Hey fellow swollen members,

I thought a thread on this topic might help keep us from getting needlessly hurt in our quest for the beef.

Have you been hurt while exercising/ lifting? What happened and has it changed the way you work out?

Stay safe 💪

Happiness is a warm manatee

I managed to fuck up my knee and elbow around the same time. The reason being that I was very sick for two weeks and immediately after that started training with my pre-illness weight despite being quite weakened and of course hurt myself.
My general advice is to not stop lifting altogether*. I stopped completely for some time and things didn't get better at all. Then I started training with higher reps and lower weights instead, really focusing on proper form and I'm completely fine now.
It's also important to warm up properly, especially on heavy compounds. You don't have to do anything fancy, just start with the bar and keep adding weight while decreasing reps. Meanwhile static stretches don't really help and can even hurt one's performance.

*this obviously depends on the injury


Injuries and strains are somewhat common for me, as much physical and tactile work as I do, I'm not the most dextrous person in the world. A sprain here, a pulled muscle there, though I'm not sure if any of it was specifically caused by my workouts, more like general wear and tear. In particular the joint in my left knee is susceptible to getting some kind of inflammation where it feels really weird and swollen so to avoid irritating that I just set aside time to do a slower gentler walk and some exercises that don't involve stressing my legs.

Not workout related but I wear heels frequently and I always have to watch how long I'm up and standing/walking in them because I get some wicked plantar fasciitis.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

I've never had any workout injuries since I'm still pretty new to working out regularly but I have been experiencing some slight pain lately.

It's mostly in my shoulders because I always wear a backpack wherever I go. I recently went to get an aromatherapy massage and the lady doing my massage went in so hard on my shoulders. She's like "oh I found some gremlins here". I'm like wtf does that EVEN mean? I didn't question it out loud but I felt like she spent a good 15 mins. needling my shoulders and upper middle back and I came out of that massage not feeling relaxed but in a bit of pain. I regret that I tipped her. So I'm currently dealing with that pain right now which is like 3 days later.

I was this cool the whole time.

A good masseuse will definitely find gremlins if they're present, but I don't think you should be hurting three days later!

I have the stupidest workout injury. I think my haemorrhoid (hopefully just one) is flaring up again. It's all that gods dang straining!

Sigh 🍑

Happiness is a warm manatee

Ages ago I used to do dumbbell press and flies by putting the dumbbells in a chair each, and I'd lie on the floor in between and roll them off.

One time I did this and instead of rolling I pushed or nudged the chair and the leg went up in the air and came back down on my tricep but just in the edge and pinched a load of skin. I yelped like a dog when you stand on their paw. The bruise was nasty. It didn't actually injure me though  8)

I've never had any snaps, tears or anything else. Worst I've had is aches but then I just lower the weight/load and I'm back within a week or two.

I hope my fellow beefy forumistas stay safe.

Only God knows.

One thing that my trainer forces me to do is when I'm working on certain machines he tells me to roll my shoulders to get into the proper form because if not you can really injure yourself using a machine improperly.

I don't regret hiring him as my trainer one bit.

I was this cool the whole time.

Some great points here:


His story is a bit mad. He finished 8th in his first WSM and if I remember correctly he only got in on a wildcard. Then obviously won it this year and some of the events he hadn't done before competitively? I was of course supporting Tom Stoltman but this guy's meteoric rise is great.

Only God knows.

Quote from: jimmy jazz on Sep 05, 2023, 01:35 PMHis story is a bit mad. He finished 8th in his first WSM and if I remember correctly he only got in on a wildcard. Then obviously won it this year and some of the events he hadn't done before competitively? I was of course supporting Tom Stoltman but this guy's meteoric rise is great.

Yeah, he's pretty inspiring and also seems like a knowledgeable and overall pleasant person.
Curious to see where he'll go from here. *cough* 505 deadlift *cough*


Really good points here about the difference between training for health vs. for performance as well and him admitting that training for performance isn't necessarily beneficial in his day-to-day life.

The 1 rep max thing just looks scary. I've not wanted to try that. It just seems like an invitation to injury.

Happiness is a warm manatee

I've never tested my 1RM but I'm also generally not particularly "hardcore". Sounds scary indeed and without much benefit besides bragging rights. I usually use a 1RM calculator when I want to know mine, they're not perfect but reasonably accurate for me.


Saw this earlier today and it made me think of this thread:

Judging by the common themes, barbells with too much weight on them are dangerous. Especially when you haven't secured the weight plates.

Why are they even attempting to lift this much? It's like they're begging for injuries.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Mate that video is the stuff of nightmares :laughing:

I like the ones where its some new guy who clearly has not much experience and they just randomly stick whatever amount of weight on there and lift that. Obviously it doesn't end well. I think why did you decide on 100kg?

The pec and bicep tears I see from the hardcore guys make me feel so bad for them though. It must be devastating to put years of work in and then in a second know that you've just lost it all and might never recover.

Never ego lifting would fix 90% of it all though.

Only God knows.

When you get your finger jammed under a dumbbell, I have done it a couple of times. I have never been in more pain 😂.

I've never had any serious gym/exercise injuries, I've had shin splints & I pulled my back once but getting a finger jammed is the stuff of nightmares. You know it's a bad one if you get a black nail 😭.