my cheese rating:
top tier (roughly in order):
roquefort <3
good mature Dutch cheese - incredibly versatile and with a rich, salty flavour
pecorino and parmesan - smelly deliciousness
Mozzarella, the proper soft & wet kind, not that rubber shit
mild brie
goats cheese

tomme de savoie
cheddar - not Dutch cheese but still great
gorgonzola and danish blue and misc French blue cheeses I've tried - very nice but just not roquefort

all right:
sheep's cheese
halloumi - very nice when grilled on occasion

stilton - all right but it's like cheddar with blue mold which is an odd combination
paneer - useful but bland


I would like to join Marie in preaching the goat cheese gospel. Throw that on a salad with some nuts and a good vinaigrette, chefs kiss baby.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

I'm also not crazy about goat cheese, but I've had really good ones on rare occasions.

Yesterday evening, I took the boat out and placed a crab trap with the paddock we got a couple of days ago as bait. I took the kids out before breakfast today and collected it and it had 8 edible crabs in it, 7 big ones and a small one that we tossed back in.

I put them in the freezer to sedate them while we took out the big pot and brought some water to a boil with a couple of handfuls of salt. Then we boiled the crabs and had them with baguettes for breakfast.

Like the shrimp, I generally just eat it on white bread with some mayonnaise and a squeeze of lemon.

I used to eat the brown meat, but don't anymore as it's so rich in cadmium and potentially other metals.

I'll admit I mostly did it because we had guests who are unfamiliar with our seaside culture and so wanted to show them some of the traditions. I only eat crabs about once a year now, though we would often take the boat out at night, bring a flashlight and hand pick crabs from the reefs when I was a kid / teenager.

Still, it's been a while now and was surprisingly yummy.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Quote from: jadis on Jul 21, 2023, 05:36 PMAny of y'all like beets? I discovered that you can buy them peeled and cooked, which is a game changer. And apparently it's one of the best, healthiest carbs you can have. Adding them to an omelette, tuna salad etc

I don't mess with beets. My mother always tried to get me to like them but bleh. I can't get over the taste.

Sure he has great health benefits/properties but I'll pass.

I was this cool the whole time.

I ate this last week.

Its a chicken burger, a double cheeseburger, chilli fries and a pot of cheese sauce.

I haven't cooked anything for a while but I will do a curry soon so I may bless this thread with some pics.

Only God knows.

Yesterday, me and my wife went to this Portuguese food event at a wine bar in town. It was organized by a newly started 3 man import business who import portuguesian wines. Their "talent scout" is from Portugal and had worked with a chef to present various wines along with traditional portuguesian dishes.

There was so much food, like roe salad, squid salad, croquettes, fish soup, things I don't know the name of. It was all delicious. I had to skip dessert, though, as after 5 hours of eating, our babysitter was wondering where we were.

Then we just had blue mussel soup today. Sometimes we pick the mussels ourselves, but today we just got them from the store on our way home from the beach. We got a bad batch as a lot of the shells were dead and were tossed aside, but there was still enough for dinner and it was really delicious.

This is what a bowl of soup and blue mussels might look like here.

Anyone else like mussels?

Happiness is a warm manatee

No but my dad loves stuff like that. Mussels, cockles, whelks. Not for me. I used to like cockles when I was a kid but I had them a few years ago and they were revolting.

That looks good though mate honest.

Only God knows.

I'm a big fan of most seafood honestly, and mussels are no exception.

I haven't cooked for dinner since we came down with Covid. I've been making breakfast though, I threw together chorizo omelettes for both of us yesterday. Turned out pretty good, the spiciness I think helped to offset the reduced sense of taste from Covid.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

Quote from: jimmy jazz on Aug 13, 2023, 01:45 AMNo but my dad loves stuff like that. Mussels, cockles, whelks. Not for me. I used to like cockles when I was a kid but I had them a few years ago and they were revolting.

That looks good though mate honest.

We don't eat mussels regularly, but every summer I get a craving for them at least once.

It's a bit weird, but I don't think I've ever eaten cockles. They're often easy to find here if you're on a beach, but for some reason, there's just no culture for eating them.

I had razor clams last year. It was okay, but not great. Oysters are likewise. I'll eat them, but have no special love for them.

Scallops  are amazing though ❤️

Happiness is a warm manatee

Quote from: Guybrush on Aug 13, 2023, 02:40 AMWe don't eat mussels regularly, but every summer I get a craving for them at least once.

It's a bit weird, but I don't think I've ever eaten cockles. They're often easy to find here if you're on a beach, but for some reason, there's just no culture for eating them.

I had razor clams last year. It was okay, but not great. Oysters are likewise. I'll eat them, but have no special love for them.

Scallops  are amazing though ❤️

Oh heck yes, right there with you on scallops. I use those in my cioppino seafood soup and it's always a treat.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

I'm not a picky eater, but I despise scallops. It's a texture thing. :puke:

One of the restaurants here that was started by a somewhat famous chef in Norway have an appetizer they simply call Scallops to die for. You get two and they're the best two mouthfuls I've found in these parts 🙂

Happiness is a warm manatee

Scallops cooked by a proper French chef is one of the best things you can have

I don't know why they label it as 100% chocolate when it's clearly not (it's palpably sweeter) but it's great

Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism

That is weird. They sell those chocolates here too, but I'll admit I prefer the less darker variants.

Also, chocolate with salt in it is 👌

Happiness is a warm manatee

Yeah this one is really great 

I'm sure you have the Haagen-Dazs salted caramel ice cream in Norway. I've been to quite a few artisanal creameries on the east coast and none does salted caramel quite as good as them imo 

Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism