It's times like these that I miss Mr. Blackwell. 

2 missing boys found dead in separate rivers, police say

ugh- this reminds me of the atlanta murders from when i was a kid

I am proud to have Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok and Twitter all blocked on my devices. I think the older I get the more of a technophobe I become, at least with regards to the corporate tech overlords. I really am turning into my mother, haha.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

Quote from: Mrs. Waffles on May 22, 2023, 02:10 PMI am proud to have Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok and Twitter all blocked on my devices. I think the older I get the more of a technophobe I become, at least with regards to the corporate tech overlords. I really am turning into my mother, haha.

Social media and smartphones are absolute cancer to kids' self-esteems. And yet, it's probably difficult for parents not to get a smartphone for their kid since every other kid is getting one (and as a result, the kids will not let up about pestering you for one)

If I had kids they'd have dumbphones. Ring and text when they're out, that's it. No chance I'd have them on all the social media stuff now.

I feel sorry for them tbh. Imagine every fuck up you made as a youngster being sent round your school and accessible permanently. Imagine all the secrecy and bullying that must go on in WhatsApp groups and whatever.

Only God knows.

#802 May 22, 2023, 03:27 PM Last Edit: May 22, 2023, 03:39 PM by SGR
Quote from: jimmy jazz on May 22, 2023, 02:51 PMIf I had kids they'd have dumbphones. Ring and text when they're out, that's it. No chance I'd have them on all the social media stuff now.

I feel sorry for them tbh. Imagine every fuck up you made as a youngster being sent round your school and accessible permanently. Imagine all the secrecy and bullying that must go on in WhatsApp groups and whatever.

Not only that, but I think how happy/content we are is baked into us as some kind of function of comparing ourselves to others around us.

For example, let's say you grow up in some town where you're poor and underfed. But you look around you and 99% of the other people in the town are happy, living in big houses, and driving luxury sedans. You're going to reflect on your own situation in comparison and be pretty unhappy, jealous, discontented, and unsatisfied about it - which in some cases would lead to depression but might also lead to you deciding to make changes so you can improve. On the other hand, if you grow up in a middle-class place, you're well fed, you live in a decent home, and you seem to be doing as well as most everyone around you, you'll probably be a lot happier.

But in general, if you look around you, at the people you interact with and have to deal with in real life, you're probably doing fairly well in comparison. Then you look on social media at other people's highlight reels, and suddenly you're the most boring and ugliest person in the room. Definitely not good for kids and most of them aren't able to make this distinction. Young women face enough body insecurity issues as it is with body standards set by popular media, they don't need the additional factor of seeing girls like this on Instagram and thinking this is 'normal':

"Your average Instagram picture"

tl;dr: Most by people, by definition, are average - and social media feeds kids the high end of the exceptions.

Quote from: Toy Revolver on May 21, 2023, 05:00 PMwhy do people gaf about veterans

fuck veterans

Say that to my face and I will slap the shit out of you joking or not.
I will call Mindy to beat your ass too.

I'm a veteran.

Republicans pretend to like veterans and want to grandstand with them but behind the scenes they vote against funding to improve the VA hospitals and other things associated with veterans.

I was this cool the whole time.


take it personal if you want

every time a us soldier dies it fills my heart with joy

fuck the military and that means fuck the people in the military

i'm glad they're on the street dying

fuck our war machine from the president to every last enlisted and retired veteran

fuck no i'm not joking

baby killing civilian murdering fucking cowards

glad the suicide rates are up too

fucking scumbag terrorists

wah wah wah cry about the military industrial complex all you want you benefit from it.

Enlisted and Veterans were just pawns in the higher ups schemes.

take your silver spoon in your mouth crying elsewhere.

Majority of people that sign up for the military don't do it out of patriotrism for the country. They do it for a stable job/income, to avoid getting into trouble/jail time, for college money to get a better career later on. Some even join because they just want to be able to travel around the world with all those added benefits.  Military recruiters target low income minorities in high schools all across the nation. I saw a sign outside of my local high school about 3 weeks ago that said signing bonus is up to 40k. They have have a hard time recruiting lately it seems. If a kid grows up poor of course he's going to jump at the promise to get 40k and a dodge. Well thats an old school reference that enlisted dudes would get a dodge charger straight out of bootcamp with the money they got for signing up.

Take your white privilege elsewhere and have a seat sir.

I was this cool the whole time.

Quote from: Toy Revolver on May 22, 2023, 05:46 PMidgaf

take it personal if you want

every time a us soldier dies it fills my heart with joy

fuck the military and that means fuck the people in the military

i'm glad they're on the street dying

fuck our war machine from the president to every last enlisted and retired veteran

fuck no i'm not joking

baby killing civilian murdering fucking cowards

glad the suicide rates are up too

fucking scumbag terrorists
June 3rd, 2024


Big fan of the Internet
Kindness is the highest form of intelligence

Thanks, DJ. As a non-military person myself, I didn't know how to explain the unexplainable to TR. Yes, I have relatives in the military, mostly for economic reasons so I get where you're coming from. It's tragic our politicians send you guys to danger zones throughout the world. If you want to thank a veteran for his/her service like on a game show or something, don't send them in harm's way to begin with. They're not the enemy, they're only human like the rest of us.

Did you have to serve in a war, DJ? I can only imagine some of the horrors that go with war.

The Word has spoken :D

Quote from: Toy Revolver on May 22, 2023, 05:46 PMidgaf

take it personal if you want

every time a us soldier dies it fills my heart with joy

fuck the military and that means fuck the people in the military

i'm glad they're on the street dying

fuck our war machine from the president to every last enlisted and retired veteran

fuck no i'm not joking

baby killing civilian murdering fucking cowards

glad the suicide rates are up too

fucking scumbag terrorists

That's poor mate come on.

And the military don't just fight in wars. They do lots of rescue shit and delivering aid also.

Only God knows.

#809 May 22, 2023, 06:23 PM Last Edit: May 22, 2023, 06:31 PM by SGR
Quote from: Toy Revolver on May 22, 2023, 05:46 PMidgaf

take it personal if you want

every time a us soldier dies it fills my heart with joy

fuck the military and that means fuck the people in the military

i'm glad they're on the street dying

fuck our war machine from the president to every last enlisted and retired veteran

fuck no i'm not joking

baby killing civilian murdering fucking cowards

glad the suicide rates are up too

fucking scumbag terrorists

I think we're gonna need a dislike button. This is by far the most insensitive (and dumbest) thing I've read on here.