Quote from: jimmy jazz on Dec 26, 2023, 01:00 PMI might be in, but other than tracking my lifts I don't know what to record other than muscle mass. Personally don't think I'll make much in terms of gains unless I start to cut and I don't want to because I'm not at that stage yet.

It would be great if we could get one person from the forum who doesn't currently do anything, to get involved.

Absolutely. I think @innerspaceboy should join.

Come on, ISB! 🙂

Happiness is a warm manatee

8 minutes total planked + 30 minute walk outside

May 21st, 2024


Big fan of the Internet
Kindness is the highest form of intelligence

Quote from: jimmy jazz on Dec 26, 2023, 01:00 PMI might be in, but other than tracking my lifts I don't know what to record other than muscle mass. Personally don't think I'll make much in terms of gains unless I start to cut and I don't want to because I'm not at that stage yet.

It would be great if we could get one person from the forum who doesn't currently do anything, to get involved.

It's more about tracking personal progress but if you feel like you aren't going to be making much progress and your current workout is strictly on maintenance mode then feel free to sit this one out then.

I was this cool the whole time.

Quote from: DJChameleon on Dec 26, 2023, 09:35 PMIt's more about tracking personal progress but if you feel like you aren't going to be making much progress and your current workout is strictly on maintenance mode then feel free to sit this one out then.

I'll take part because I want other people to.

Its all good.

Did some quads and hams yesterday, shoulders and calves today. Massive help just getting in and doing something.

I'll be flying again before I know it.

Only God knows.

I finally got a 2 hours workout in yesterday after a Christmas break.

Felt a little weak from the rattling cough etc, but it was still really nice. I'm watching Seinfeld episodes whil I work out still. On season 7 now.

Happiness is a warm manatee

The following is from Stan Collymore.

Its about running and general gym but you can apply it to weights or anything you want to achieve fitness wise really.

QuoteGym/Exercise newbies.

1. If you plan to jog or run, INVEST in trainers that are comfortable, long lasting and give plenty of cushion. You don't put scooter wheels on a bin lorry. Your converse all star or 20 year old sambas will get you injured.

2. Intervals. Read my last post. It keeps your brain interested.

3. Make a playlist. If the Rocky theme gets you through that 9/10 RPE minute, then listen to it. Songs that gets you going.

4. Don't negotiate with yourself when you get up or have finished work and say "I'll go tomorrow". Have your gear in a bag near the door ( kit, trainers, bottle, gum, small gym towel, toiletry bag, big towel) and Just. Fucking. Go. Out. The. Door. I've never seen anyone get out the door, walk 200 yards or enter the gym and not do something. When that voice says "stay in bed" or "I'll go tomorrow", that's when you NEED to go.

5. 18 and 80 year olds will chat to you within a month at a gym. It's a place where everyone in there is pushing their own boundaries and the respect you'll get from everyone will be self fulfilling. That chat and "hey, how are you?" is in itself a mental health tonic.

6. Perfume and aftershave. Never wear either in the gym. Body heat plus perfume or aftershave amplifies to become genuinely off putting to others.

7. Buy a cheap 1 litre water bottle. Sip not glug regularly in the gym. Any left after the session, chug the lot.

8. Motivation. Won't exist 90% of the sessions you do. That's the truth. But the habit of going will put you through even the hardest days when you don't fancy it, and often come out as the most satisfying sessions. I'll repeat, you will not be motivated 90% + times you exercise. But the payback when you feel incredible, recognise yourself in a mirror, have plenty of energy for yourself, friends and family is priceless. It really is.

9. Do it for you. It's your time for you. 1 hour, 30 mins, 10 mins. Fuck everything and everyone else off. You've earned the right to build yourself as you want to be. Take all the credit because only you are doing it.

10. Get an Instagram account. There are thousands of free PT Sessions, runners, weightlifters, women's sessions, peri menopausal fitness recommendations, limited ability sessions, the lot. Follow a few and let them guide you. There is no longer an excuse that you don't know what to do or eat, it's only your current habits holding you back. Change the habits and create new ones.

