Finally watched this and loved it. Fantastic acting and overall great script.


^Yes, I liked that too 🙂

Very enjoyable and also seemed very danish. They definitely have a more alcohol friendly culture.

I remember some years ago, we visited the Aarhus municipality with my work. We were greeted in the town hall building with a talk and a case of beer 😄

A case of beer at work when you're in public administration and on the clock is unheard of here for any reason, but..  When in Rome.

Happiness is a warm manatee

What We Do in the Shadows (2014)

The mister and I watched this with some friends on Saturday, he had already seen it and the TV show spinoff, but I was going in blind. I enjoyed it a lot, I love it when you can make something wholesome out of what would otherwise be quite macabre subject matter. I will confess that it took me at least half an hour before I realized that was Jemaine Clement as the bearded vampire. But yeah this was the perfect movie for the spooky season; I love movies that are horror-themed but not actually meant to scare you.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

watched the matrix reloaded last night. It was slightly good, the first original one is better.
June 3rd, 2024


Big fan of the Internet
Kindness is the highest form of intelligence

Quote from: Mrs. Waffles on Oct 31, 2023, 03:22 PMWhat We Do in the Shadows (2014)

The mister and I watched this with some friends on Saturday, he had already seen it and the TV show spinoff, but I was going in blind. I enjoyed it a lot, I love it when you can make something wholesome out of what would otherwise be quite macabre subject matter. I will confess that it took me at least half an hour before I realized that was Jemaine Clement as the bearded vampire. But yeah this was the perfect movie for the spooky season; I love movies that are horror-themed but not actually meant to scare you.

I love WWDITS! The TV show is also good 🙂 the cast and characters are all great.

Also, Taika Waititi is kinda handsome in the Our Flag Means Death series where he plays Blackbeard.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Quote from: Mrs. Waffles on Oct 31, 2023, 03:22 PMWhat We Do in the Shadows (2014)

The mister and I watched this with some friends on Saturday, he had already seen it and the TV show spinoff, but I was going in blind. I enjoyed it a lot, I love it when you can make something wholesome out of what would otherwise be quite macabre subject matter. I will confess that it took me at least half an hour before I realized that was Jemaine Clement as the bearded vampire. But yeah this was the perfect movie for the spooky season; I love movies that are horror-themed but not actually meant to scare you.

My ex-roommate introduced me to this movie and I loved every minute of it. I'm a big Flight of the Conchords fan so I was on board when I found out Jemaine was in this. I haven't watched the tv series yet but it's on my to do list.

I was this cool the whole time.

The Wizard of Mars (1965)

A tediously boring sci-fi flick with a very slight nod to "The Wizard of Oz." Slow pacing, bad acting, bad writing, mediocre directing, and special effects which fluctuate between adequate and awful. John Carradine makes a brief appearance as a disembodied, floating, talking head but that's not nearly enough to make this movie worth watching.


We rewatched this:

It's a movie based on Lovecraft's Shadow Over Innsmouth from 2001. I think the last time I saw this was probably 2005/6.

So this movie is fairly cheap and sits nicely in the B movie category. If you don't already know the story, I don't wanna spoil it, but.. it's a little bit like if The Wicker Man was on steroids, had a lot more action scenes, was more of a fantasy movie and was made in the early 00s.

The lead actor, Ezra Godden, looks like a slightly handsomer Bob Saget.

All in all, a somewhat uneven but fun Lovecraft-adaptation. We get some ham. We also get quite a bit of dedicated acting. We get cheesy cg effects, but also some pretty decent costumes. And we also get some gore and hyper violence.

I give it: :3.5stars:

Happiness is a warm manatee

Ooh, trick question.  I generally don't watch movies -- I bounce them, looking for a repeatable bit of a scene, usually when the ghoul pops out.  I can't remember the name of the movie, but the one with the "hide and clap" sequence is a favourite.  I occasionally watch Eraserhead in sections, and if I really feel like watching a movie, I'll watch a scene or two and then stop it until I feel like picking up the story again.  The current movie that I'm actually watching is Step Across the Border, the movie about Fred Frith.  I guess I'm about 20 minutes or so into it, maybe. 

Quote from: larsvsnapster on Nov 12, 2023, 06:46 AMOoh, trick question.  I generally don't watch movies -- I bounce them, looking for a repeatable bit of a scene, usually when the ghoul pops out.  I can't remember the name of the movie, but the one with the "hide and clap" sequence is a favourite.  I occasionally watch Eraserhead in sections, and if I really feel like watching a movie, I'll watch a scene or two and then stop it until I feel like picking up the story again.  The current movie that I'm actually watching is Step Across the Border, the movie about Fred Frith.  I guess I'm about 20 minutes or so into it, maybe. 

Well, Eraserhead is a hoot.

If I watch any movie the way you describe, it'd be The Forbidden Zone because it's so neatly divided up into various enjoyable scenes.

I haven't seen Step Across the Border, but a movie about Fred Frith sounds interesting. Let us know what you think if you finish it?

Happiness is a warm manatee

I saw The Marvels Thursday night because I don't like getting spoiled. I saw the 3D version because it was the first showing at 3pm.

I don't care what anyone else says. I loved the movie and it was a great light hearted popcorn flick. Nia did a great job directing, the editing might have been a little off but other than that. 4 out of 5 imo, people will say their powers switching is a plot hole but nope they explain why they switch sometimes and other times they don't.


I was this cool the whole time.

^Didn't even know there was a new marvel movie out.

I watched this:

Desperately Seeking Susan from 1985

Madonna and Rosanna Arquette star in this romcom that's kinda light on everything, including rom and com.

It's too bland and inoffensive to be good, but it's not exactly dreadful either. What saves it is Rosanna Arquette ❤️ who is a darling and just watching her do anything is kinda interesting. Madonna does a pretty good role as well, though the movie didn't actually demand much from her as an actor.

Judging by the cover, I thought it would be about them being friends and doing stuff together. It might've made for a better movie. They do meet up, but only at the very end.

It's a :3stars: fare with little to no replay value.

Happiness is a warm manatee

free on youtube
June 3rd, 2024


Big fan of the Internet
Kindness is the highest form of intelligence

#523 Nov 14, 2023, 09:18 PM Last Edit: Nov 14, 2023, 09:28 PM by ribbons
Spontaneously went to a late showing of Sofia Coppola's Priscilla on Saturday.  Everything else was sold out.  It was poetically directed and filmed as expected with a Sofia film, but unfortunately so boring and uneventful we took turns drifting to sleep.  Possibly 80% of the film was Elvis coaxing the much younger Priscilla to take pills and nod off in his velveted blacked-out bedroom.  Maybe that's why I got so sleepy. ???

The two lead actors were fine and Jacob Elordi a dead ringer for Elvis in both appearance and mannerisms.  But that was about it, imho.

#524 Nov 15, 2023, 12:47 AM Last Edit: Nov 15, 2023, 02:56 AM by Mindy
Quote from: Mindy on Sep 30, 2023, 09:17 PM

Wildy accurate and a great movie! Even had Dave Portnoy clips in it about when Robinhood halted buys;
I remember watching that interview too, this movie hit a bunch of emotional spots too;
Worth the watch and slightly educational because it brings options trading into the average person's perspective;
Overall 5/5 rating!

Went to rent this movie on amazon now and watch at home, but wtf it's $19.99 for a stream  ::)

I'm still buying it later because I want to watch again but older movies are only $4, what makes a $16 up price for a new movie?
June 3rd, 2024


Big fan of the Internet
Kindness is the highest form of intelligence