Quote from: Marie Monday on May 29, 2024, 10:11 PMTank Girl

Like if Mad Max were badly made, racially stereotyping & trying to queerbait you, 10/10
Also nerdy tomboy Naomi Watts is HOT people

I've seen Tank Girl, but that was back in the 90s. I can't remember much at all.

Looks like it might be worth a revisit 🤔

Quote from: DJChameleon on May 25, 2024, 01:09 AMWow. I really liked it and the ending is what helped so much to me.

Yeah, many like it. I guess I just didn't vibe with the movie or its characters at all.

Happiness is a warm manatee

I should warn you that if the aesthetic and lesbian queerbaiting don't do much for you, it might not be worth it lol

also I should mention that the soundtrack is impeccably fantastic and jarring, it'll throw Björk bangers at you like jumpscares

Quote from: Marie Monday on May 29, 2024, 11:42 PMalso I should mention that the soundtrack is impeccably fantastic and jarring, it'll throw Björk bangers at you like jumpscares

Alright, that's good then. I like Björk a lot 🤟

Happiness is a warm manatee

Damaged (2024)

Meh. If you have a serial killer movie, with basically five characters, two of which die fairly soon into the film, including the main suspect, you aren't left with too many options are you? I was still wrong.

It was okay, but I've seen better definitely. Always good to see Samuel L., and again I mixed up James Nesbitt and John Hannah, but other than that, as I believe I mentioned at the beginning of this post, meh.

Oh, if you don't like graphic depictions of severed, mutiliated bodies, avoid. Seriously. The director seems to have some fetish about having each badly-chopped-up corpse zoomed in on. Like, ok dude! We got the message. No need to keep hammering it home.

I just saw The First Omen

I've seen The Omen a couple of times, but that was a long time ago. I've also seen Omen 3, but can't actually remember anything besides Sam Neill was in it and I think he sits in a car at some point.

The Omen movies in general were a little dull to me. It's not as visceral as The Exorcist. It doesn't have surreal dream worlds of Nightmare on Elm Street or the dark fantasy of Hellraiser. There's no interesting hero like Ash in Evil Dead. All in all, seems like a dull franchise.

This popped up on Disney+ and I wasn't too interested, but then I read a couple of good things about it and decided to give it a go.

It's a prequel to the first movie. It's about a nun, which is a bit boring, but.. much of it is fairly well made and a cut above your average horror faire. It looks fairly good and has some interesting visuals. I initially wondered why they cast Nell Tiger Free in the lead as I didn't find her that compelling at first, but she grew on me over the course of the film and plays well in the movie's more intense scenes. She's a good physical actor. There's a scene in particular where the movie builds tension in a way I quite liked.

I was also happy to see it has a bit of guts and stuff in it.

By no means is this a great movie as its still lacking in interesting characters and you can predict the plot twists before they happen, but it's still rather enjoyable. Comparing Nun movies, it was certainly better than The Nun 2.


Happiness is a warm manatee

#756 Jun 05, 2024, 04:05 AM Last Edit: Jun 05, 2024, 04:15 AM by Trollheart
Better than that classic Nude Nuns with Big Guns? Surely not!  :laughing:

Angel (1982)

There's one word that describes this movie, and it's dismal. Not as in, it's a dismal movie (though it kind of is) but the atmosphere is so depressing and dark you just kind of want to kill yourself, or possibly everyone around you. The story is awful - a saxophonist seeks revenge on paramilitaries who killed a girl he barely knew. He has, so far as is explained in the movie anyway (insasmuch as it does), no military experience, has never shot or handled a gun, and yet is able to assemble and use a sub-machine gun, killing one man, and then track down, by a mixture of luck and some bad clues, the rest of the gang, eventually exposing... yeah well if you decide, against my advice, to watch it, I won't ruin it for you by giving away the ending (watching it will ruin it enough for you, and I'm not a cruel man) but suffice to say it is bloody awful.

Given that it's written by Neil Jordan (The Company of Wolves/The Crying Game/Mona Lisa etc) I can't believe how peurile and haphazard this is. Set supposedely in Northern Ireland (but filmed in Dublin) the movie shows us how the "hero", Danny, basically stumbles around, killing and wounding people till he just more or less falls into the clutches of the bad guy. It's woeful, the pace is dire, and the constant sax wailing through it all is the shit icing on the shit cake. Stephen Rea in the main role plays the part as if he's drunk, high or both (and he may be) while the only real spark of life in the movie, his love interest Deirdre, the singer in the band, is woefully underused. It's almost an exercise in how not to make a movie. Avoid at all costs. The final scene, as a helicopter takes off out of shot and we get about three minutes of garbage and paper and whatnot being blown around in a sort of stone shelter is a pretty good metaphor for the movie: cheap, pointless and extremely forgettable.

Postscript: You know, anyone else, seeing everyone disagrees with him, would admit they were wrong, or just didn't get it. Yeah. Anyone else. Have you met me? Seriously, I'm more than gobsmacked to read through the reviews, both critics and users, on IMDB to see how everyone seems to love this. Ah I don't know: I'll never understand you humans.

Uh, that is...