11. Patience. That's not an excuse to not go until next Thursday, it means having painfully small goals. You're lighting a tiny 1 twig fire that come summertime will be a roaring fire.

12. Weights. 10 reps, 3 times.

Quads ( front thigh)
Hamstrings ( back thigh)
Chest Press
Low Row
Pec Fly

13. Food/alcohol. Brutal but simple. There are no safe levels of alcohol, none. So if  you're a regular or big drinker, I wouldn't bother starting. A recipe to breakdown and be frustrated. Not my place to tell anyone not to drink, but one fact remains, it will never take you to a healthier life, even 1. As for food, Google "eating for good health". Like alcohol, if you went overboard on the sweets, cheese, massively overindulged to go to the gym and be blowing out of your arse after 5 mins, it's what you're eating, not the gym and exercise that's the problem. Many who struggle mentally have horrific diets. Do you? Start there.

14. Relationship with exercise.
You exercise to feel good, be healthy and have longevity. You don't exercise so you can have an extra 2 curries in a week or extra bottle of wine. The latter destroys the ability to do the former well. Choose your hard as they say. A hard 1 hour 3 times a week that leaves you bouncing? Or 4500 calories that tasted great but leave you morbidly obese, using statins and 5 other meds. Exercise and good health destroy ailments. Why? Because your body is fucking a truly amazing tool when used properly.

15. Go for it. There's many on here who'll cheer you on. Me included.

Only God knows.

Some good advice there 🙂

I had a short session yesterday where I again did a new dumbbell benching best, so taking a little time off definitely did the trick. I'm doing them on a flat bench with 20 kg dumbbells. I had a hard time doing 4 sets of 9 reps and this was like back in October, I believe. I had a hard time progressing from that.

After my break, recommended by Jimmy, I did 4 sets of 10.. and then yesterday, I did 4 sets of 11 reps.

Today, I did one legged squats using a small bench. I prefer to do squats etc. elsewhere, but can't get to those places because of the snow, so did these to try something new and to keep my legs from withering and shriveling up.

I did 4 sets of 12 reps for each leg and added a bit in the last sets to get to failure. No weight used, but felt heavy still.

I have to say I hated it, though 😄 doing one leg for 12 reps and then the other made me winded and sweaty.

Happiness is a warm manatee

So because I have been out if the gym for so long. I started back two days ago and doing purely a cardio week. Different types, I need to get my body moving again.

Next week I will resume with Chest, cardio, Chest, cardio then back.

I no longer have to go at 3am but my body is so used to it. I still go at that time.

I was this cool the whole time.

Seen loads of people swear by BSS as the best mass builder for quads but yes they are hellish to do and the burn is really bad. They do build your legs nicely though  8)

Only God knows.

Once it started to snow I went outside for a 40-minute walk

May 21st, 2024


Big fan of the Internet
Kindness is the highest form of intelligence

Glad you got some snow, @Mindy 🙂

Quote from: jimmy jazz on Jan 04, 2024, 10:11 PMSeen loads of people swear by BSS as the best mass builder for quads but yes they are hellish to do and the burn is really bad. They do build your legs nicely though  8)

Yes, I'm gonna do some BSS today along with rows and maybe pull-ups.

A friend wants to bring me to CrossFit this week 🤔 while it sounds a little noisy, I figure I should, but I still have a pretty bad cough.

Got a doctor's appointment tomorrow.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Didn't do much, but still happy with today's workout. I was finally back at the work gym and got to do squats on the Smith machine again. I've missed it.

Did three sets of 80 kg x 10. I thought maybe I could also do a forth set of 10, but stopped at 8 as I felt spent. I'm blaming the bronchitis. Still very happy and felt good to be squatting again 🙂

Then I did three sets of dumbbell flys, but only partial reps.. then I had to run and pick up my wife and kids.

Happiness is a warm manatee

I did 20 mins cardio. I think my next cardio day. I'm gonna bike. Did the elliptical as usual.

I was this cool the whole time.

Jeebus, the soreness / DOMS is intense after last workout. I may have overdone it 😅

Happiness is a warm manatee

40 minute walk outside around the parking lot

May 21st, 2024


Big fan of the Internet
Kindness is the highest form of intelligence