Quote from: Psy-Fi on Jun 01, 2023, 11:49 PM

^Could be a bikini bottom, though to be honest I was more inspired by Lovecraft 😄

The song is upbeat and positive, though.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Controversial opinion: QR code menus are a pain in the ass.

This is what you want. This is what you get.

Quote from: Janszoon on Jun 02, 2023, 12:55 AMControversial opinion: QR code menus are a pain in the ass.

had to google

Quote from: Toy Revolver on Jun 02, 2023, 02:27 AMhad to google

Are they not a thing where you are?

This is what you want. This is what you get.

We've never run into those up here. The only reason we ever eat out anymore is for the occasional romantic date night, I can definitely imagine how that would break the atmosphere for me. But yeah, I've never encountered one. What about it do you think is a pain?

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

Quote from: Mrs. Waffles on Jun 02, 2023, 03:43 AMWhat about it do you think is a pain?

It just makes everything take longer. Tonight, when I posted that, I was just trying to order a beer at a local bar that was low on stock and the QR code just made it a pain to scan through the beer list. When I was staying in Spain last year, I frequently had bad cell service so the simple act of looking at a menu was transformed into an arduous wait for the thing to load.

This is what you want. This is what you get.

Quote from: Janszoon on Jun 02, 2023, 12:55 AMControversial opinion: QR code menus are a pain in the ass.

This is from June of 2021 but still relevant...

Bring Back Menus!

Quote from: Psy-Fi on Jun 02, 2023, 12:25 PMThis is from June of 2021 but still relevant...

Bring Back Menus!

i've never seen that but i wouldn't be going back

is it only expensive places that do that

that looks so fucking annoying

dafuq i need MY phone to order THEIR food

i don't even go to places that make you order at a stand and sit down with a number

bitch, i sit down you come to me, if i wanted to stand in line i'd buy fucking groceries

i'm going out and paying means someone else does the fucking work

i'm tired i'm sitting down and i'm not figuring out how some goddamn code scanner works either

i can cook motherfuckers

they don't care about my old ass business anyway, i know

I don't like how techy everything is going. QR codes and shit. Some places online if you want to return something they now do it by QR code that you have to fiddle about with in the site and then show at the post office from your phone which I don't like. Just give me the fucking address to write ON the parcel and post it to, you bastards. Stop making shit complicated. I'm getting worked up now.

Only God knows.

Quote from: jimmy jazz on Jun 02, 2023, 01:52 PM🤐


it pisses me off further this started during covid

if if wasn't safe to touch a menu then the place shouldn't be open in the first place

same with masks at concerts

just don't have the concert if it's dangerous

Quote from: Janszoon on Jun 02, 2023, 04:46 AMIt just makes everything take longer. Tonight, when I posted that, I was just trying to order a beer at a local bar that was low on stock and the QR code just made it a pain to scan through the beer list. When I was staying in Spain last year, I frequently had bad cell service so the simple act of looking at a menu was transformed into an arduous wait for the thing to load.

Ah, I gotcha. That does sound pretty awful. I think the closest thing I've seen is those touchscreen kiosks at our local McDonald's, but at least those aren't dependent on you having a charged smart phone with a working camera and good service.

So many hoops to jump through for something as simple as ordering food.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

Sometimes I'd see a tweet by some conservative on how to fight the scourge of child sex trafficking or Hollywood pedophilia or whatever else they're screaming about and lowkey envy them. They are playing detective and loving it. Who doesn't yearn for some simplicity sometimes... Maybe I too want to mentally regress

Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism

Quote from: jadis on Jul 16, 2023, 10:44 PMSometimes I'd see a tweet by some conservative on how to fight the scourge of child sex trafficking or Hollywood pedophilia or whatever else they're screaming about and lowkey envy them. They are playing detective and loving it. Who doesn't yearn for some simplicity sometimes... Maybe I too want to mentally regress

When they tweet about child sex trafficking stuff, they aren't great detectives because they don't even have to go that far to find them within their own party. They are the slowest most ignorant detectives to ever exist.

They are essentially the same skillset detective as Robert Pattison in that new Batman movie that just came out.

I was this cool the whole time.