Quads for me.

Did squats, 21 reps with 100kg. 6 sets and then my other stuff. Bit of hams to finish.

Only God knows.

Do you ever just hit the gym every single day? Usually I'm fine with three times a week but I'm having a strange week mentally and feel a deep need to lift to get out of my fucking head. My program is put together very well so that I work different muscle groups on different days and so far it's working. Dreading tomorrow because everything over here shuts down on Saturday, gyms included 

Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism

I don't go to the gym, but I work out at home every weekday for 25-35 minutes plus a 20+ minute walk. Once I got into the groove of that it and started seeing results I got a lot more passionate about sticking with that routine. So I feel you on that drive to just get that good workout in.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

4 days on 1 day off for me.

So that's 5 or 6 days a week depending on how it goes.

If I don't do anything my mental health is noticeably worse.

Is some at home bodyweight exercise an option while you can't get to the gym @jadis

Only God knows.

yeah I'm the same. I do four days a week at the gym. Two days on 1 day off in the middle of the week then two days again. I usually take the weekends off from the gym.

That's not to say I don't do anything, I'm just not in the gym. I do my lose weight in 30 days app that has a mixture of different calesthethic type exercises for me to do. I also walk 20 mins daily. No days off on that activity.

Today I did another cardio session.

I did 18 minutes of weight jump roping. 3 minutes doing it then 30 second rest then back to it.

I also did 10 mins punching bag and moving around it in a circle to keep my heart rate up.

I was this cool the whole time.

Quote from: jimmy jazz on Jun 23, 2023, 03:16 PM4 days on 1 day off for me.

So that's 5 or 6 days a week depending on how it goes.

If I don't do anything my mental health is noticeably worse.

Is some at home bodyweight exercise an option while you can't get to the gym @jadis

I still have the adjustable dumbbell set I bought during the pandemic (right now I'm just piling books on top of them tbh) but I don't really like exercising at home at the best of times and right now for reasons I'll explain in some other thread is not the best of times



Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism

Fit bros and sisters, what is your ideal physique? I'd probably say this:

Its Mariusz Pudzianowski. One of the greatest strength athletes of all time. I'll obviously never get the height or size but that's what I'd say is ideal.

Tom Stoltman too:

I think strongmen look better than bodybuilders who imo are too low fat and look like bloated lobsters.

What about you?

Only God knows.

Man that's too much...

Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism

Really? I don't think Stoltman is crazy big.

Only God knows.

Just not my aesthetic I guess

Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism

Like, my whole thing with exercise is that I enjoy looking fit while pretending there's no effort behind it. As though I'm above thinking about something as trivial as physical fitness. Or at least not making it a central part of my self-presentation.

With these guys, you know right away that getting yoked is their whole deal.

A few years ago I saw some insanely buff Asian guy have his Russian gf (who looked like a model trying to date oligarchs or something, very garish) come as a spectator so she could stare at him lift and be strong and masculine and all that. Looked kinda sad tbh

Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism

Suppose I understand that.

Russian girls BTW  8)

Only God knows.

Had a Russian gf once, when we were seven or thereabouts and she lived in my building and went to the same school... I'm pretty sure her name was Natasha. She loved telling everyone about one occasion where it was her who protected me. No idea what or who from. But I remember how embarrassed that made me feel and how I was trying to make her shut up.

That was the peak of my success with Russian women.

Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism

Started a 48-hour fast tonight at 5 pm, going to try to hold off on rice and just do protein shakes and some matcha tea. Doing sit-ups until I physically can't anymore, knowing me I am aiming for 500 total by the 48 hours is over.

May 21st, 2024


Big fan of the Internet
Kindness is the highest form of intelligence

Quote from: jimmy jazz on Jun 25, 2023, 06:39 PMFit bros and sisters, what is your ideal physique?

An excellent question! The mister actually personally designed my workout routine, which focuses largely on cardio, also emphasizing a particular balance of exercises in order to help me burn off fat while not focusing as much on building muscle. My hormone therapy has already caused my muscles to atrophy considerably and spending time heavily working specific muscles is not helpful beyond doing a basic group of general body workout exercises. It's something he's still tweaking and figuring out based on my own limitations and analysis of my current progress.

My ideal physique? I dunno, whatever makes me look good I guess. I obviously don't have a body type that is 100% akin to a cis woman, and even then my body is still shifting after two years of hormones, but I guess the closest I can get to a body type that is perceived as feminine would be my answer. The mister has to make adjustments to my routine to account for my ever-changing body, and those changes are often not totally predictable so a lot of this really is kind of a crapshoot, haha.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards