King krule? That's some kind of rapper right?


Throw your dog the invisible bone.

Animals as Leaders

"An underrated muso" but don't quote me on it..

#33 Mar 31, 2024, 10:54 PM Last Edit: Mar 31, 2024, 11:07 PM by Lexi Darling
It's none of those three.

Third hint: "Nature" here does not refer to any animal.

If nobody guesses correctly in 8 hours, I can reveal it if people want to move on.


Dead Kennedys? maybe not but can't think of anything else

It's not the DK.

I can reveal it now if that's preferable to waiting.


Just one last gasp attempt, Lexi. Green Day.

"An underrated muso" but don't quote me on it..


Alright, I think enough guesses have been made. Thanks to all of you who made them.

The answer I had in mind was Linkin Park. My hint "think outside the spelling bee" was a reference to the president's name "Lincoln" being misspelled in their name, and "nature" was meant to refer to an outdoor park. "The nature of a president" = the park of Lincoln.

Maybe that was a little too nebulous? Anyway, thanks again, looking forward to the next challenge!


That is second level crypticism. My Dad used to do the Times cryptic crosswords which would always require this double reverse back-engineering of the clues. Linkin Park makes sense now!  :clap:

"An underrated muso" but don't quote me on it..

How about this one?:

"A religious figurehead will engage in romantic pursuit"

how confident can I be that I know this band?

Quote from: Marie Monday on Apr 02, 2024, 07:12 PMhow confident can I be that I know this band?

Fairly? I know for a fact that several people on here know them and their music well. I guess that might give a slight hint

Quote from: GD on Apr 01, 2024, 01:29 AMHow about this one?:

"A religious figurehead will engage in romantic pursuit"

God Is My Copilot?


Quote from: Lexi Darling on Apr 02, 2024, 09:42 PMGod Is My Copilot?

I didn't even know of that band! :laughing: But good guess I suppose? I will say that guessing mine will require even more association and less literal-mindedness then your last riddle did so I might have made it a tad too difficult, even though I'm confident many (or even most?) of you know the band

Less literal? That rules out my Frankie Goes To Hollywood effort.

"An underrated muso" but don't quote me on it..