I should've gone to bed, but stayed up a little late to get 4 sets of squats and calf raises in before bedtime. Did most of upper body yesterday. Will do some lateral raises and maybe flys tomorrow.

I got little time for full workouts, so I'm just trying to do something every day still.

But I've been feeling good the last few workouts now. I think I'm progressing again.

Happiness is a warm manatee

I need to get back in the swing of working out again so I tried out the 30 minute circuit room that PF has. I like that they have a green light/red light system. So you work out while it is green and then red light means switch to a new machine. I feel like the green light stays green for a minute and a half or two mins.

I was this cool the whole time.

Do people wipe down those things after using them?

Happiness is a warm manatee

Probably not. I could go around and wipe them all down before using them but I don't care and not as much as a germaphobe as my girl. She takes wet wipes with her to wipe down before and after she uses machines at the gym. She's like I'm not getting a yeast infection from other dirty mother fuckers.

When in reality she's talking about me. I don't care enough to wipe down machines. I will sometimes wipe down the elliptical after using it. Like the handles but thats it.

I was this cool the whole time.

Quote from: DJChameleon on Nov 29, 2023, 08:02 AMProbably not. I could go around and wipe them all down before using them but I don't care and not as much as a germaphobe as my girl. She takes wet wipes with her to wipe down before and after she uses machines at the gym. She's like I'm not getting a yeast infection from other dirty mother fuckers.

When in reality she's talking about me. I don't care enough to wipe down machines. I will sometimes wipe down the elliptical after using it. Like the handles but thats it.


Only God knows.

Had a great workout today 🙂 I stuck with my plan, though, upping the weights on my squats and going back to 4 X 8 reps. I'll admit I was kinda eager to increase the weights cause I haven't done that in a while 😄

Of course 4 X 8 X 80 kg is easier than the 4 X 12 X 70 kg that I was doing last time, but it's nice to get a little familiar with the weight before the real hard sets. Looking forward to next squat session.

I then did some shoulder presses on the Smith machine, but my right shoulder makes an audible click at some point in the movement 🤔 it's not great, so may have to skip those.

I finished with some chest presses and dumbbell curls. I now do those while seated and leaning back a little. It makes quite a bit of difference as the stretch on the bicep is greater in that position. It was a tip I picked up from a youtuber, Jonni Shreve.

One thing, though. For a few weeks at least, the backside of my thumb on my left arm has been numb and felt kinda cold or tingly. I figure there must be some kinda nerve pinch, but I don't actually have any very noticeable aches.

Anyone else had this?

Happiness is a warm manatee

Day 2 of doing the circuit and I followed up with a 10 min elliptical cardio at the end. I also tacked on a 10 min massage from those massage chairs. OMFG, I feel like I want to do that every single day after I work out. It felt so good.

I'm not sure about the thumb thing. I have never had that happen to me before. I'm a hypochondriac so if that happened to me, I would be at the drs. office post haste!

I was this cool the whole time.

Quote from: DJChameleon on Nov 30, 2023, 08:53 PMI'm not sure about the thumb thing. I have never had that happen to me before. I'm a hypochondriac so if that happened to me, I would be at the drs. office post haste!

Yes. It might be a sign that my time is coming to and end, but.. I've had a good run 👍

Happiness is a warm manatee

Quote from: Guybrush on Nov 30, 2023, 10:49 PMYes. It might be a sign that my time is coming to and end, but.. I've had a good run 👍


I'm sad that I'm currently sick with a cold but even though I maybe should have gone and done at least cardio at the gym. I just don't feel right spreading my sick germs around. So I decided to stay home. I did a few incline push ups and I'm going to do a few curls and whatever that motion is that targets triceps. I forgot the technical term.

I was this cool the whole time.

Quote from: DJChameleon on Dec 11, 2023, 05:36 PM:laughing:

I'm sad that I'm currently sick with a cold but even though I maybe should have gone and done at least cardio at the gym. I just don't feel right spreading my sick germs around. So I decided to stay home. I did a few incline push ups and I'm going to do a few curls and whatever that motion is that targets triceps. I forgot the technical term.

Maybe skull crushers or something tricep extension?

I did a seated cable row at home yesterday. I actually sat on my knees on the floor, had two resistance bands secured one end to my Pull-Up bar and the other to a push up bar / handle. Then I pulled that handle into my crotch, sorta.

Using resistance bands in place of real cables has been a pretty bad experience, but this one actually felt like a proper exercise.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Still feeling like I've plateaued on a few exercises, like bench presses and dumbbell curls. Not sure how to break through, but maybe changing exercises? More dips and pushups? 🤔

Happiness is a warm manatee

Quote from: Guybrush on Dec 14, 2023, 09:58 PMStill feeling like I've plateaued on a few exercises, like bench presses and dumbbell curls. Not sure how to break through, but maybe changing exercises? More dips and pushups? 🤔

Assuming you're eating enough, first thing you should do is lower the weight and reps. Try doing half the weight and half the reps. Obviously it will be easy and you're not lifting to failure. Think of it like taking one step back to take two forward. That should work. After a week or two try again. It won't work forever and eventually you will need to switch it up but should work for now.

Do you do dumbbell flies?

Only God knows.

Quote from: jimmy jazz on Dec 15, 2023, 01:00 AMAssuming you're eating enough, first thing you should do is lower the weight and reps. Try doing half the weight and half the reps. Obviously it will be easy and you're not lifting to failure. Think of it like taking one step back to take two forward. That should work. After a week or two try again. It won't work forever and eventually you will need to switch it up but should work for now.

Do you do dumbbell flies?

Thanks mate, I'll give that a shot 🙂

I rarely do dumbbell flys because of shoulders, but last time I tried a week or so ago, I did them as lengthened partials and that felt like a much better exercise for me. So I can probably up my fly game now.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Dumbbell flies are great for me. Love them.

I don't go heavy, use them at the end of my chest workouts and really slow, big stretch and squeeze at the top. Great exercise

Some exercises just don't agree with some people's bodies though, I get that. I'm glad I can do these because I don't have access to cable flies.

I hope my fellow roiders are looking forward to Christmas and the vast amount of delicious food we will all be eating. Gainz, gainz, gainz!

Only God knows.

walked for 45 minutes listening to an audiobook  8)

May 21st, 2024


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