I never said Irish is a joke I said Irishness is seen as a bit of a gimmick and a joke. Something to laugh about. Which it is.

Let's stick to what you originally said, you were not talking about perceptions of the fans only, you were talking about people in other countries immediately treating you worse if you say you're English. That is completely in your head mate. It's never happened to me bar once and it was Scottish people. I've been in pubs where Germans invited me to their table and drank with me. Most people are actually alright wherever you go and don't think negatively of me because of the Empire ffs.

Ireland is a much smaller country with nowhere near the amount of traveling fans or occasions to travel. How many times do the Irish go abroad with their clubs? Never. They rarely qualify for international tournaments either, so there's a lot less chance for them to damage your rep. English fans do have a negative rep and I'm well aware of that, but that isn't what we were talking about. And it's also pretty outdated.

As for we're the only ones in the news, you're acting like Frankfurt haven't been smashing their way through Europe for the past couple of seasons. This is just one very prominent example but believe me I could post twenty more from other countries. It isn't exactly a secret - https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/64876023

The fact of the matter is this, English and Irish people are about 99% the same, British and Irish culture is very, very, very similar thanks to centuries of mixing back and forth between our islands. You know it and I know it. And there are plenty of positives to it as well.

A good time to post this - https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/65245224

Only God knows.


Dortmund are such bottlers.

2-0 up with ten minutes and throw the lead away. Go ahead on 93 minutes and throw it away again four minutes later. I really want them to win the Bundesliga but you have to do better than that. Bayern dropped points again but it doesn't matter because Dortmund couldn't take advantage.

Today, I can say that from start to finish, minus a brief spell at the start of the second half, Villa completely bossed Newcastle and played football as good as any Villa team in decades. Five wins in a row and 3 pts behind Tottenham. We can finish 5th and kick on next season. I am so proud of them.

Only God knows.

Villa are unrecognisable from Gerrard's team. Emery deserves a statue almost. I remember when they were top of the Prem, must be over 20 years ago now if not more. I was so proud. I'm almost as proud today. Absolutely stunning performance. But do you think Ollie is in danger of being poached by the bigger clubs? Another Jack? Say it ain't so!

Also fair play to Bournemouth, who showed Spurs how to play a game, and what the hell has happened to Chelsea?
Roy of the Rovers has certainly re-energised Palace, god damn him. Ah well: Forest look sure to go down, so that's something.

For once, not too much to complain about with VAR, though as usual they didn't get everything right. But at least we could concentrate on the footy.

Oh, and... DIEGO! DIEGO! DIEGO! Delighted for the guy. Always liked him. He's had a long wait, but it certainly was worth it.

Did you watch the women's FA Cup semi-final? First time I've watched women's football, as in, watched a whole match, and I have to say I was not impressed. Chelsea were okay but Villa didn't seem to know how to shoot straight. Long balls, wide shots, giving the ball away constantly. Good defending in general but whenever they were in front of the goal they either passed it back or shot wildly; didn't seem to be any sort of discipline or method really, just a shoot-and-hope idea. And yet the commentator said they were good value for money. Is this what passes, then, for women's football at the highest level? If so, you can keep it. Very disappointed.

I know mate.
The most obvious difference is the speed. It's like watching in slow motion.

Arsenal just threw the title away BTW. Saka did his party trick again. If they win it from here it'll be a miracle.

Only God knows.

Stranger things have happened in football than Arsenal winning the title from this position. The main thing they have to do is win next week at the Etihad, away to a far superior and vastly more experienced team. Stranger things have happened in football!

Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism

They couldn't afford to slip up again and they did against a shit team. It's not just about the points it's about the psychology and how they must feel after that. I think it's done. I'll eat my own cock if they win it now.

And I want them to win it but it's over I think.

Only God knows.

Quote from: jimmy jazz on Apr 16, 2023, 10:12 PMThey couldn't afford to slip up again and they did against a shit team. It's not just about the points it's about the psychology and how they must feel after that. I think it's done. I'll eat my own cock if they win it now.

And I want them to win it but it's over I think.

Right but imagine if they get a point at the Etihad. Then the title is suddenly back in their hands and they get a huge mental boost. Not done and dusted cause Newcastle away is a real test but gotta win those.

As things stand they're still good ol Arsenal who play real nice football and can't hack it at the highest level. But things change!

Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism

I hope you are right I just can't see it now  :(

Only God knows.

They have to hope that Man City slip up, and that seems unlikely. Maybe the entire team will get abducted by aliens. Stranger things have happened in football.

Quote from: Trollheart on Apr 17, 2023, 03:53 AMThey have to hope that Man City slip up, and that seems unlikely. Maybe the entire team will get abducted by aliens. Stranger things have happened in football.

They will have to hope that City slip up if they fail to get anything against them at the Etihad. As it is, it's still in their own hands.

Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism

If they can't even hold a two goal lead against a shit team like West Ham you'll see why I have doubts over their ability to win every game from now until the end of the season. The fact they've done it twice in a row is even worse. You'd have thought they'd be extra cautious not to concede after last week but no.

I have a feeling we might be able to sneak 4th place BTW. I think Newcastle are catchable. Momentum is so important and none of our rivals have it as good as Villa do. The self belief must be ridiculous inside the squad. If only we hadn't handicapped ourselves and given everyone else a 12 game head start when we had Gerrard.

Only God knows.

Quote from: jadis on Apr 17, 2023, 02:45 PM
Quote from: Trollheart on Apr 17, 2023, 03:53 AMThey have to hope that Man City slip up, and that seems unlikely. Maybe the entire team will get abducted by aliens. Stranger things have happened in football.

They will have to hope that City slip up if they fail to get anything against them at the Etihad. As it is, it's still in their own hands.

I think confidence will be at an all-time low after Saka fucked the penalty. There was no need for him to do that; it's not even as if the keeper caught it, he just simply shot wide. I think maybe the complacency was setting in there, and if Saka was/is known for missing pens then Arteta should have detailed someone like Jesus or Gabrielle to take it. Fucking stupid. Morale will be on the floor now and it will be hard to pick themselves up from that.

@jimmy jazz : let's not get ahead of ourselves. Sixth will do me fine, get us into Europe and it's far more than we could have hoped for. 4th would be great but let's not write the Toon off just cos they had a bad game against us. They can come back, and they probably will, especially after that.


Onward to more important things like a showboating Moroccan fatso who celebrated goals by donning a fez

Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism


Real Madrid have posted a bizarre five minute video accusing Barcelona of supporting Franco. Anyone speako de lingo and able to give a better analysis?

What a club and what a sport. You just don't get this juice with Cricket.

Only God knows.