearty food; meatballs with potatoes, mashed peas and other root veggies. Very nice!

3) In the evening, I really enjoyed just watching telly with my wife ❤️ we're watching Slow Horses and season 2 is getting interesting.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's kindness
No special kindness today, I'm afraid. Kept to myself mostly.

Today's gratitudes
1) Work was fun today! I felt like I learned a lot and achieved a lot too.

2) I had such a great nap with my boy today ❤️😊,

3) I got to spend some alone-time in the bathtub 😲

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's kindness
I was kind to a couple of colleagues today, one who I am helping with some task and another who has had to deal with some difficult people. I told her she could redirect them to me.

Today's gratitudes
1) My work is fun these days 🙂 today I was a little reluctant to go home as I've got stuff to do!

2) Dinner was wonderful. Very yummy and the whole family ate together, no drama 😄

3) I am looking forward to something I ordered

4) I had fun playing with the kids before bedtime.

5) I enjoyed watching Slow Horses with my wife 🙂

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's kindness
I commended a colleague a couple of times today for being a good mensch who took other people under his wing when they needed it 🙂 he's a super good guy

Today's gratitudes
1) I'm on a business trip and staying at a hotel and it's one that has such great food! Lunch and dinner was delicious 😋

2) We spent some time in the evening at this water park / bathing resort (?) with a wellness area. I got to spend time in a sauna and then go for a dip in six degrees sea water ❤️ So niiiice!! I love it.

3) I am thankful for lying here in bed all alone knowing there's likely nothing that's going to get between myself and roughly 8 hours of sleep tonight 😁

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
Don't feel like I did much today, but a colleague was very grateful for the work I've done the past two weeks to help make data available to her for her reporting task in a couple of weeks.

Today's Gratitudes
1) I had a great lunch today. Roast chicken with kale and mashed potatoes, but it was better than it sounds.

2) I enjoyed okay fighting my kids before bedtime.

3) I enjoyed a nap on the couch 👌

Happiness is a warm manatee

Yesterday's Kindness
A colleague wanted to get beers after work, so I was one of two people who joined her. Not sure if that's very kind, but I do think the event would've been cancelled without me 🙂

Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed getting to know my drunk colleague better! It was fun. She repeatedly told me how much she enjoyed our evening and we separated with a hug 🙂

2) I enjoyed my work yesterday!

3) I enjoyed coming home to my wife and watching more Slow Horses.. it's very good 👌

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
Me and wifey bought each other snacks for a late Valentines date.

Today's Gratitudes
1) I really liked making and eating breakfast today 🙂

2) I've enjoyed listening to LPOTL's series on the shipwreck and disaster of the Botavia. The last episode came out today. What a crazy story!

3) I enjoyed date night with wifey and some of the toys we've bought 😁

Happiness is a warm manatee