"I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death to protect my right to say I think you're wrong!" - Trollheart, 2024

I waited so late to see I Saw The TV Glow that it only had two showings left before being removed from my local theater. They only had a single showing each day. I had to skip out on work(left early) just to see it in theaters and boy was it worth it. The editing and cinematography were excellent. The plot was one big WTF but it oddly makes sense. When you get to the conclusion of the movie you kind of have to piece together what you think the director was attempting to do and there are strangely two different conclusions that both make sense as to what it could all mean. This movie felt like a nostalgia bomb and also like a memory like I've seen it before. It's hard to explain but I want more people to see this movie so they can share in the experience that I had even if it occurs on a smaller screen.


Theater was packed and so many discussions happened as people were leaving the theater about what it all meant. A+ theater experience.

I didn't even touch on the great music that got licensed for this movie. Basic jist of the plot is that it follows the story of two kids that become obsessed with a TV show that is similar to Buffy the Vampire Slayer mixed with Are you afraid of the Dark.

I was this cool the whole time.

Quote from: DJChameleon on Jun 06, 2024, 05:21 AMI waited so late to see I Saw The TV Glow that it only had two showings left before being removed from my local theater. They only had a single showing each day. I had to skip out on work(left early) just to see it in theaters and boy was it worth it. The editing and cinematography were excellent. The plot was one big WTF but it oddly makes sense. When you get to the conclusion of the movie you kind of have to piece together what you think the director was attempting to do and there are strangely two different conclusions that both make sense as to what it could all mean. This movie felt like a nostalgia bomb and also like a memory like I've seen it before. It's hard to explain but I want more people to see this movie so they can share in the experience that I had even if it occurs on a smaller screen.


Theater was packed and so many discussions happened as people were leaving the theater about what it all meant. A+ theater experience.

I didn't even touch on the great music that got licensed for this movie. Basic jist of the plot is that it follows the story of two kids that become obsessed with a TV show that is similar to Buffy the Vampire Slayer mixed with Are you afraid of the Dark.

Cool, @DJChameleon 🙂

I'll keep an eye out for it.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Quote from: DJChameleon on Jun 06, 2024, 05:21 AMI waited so late to see I Saw The TV Glow that it only had two showings left before being removed from my local theater. They only had a single showing each day. I had to skip out on work(left early) just to see it in theaters and boy was it worth it. The editing and cinematography were excellent. The plot was one big WTF but it oddly makes sense. When you get to the conclusion of the movie you kind of have to piece together what you think the director was attempting to do and there are strangely two different conclusions that both make sense as to what it could all mean. This movie felt like a nostalgia bomb and also like a memory like I've seen it before. It's hard to explain but I want more people to see this movie so they can share in the experience that I had even if it occurs on a smaller screen.


Theater was packed and so many discussions happened as people were leaving the theater about what it all meant. A+ theater experience.

I didn't even touch on the great music that got licensed for this movie. Basic jist of the plot is that it follows the story of two kids that become obsessed with a TV show that is similar to Buffy the Vampire Slayer mixed with Are you afraid of the Dark.

Looooooved this movie. Saw it twice and came away with different, reasonable interpretations each time. The conversations it created with my friends and I were a delight. And even just beyond the deep subtext of the movie I also found it mesmerizing to watch. The aesthetic, the vibes, the MUSIC, all of it came together so well. One of the best of the year easily

Also a quick Letterboxd plug in case anyone here has it, I have been fully obsessed with it the past few years and have a pretty comprehensive profile at this point: https://letterboxd.com/Squash14/

Quote from: DJChameleon on Jun 06, 2024, 05:21 AMI waited so late to see I Saw The TV Glow that it only had two showings left before being removed from my local theater. They only had a single showing each day. I had to skip out on work(left early) just to see it in theaters and boy was it worth it. The editing and cinematography were excellent. The plot was one big WTF but it oddly makes sense. When you get to the conclusion of the movie you kind of have to piece together what you think the director was attempting to do and there are strangely two different conclusions that both make sense as to what it could all mean. This movie felt like a nostalgia bomb and also like a memory like I've seen it before. It's hard to explain but I want more people to see this movie so they can share in the experience that I had even if it occurs on a smaller screen.


Theater was packed and so many discussions happened as people were leaving the theater about what it all meant. A+ theater experience.

I didn't even touch on the great music that got licensed for this movie. Basic jist of the plot is that it follows the story of two kids that become obsessed with a TV show that is similar to Buffy the Vampire Slayer mixed with Are you afraid of the Dark.
I watched it too yesterday and liked it. Especially all the references to Buffy, and I think as an ode to what Buffy meant for queer people the film works best (but as a queer person to whom Buffy means a lot, I'm obviously biased). Like you said the cinematography is great too, my only gripe with it is that the characters and their lives are only sketched at best, and that the two main different readings sometimes don't mesh well (such as when liberating yourself by coming out as trans on another level means leaving your mother who is dying of cancer behind) but overall solid film

Quote from: Marie Monday on May 29, 2024, 10:11 PMTank Girl

Like if Mad Max were badly made, racially stereotyping & trying to queerbait you, 10/10
Also nerdy tomboy Naomi Watts is HOT people

I saw Tank Girl when it came out and really liked it. It's been many years since I've seen it though. 

This is what you want. This is what you get.