Quote from: jadis on Aug 22, 2023, 09:23 PMDoes she do chai? When done properly it's as good as drugs

Omfg I want someone to do authentic chai for me. I almost convinced someone to do it but I fucked up and we ended up beefing so she's totally not going to do it for me now sadly.

I was this cool the whole time.

Quote from: DJChameleon on Aug 26, 2023, 01:35 PMOmfg I want someone to do authentic chai for me. I almost convinced someone to do it but I fucked up and we ended up beefing so she's totally not going to do it for me now sadly.


Only God knows.

A couple more food items from the land of the fishy bread spreads.

A very popular spread here is mackerel mashed in tomato sauce. It's almost always eaten with mayonnaise and in Denmark, you can find it ready mixed with mayonnaise and called mackerel salad.

Anyways, this is what it might look like:

Today, I ate a tin of sardines we've had in the fridge for about a year. I always prefer pickled herring which we always have, so this tin hasn't been prioritized. However, it was a special one as this one came from Poland or Lithuania or something and looked real fancy with gold lettering and a see-through lid.

I always eat sardines like this with mayo and these were real good, much better than the ones we usually get. They were a little bit salty and smoky.

Without delving into the topic, I figure it must be one of the healthiest bread spreads out there.

  • It's fish with proteins and omega 3 fatty acids and whatnot
  • Sardines are at a lower trophic level than many other fish that get turned into products, like tuna, and so should contain way less toxins / heavy metals
  • You also eat bones and spine etc. for more minerals / nutrients
  • The oil is olive oil, also very healthy

@jimmy jazz maybe you should consider swapping your pre-workout tuna snack for sardines 🙂

Happiness is a warm manatee

I have eaten sardines, mackerels and pilchards in tins. With tomato sauce in them as well. I don't particularly like them and prefer tuna but I could switch it up every now and then.

You can get mackerel fillets in all sorts of sauces in tins and they are elite but they're also expensive. Sardines and pilchards not so much but not as nice imo.

Only God knows.

There's some kind of tinned fish in tomato sauce that a few guys used to have after training (or before? not sure) in the bar area of my old gym in Canada and the smell was horrendous. Visually too looked awful. Among the most disgusting things I've ever seen. That bad.


Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism

Quote from: jadis on Aug 28, 2023, 07:55 AMThere's some kind of tinned fish in tomato sauce that a few guys used to have after training (or before? not sure) in the bar area of my old gym in Canada and the smell was horrendous. Visually too looked awful. Among the most disgusting things I've ever seen. That bad.

The tinned tomato mackerel here should definitely not go anywhere except onto bread and then inside the body. It doesn't smell great and anything it touches gets a reddish oil stain. It quickly ruins childs' clothes.

It's pretty nasty, but it tastes good.

I remember this from Norwegian television in the 90s.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Another fishy spread that I think is way more popular here than most places is smoked and salted cod's caviar. It comes out of a tube and is eaten as a spread like this:

Again with the mayonnaise. Most of us are so white up here.

Is this familiar to anyone else?

Happiness is a warm manatee

I can do sardines. Used to have to eat them often when I was younger same with mackerel. Not a fan of them anymore.

I'm on the tuna train right now. My typical lunch is a cup of brown rice and some tuna fish.

I was this cool the whole time.

I dig sardines. That mayo and sardines on bread feels like it would really hit the spot.

And tuna is always a staple food for both of us. One go-to sandwich I pack for the mister's work lunches is a basic tuna salad on honey oat bread with lettuce, red onion and deli mustard. For myself I really like adding a little kick to my tuna salad by swirling in some of the liquid from a jar of pickled jalapenos into it; I like the texture better than adding the jalapenos themselves and you can easily adjust it to taste.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

Not trying to bum anyone out, but.. while I do eat tuna and like it a lot, I personally wouldn't eat cans of it every week due to the high Mercury content 🤔

While I'm an adventurous eater, I'll admit I can get hung up on things like this. But anyways, bigger fish = more mercury, roughly speaking.

But I also saw an interview with David Lynch where he says he eats tuna every day and he seems.. fine?

Happiness is a warm manatee

There is mercury in it but you have to eat a lot more than a few cans a week. I eat one tin a day and I'm fine. I'd have to eat three or four times that over a prolonged period of time to poison myself.

Tasty, tasty tuna! 🐟

Only God knows.

Quote from: Guybrush on Aug 29, 2023, 06:39 AMNot trying to bum anyone out, but.. while I do eat tuna and like it a lot, I personally wouldn't eat cans of it every week due to the high Mercury content 🤔

While I'm an adventurous eater, I'll admit I can get hung up on things like this. But anyways, bigger fish = more mercury, roughly speaking.

But I also saw an interview with David Lynch where he says he eats tuna every day and he seems.. fine?

I always thought advertising that tuna has high mercury was just a fear tactic. I don't think the average person consumes enough to be worried about it. I would advise against pregnant women consuming it.

I was this cool the whole time.

Quote from: Guybrush on Aug 29, 2023, 06:39 AMNot trying to bum anyone out, but.. while I do eat tuna and like it a lot, I personally wouldn't eat cans of it every week due to the high Mercury content 🤔

While I'm an adventurous eater, I'll admit I can get hung up on things like this. But anyways, bigger fish = more mercury, roughly speaking.

But I also saw an interview with David Lynch where he says he eats tuna every day and he seems.. fine?

Appreciate the concern! It's not always the same week to week, but I guess on average I usually will pack him a tuna sandwich once to twice a week, and I'll usually eat one myself for lunch maybe once a week. I'd wager on the low end of 7-8 ounces of it on an average weekly basis for each of us.

But admittedly mercury is not something that's on our mind all the time, so thanks for looking out. We do eat other seafood pretty frequently but it's usually lower mercury stuff like shrimp and salmon. But it's worth looking into, for sure.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

A previous health anxiety made me wary of stuff like this and while it's a long time since I struggled with that, I have some lingering concerns.

For similar reasons, I'm hesitant to indulge too much in game meat (lead from bullets) or whale meat (like tuna, but maybe worse).

Happiness is a warm manatee

Quote from: jadis on Aug 28, 2023, 07:55 AMThere's some kind of tinned fish in tomato sauce that a few guys used to have after training (or before? not sure) in the bar area of my old gym in Canada and the smell was horrendous. Visually too looked awful. Among the most disgusting things I've ever seen. That bad.

Ever tried surströmming?