Quote from: Mindy on Nov 15, 2023, 12:47 AMWent to rent this movie on amazon now and watch at home, but wtf it's $19.99 for a stream  ::)

I'm still buying it later because I want to watch again but older movies are only $4, what makes a $16 up price for a new money?

Yeah new movies that are still in theaters or just recently left theathers are anywhere between 15 to 20 bucks. You can only rent it at that price unless they have it available to own then you own the digital version. I still prefer getting a physical copy.

I was this cool the whole time.

King of the Zombies (1941)

Low-budget horror/suspense/spy/thriller/comedy combination. Three men crash land their plane on a Caribbean island where a doctor with a German accent is secretly creating a mini-army of the walking dead. Mantan Moreland steals the show as a high-strung and cowardly manservant.


^ thanks for that. I'm going to check it out later on.

I found it on YouTube.

I was this cool the whole time.

Five Nights at Freddy's (2023)

Meh, this was passable. It took a while to get going and I thought a lot more could have been done with it. The big moments didn't really have the punch I'm looking for. I think I would have enjoyed it a lot more if I were a kid or if I knew more about the FNAF lore (I played the first game when it came out and even back then I felt like I wasn't the target audience). So yeah, not a movie for me.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

Quote from: Mrs. Waffles on Nov 19, 2023, 03:44 AMFive Nights at Freddy's (2023)

Meh, this was passable. It took a while to get going and I thought a lot more could have been done with it. The big moments didn't really have the punch I'm looking for. I think I would have enjoyed it a lot more if I were a kid or if I knew more about the FNAF lore (I played the first game when it came out and even back then I felt like I wasn't the target audience). So yeah, not a movie for me.

I know of the games, so.. is this an animated horror movie for kids?

Happiness is a warm manatee

Quote from: Guybrush on Nov 19, 2023, 03:51 AMI know of the games, so.. is this an animated horror movie for kids?

It's live action, and it's PG13, so more for teenagers than young kids. There are depictions of violence, but nothing particularly gory or graphic. I'd say it's aiming to be an "all ages" kinda thing. The games are a lot more abstract in terms of the narrative and the tone, I would say they probably appeal to a wider audience.

Though I do know plenty of adults who liked the movie, it's just most of them seem to be big fans of the games; there's a lot of Easter eggs and references to them and the fan culture.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

Saw Fallen Leaves, the fourth of Finnish director Aki Kaurismäki's "working class" series (although I've not yet seen the first three) - followed by an in-person Q&A with the lead actors Alma Pöysti and Jussi Vatanen.  The plot concerns two lonely, depressed people who meet by chance and slowly (very slowly) try to build a relationship fraught with misunderstandings and mishaps.  The film was a slow burn even at 82 minutes - but there were small comedic and hopeful moments peppered throughout that lifted the story out of the darkness.  Alma Pöysti and Jussi Vatanen were really engaging, intelligent and funny during the Q&A - I'd love to see more of them in other films.  They shared many interesting insights, including that the film is "about how we are throwing away food, how we are throwing away animals, how we are throwing away people."  Last but not least, there's a dog in the film who really steals the show. :D

Quote from: Mrs. Waffles on Nov 19, 2023, 03:44 AMFive Nights at Freddy's (2023)

Meh, this was passable. It took a while to get going and I thought a lot more could have been done with it. The big moments didn't really have the punch I'm looking for. I think I would have enjoyed it a lot more if I were a kid or if I knew more about the FNAF lore (I played the first game when it came out and even back then I felt like I wasn't the target audience). So yeah, not a movie for me.

I don't know anything about the FNAF lore and they did a good job describing the lore and explaining what happened and why it happens. The easter egg moments of seeing Youtubers and Twitch Streamers pop up was so fun for me.

There is a message at the end of the credits that I had no clue what it meant. When I went to watch it, I asked some teens that might have known what it meant but they had no clue either.

Come to find out the last line is an indication of another animatronic that may appear in the sequel if they DO decide to do a sequel. There are pleny of Youtube videos out there that break down the easter eggs and stuff.

I was this cool the whole time.

Quote from: DJChameleon on Nov 20, 2023, 04:47 PMI don't know anything about the FNAF lore and they did a good job describing the lore and explaining what happened and why it happens. The easter egg moments of seeing Youtubers and Twitch Streamers pop up was so fun for me.

There is a message at the end of the credits that I had no clue what it meant. When I went to watch it, I asked some teens that might have known what it meant but they had no clue either.

Come to find out the last line is an indication of another animatronic that may appear in the sequel if they DO decide to do a sequel. There are pleny of Youtube videos out there that break down the easter eggs and stuff.

Yeah, I wasn't confused or anything, I just meant I had a lot of times when something happened and I thought "I'm sure that means a lot to the big fans". But fair, I might check out those analysis videos.

Only Youtuber I recognized was Matpat. The theater loved his "but that's just a theory" line, I definitely groaned a bit at the obviousness.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

#534 Nov 20, 2023, 10:06 PM Last Edit: Nov 21, 2023, 02:39 AM by DJChameleon
Quote from: Mrs. Waffles on Nov 20, 2023, 05:00 PMOnly Youtuber I recognized was Matpat. The theater loved his "but that's just a theory" line, I definitely groaned a bit at the obviousness.

The teens I talked to they actually said "he said the line". They loved it but I'm sure not everyone got the reference even though it was one that many in the know, know about.

Edit: The black guy driving the uber was one as well Corey something.

I was this cool the whole time.

the big short
free on youtube

June 3rd, 2024


Big fan of the Internet
Kindness is the highest form of intelligence

#536 Nov 25, 2023, 01:26 PM Last Edit: Nov 27, 2023, 06:31 PM by DJChameleon
No Hard Feelings.

The real selling point is just to see Jennifer Lawrence nude. She does physical comedy but she doesn't sell it enough idk something is off.

It is a very paint by numbers rom com/American Pie raunch type movie.

You can predict the plot points and what's gonna happen next.


I was this cool the whole time.

A few days ago, we saw Aguirre.

I won't spoil much, but it's a movie about an expedition of Spanish conquistadors (and their slaves) who are looking for El Dorado somewhere in the Amazon. They face various hardships.

So the movie was pretty good. Not everyone in front of the camera manage to convince, but at least Klaus Kinski brought enough intensity for everyone.

What made me curious about this one - and even more so Werner Herzog's Fitzcarraldo which I got lined up - are the production hell stories surrounding them. Much of it has been attributed to Kinski who would go straight into violent tantrums, sometimes several times per day. It seems a recurring theme in his career is that people found his antagonistic behaviour offensive to the point where they offer to murder him.

The movie itself was enjoyable, but I doubt I'll see it twice.


Happiness is a warm manatee

#538 Nov 27, 2023, 08:14 AM Last Edit: Nov 27, 2023, 09:00 AM by Guybrush
On Saturday, we saw Ken Russell's Lair of the White Worm from 1988.

Oh wow, what a stupid movie! In the best possible way. As a "so good it's bad" kind of film, this one's absolutely tremendous.

Peter Capaldi plays an archeology student who, for some reason, is digging at the site of a Roman convent all on his own. He happens to find a large skull that obviously belongs to an oversized snake. He doesn't see this, though, and when the goofy girl who lives in the house whose garden he's digging in asks if it's a dinosaur, he says it can't be because there's 25 million years between the Romans and the dinosaurs. He's obviously not a paleontology or common sense graduate.

Anyways, it just so happens dark, snakey forces are stirring again and we get Hugh Grant as the posh heir to a knight who once slayed the local dreaded white worm. He's also the kind of dapper young aristocrat who's entirely unfazed when people murder his staff or he happens to slice a woman in two with the old family sword.

Amanda Donohoe is perfect as the intense and mysterious Lady Sylvia Marsh who just can't resist a Turkish snake charmer tune.

This is a movie where you'll constantly be asking yourself: is it that stupid on purpose? Or was it an accident?

Adding to this is a delightful inconsistency in tone with hilariously gruesome shots being tossed in next to unintentionally funny drama and what vaguely reminds me of an old hammer horror, only dumber.

As a bad movie, this should be hailed as one of the truly great. I'm so happy to have discovered it ❤️


Ken Russell made the excellent The Devils with Vanessa Redgrave and Oliver Reed. And then he makes this? Was he on drugs?

Happiness is a warm manatee

I finally got around to watching Gayniggers From Outer Space and it felt like they made it purposely for MST3k to watch and roast/make jokes about.

It's one of those so bad that it's hilarious.

I find it kind of funny but it makes sense oddly that it was made by Danish director. It's their take on sci fi/blaxploitation flicks and I think it doesn't hit the same because they are Danish and not American but still hilarious and I love that it's only 30 mins long. It has such a great run time. If it went on any longer or they tried to take themselves seriously it wouldn't have worked.


I was this cool the whole time.