It's not uncivil to call something naive, if it actually is naive.

I interpreted tore's question to be why the stats were so high and what the source of that was. Not that he is bewildered by the mere concept of antisemitism existing. I still say that's really not at all a naive question and in order to say that it is you have to believe that there is an obvious reason why this poll came out as it did.  To me it's not obvious at all.  I gave my best guess but I don't think any of us really know for sure what drove that one particular poll result.

Well I don't entirely agree about the obviousness (what with general antisemitism, conspiracies about rich jew bankers, the current developments in Israel, and the (in general good) concern of young left wing people with colonialism) and I didn't interpret it quite like that, but agree to disagree

Quote from: Marie Monday on Dec 18, 2023, 08:45 PMnah dude pointing out that something is naive is hardly uncivil. I still think even in its most generous interpretation the question was a bit naive, and a face-value interpretation followed the disussion guybrush was replying to perfectly well. I see nothing weird about having interpreted it that way. I know I sometimes get impatient or dismissive in discussions, I'll take your point on that, but 1. I'm used to posting MB spicy style but already water it down here, I honestly don't think it's that bad and 2. I'm tired and upset about the Israel/Palestine conflict so patience is not my greatest virtue there

Okay I get the last statement you made but instead of just calling him naive, you could have just answered the question or if you didn't feel like answering the question then you didn't need to post at all. It's just weird to drop it to say "ha ha you are a naive person for asking a question" then kind of buzz off without answering said question.

If it seems like I'm being defensive, it's because I'm a curious person and I ask questions when I don't know/understand something. I've had people do what you do or just like be super dismissive and insulting instead of answering the simple question.

I subscribe to the school of thought that they are no dumb questions. Just questions that have gone unanswered. No matter how simple the question is, I would answer it for the person but that's just me and I don't expect me out of others.

I was this cool the whole time.

Team Marie.

a particle; a fragment of totality

My actions are being called weird, how uncivil! Mods!

#81 Dec 19, 2023, 09:53 AM Last Edit: Dec 19, 2023, 10:06 AM by Marie Monday
But seriously, 'haha you're being naive' was not at all the tone of my post. And the was you describe the context is also not right

that might not have been your intention for the post but that's definitely how it came off to me. I don't want to speak for anyone else besides myself but it very much screamed that.

You can have dissenting opinions. I'm not trying to say we have to be all care bear over here but your initial naive post didn't really add anything to the discussion. All you had to do was answer his question or don't post anything at all.

Mad weirdo vibes.

I was this cool the whole time.

Mate guybrush was wondering why jadis was being so sarcastic and I just pointed out that I thought his question was naive as a possible explanation for that

okay got it. I'll let this go.

I was this cool the whole time.

:beer: cheers for putting up with my silly mood

Next time either post or don't, Marie. That's where you went wrong. You can either do it or not do it, but it came across to me like you did but didn't.

a particle; a fragment of totality

Quote from: Marie Monday on Dec 19, 2023, 11:48 AMMate guybrush was wondering why jadis was being so sarcastic and I just pointed out that I thought his question was naive as a possible explanation for that

the reason he got so sarcastic is because the only tools in the ziomist toolbelt are sarcasm, antisemitism accusations and other such Jewish mind tricks.

Love ya jadis.  No hard feelings pal. :p

Quote from: degrassi.knoll on Dec 19, 2023, 06:02 PMNext time either post or don't, Marie. That's where you went wrong. You can either do it or not do it, but it came across to me like you did but didn't.

I was this cool the whole time.

I feel like we have run this mini argument into the ground guys.

Time to get back to the issue at hand.  Raise your hand if you are confident Israel isn't going to end up ethnically cleansing the Gaza strip.

So far they aren't giving much in the way of indicating who it is they want to take over Gaza,  after they finish Hamas off (assuming that they manage to do so). That's not exactly the most hopeful sign for their long term prospects.