Saturday I decided not to do my calisthethics because I knew I would walking a shit ton in the city. By the end off the day. I had hit 19k steps and my shirt was drenched in sweat from walking in the heat and stuffy hot subways.

I was this cool the whole time.

Question for everyone: Why do you train/exercise? What is your reason or motivation?

Only God knows.

Gives me energy, helps me concentrate, gets me out of my own head. Makes me feel more in touch with my own body. Puts a spring in my step.

Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism

Quote from: jimmy jazz on Jul 16, 2023, 12:46 PMQuestion for everyone: Why do you train/exercise? What is your reason or motivation?

I gained a ton of weight during my later college years and after, and Covid only made it worse. In January 2022 I was 343 pounds. So to make up for those years of unhealthy living, to stay as healthy as I can for my hormone therapy, and to be able to fit into my clothes, I entered a workout and diet plan, enforced by my wonderful partner of course, that has been very effective.

It works well now that I'm living with him 24/7, he keeps me on the ball and always inspires me to give my 110% to stay healthy. He recently instated a minimum on my water intake, I have to drink at least 4 16 ounce bottles per day in addition to my regular drinks with meals. It's been easy enough to adjust, the most annoying part is having to reapply my lipstick much more frequently, lol.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

Quote from: jimmy jazz on Jul 16, 2023, 12:46 PMQuestion for everyone: Why do you train/exercise? What is your reason or motivation?

I mainly just run/walk around the park's circle because I need to get outside and enjoy the weather. I'm not in top-level fitness so it's healthy and good for me.
May 21st, 2024


Big fan of the Internet
Kindness is the highest form of intelligence

How about yourself JJ?

Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism

Few reasons.

The main one is vanity I will be honest. I'm not very confident in my appearance and this is something that I can control, being able to see my body change and become more in shape boosts my confidence. I also started because I was very small which I think is common for a lot of people who start lifting weights, and they want to bulk up. Was about 17 tbf.

Also fitness/health, I want to be in shape when I'm old, I don't want to be one of those people who lets themselves go, and knowing that I am in a better position to protect myself and other people is good motivation.

That's pretty much it.

Only God knows.

Quote from: jimmy jazz on Jul 15, 2023, 01:24 PMIf you've got some dumbbells, a barbell and about 100kg in weight you'll be set for a couple of years imo.

Can't wait to see your progress and physique!!!  8)

God damnit, my ugly body is the reason I wanted to work out in the first place. My kids like to play with my taffy tits, for Darwin's sake. Now you want me to flaunt them? No way, José.

I'm gonna go into hiding until I'm swole enough to rejoin the general public.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Quote from: jimmy jazz on Jul 16, 2023, 12:46 PMQuestion for everyone: Why do you train/exercise? What is your reason or motivation?

I've been diabetic for going on 10 years now. They always bring up how exercise helps your blood sugar numbers and A1C but I just didn't pay it any attention. I just took the large doses of insulin and whatever medication they put me on. I'm turning 40 this year and I'm fed up taking as much insulin as I do and want to wean off of some of the pills I'm supposed to take daily. That's why at the beginning of the year I forced myself back in the gym.

I worried about the age thing and how much harder it is to lose weight as you get older but also I wanted to not feel as tired and get these blood sugar numbers super under control.

I forgot to take a before picture before I started my journey but on my Birthday this year I'm making a cringey post about "this is what 40 looks like". Hopefully the thirst trap I'm planning in my head looks good.

I was this cool the whole time.

Quote from: DJChameleon on Jul 18, 2023, 11:42 AMI've been diabetic for going on 10 years now. They always bring up how exercise helps your blood sugar numbers and A1C but I just didn't pay it any attention. I just took the large doses of insulin and whatever medication they put me on. I'm turning 40 this year and I'm fed up taking as much insulin as I do and want to wean off of some of the pills I'm supposed to take daily. That's why at the beginning of the year I forced myself back in the gym.

I worried about the age thing and how much harder it is to lose weight as you get older but also I wanted to not feel as tired and get these blood sugar numbers super under control.

I forgot to take a before picture before I started my journey but on my Birthday this year I'm making a cringey post about "this is what 40 looks like". Hopefully the thirst trap I'm planning in my head looks good.

It will. I've got one I took on the day I started and then three years on and you can see a difference.

With your diabetes is it possible to get healthy enough through exercise and taking care of yourself that you could eventually come off any medication or are you on that for life now?

Only God knows.

QuoteWith your diabetes is it possible to get healthy enough through exercise and taking care of yourself that you could eventually come off any medication or are you on that for life now?

I don't know the first thing about medicine but also I'm guessing that the only people who would confidently answer this question are doctors, who would like to keep him on medication for life.

I'm sure they'll be changes in DJC's condition once he gets in shape. But maybe to go off the meds entirely what you need is to do a bunch of research, to consult the right people and to be brave enough to tell the doctor to fuck off. Dunno...

Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism

Quote from: jimmy jazz on Jul 18, 2023, 12:58 PMIt will. I've got one I took on the day I started and then three years on and you can see a difference.

With your diabetes is it possible to get healthy enough through exercise and taking care of yourself that you could eventually come off any medication or are you on that for life now?

I have been working with my diabetic nurse that I see on a monthly basis and she has been reducing how much I take. So I am heading in the right direction. She said we have to ween my body off and not just do it cold turkey. I went from taking 3 different types of insulin and one of those three I had to take three times a day. Now I only take 2 types and one is a daily poke and the other is a weekly poke so vast improvement. I'm hoping to get to the point where I only take the weekly insulin.

I was this cool the whole time.

Quote from: DJChameleon on Jul 18, 2023, 10:37 PMI have been working with my diabetic nurse that I see on a monthly basis and she has been reducing how much I take. So I am heading in the right direction. She said we have to ween my body off and not just do it cold turkey. I went from taking 3 different types of insulin and one of those three I had to take three times a day. Now I only take 2 types and one is a daily poke and the other is a weekly poke so vast improvement. I'm hoping to get to the point where I only take the weekly insulin.

Good to hear you're in good hands! I'm convinced you can beat this thing

Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism

Quote from: jadis on Jul 19, 2023, 02:54 PMGood to hear you're in good hands! I'm convinced you can beat this thing

I feel it too. It's crazy how much of a difference exercising consistently affects diabetes in that way. I know they say for type 2 diabetics that weight loss helps but truly it's a chronic condition that I will have for life. Even if I become stick thin, I will still need to be aware of my blood sugar levels and take some form of medicine sadly.

It runs in my family, my mother and a few uncles are/were diabetic. Type 1s and Type 2s.

I was this cool the whole time.

I see, though I wouldn't take today's prevailing definition of "chronic" (whatever it is...) as the final word. Purely because these definitions tend to change with every paradigm-shifting discovery, not because I know a single thing about this.

Maybe there's an Indian guy who knows a herb which would be much better for you than all the medicines they prescribe. Keep your mind open for the possibility of something like this one weird Indian guy is what I'm trying to say. 

Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism