Quote from: DJChameleon on May 21, 2023, 03:45 PM95% of babies are ugly. They look like old grandmas and grandpas. I don't find them cute and when people shove their seed into my face like I'm supposed to compliment them on how cute their baby is I just have to bite my tongue every single time.

I feel like babies don't turn out to be cute until later on when they grow into their looks/face a bit more. So in the toddler age 16-24 months range imo.

90% of US Beaches are shit and I will never go to them. This is coming from personal bias I know because I'm spoiled with Caribbean beaches and they can't compare at all. The beaches in the Key West are the only ones that come close to being able to compare but any other beaches I will not go into that water and I don't even like the sand associated with them especially East Coast beaches. I don't know what they do with the sand but it's always kind of dark muddy looking and just blah not worth the time.  I want to be able to put my feet in the water and actually see my feet clearly it needs to also have a nice blue shade I'm super picky about my beaches.
i would rather go to the beach on the carolina coast where at least there are some waves than go to Miami or the keys. Unless you're like snorkling or something.  The carribean style beaches look a lot nicer but at least in south Florida the waves are shit and if I'm going in the ocean to me i would rather have waves. 

Quote from: Jwb on May 30, 2023, 12:46 AMi would rather go to the beach on the carolina coast where at least there are some waves than go to Miami or the keys. Unless you're like snorkling or something.  The carribean style beaches look a lot nicer but at least in south Florida the waves are shit and if I'm going in the ocean to me i would rather have waves. 

Do you surf? Why do you need waves?

I was this cool the whole time.

Quote from: jimmy jazz on May 30, 2023, 12:28 AMYou can play music in a car that's loud enough for you and the passengers to hear but not so loud that everyone going past can hear it too. If it falls into the latter then that's obnoxious.

Park or beach is lower down on the cuntometer but still registers. Public transport, shopping centres, walking down the street, driving in residential areas = extreme cuntishness.

This. When I'm on the highway or some boulevard and there's no captive audience, nobody is going to hear what I'm listening to. When I'm in a residential area with a lot of houses around, I turn the volume down.

This is what you want. This is what you get.

I will body surf if the waves are good enough.  I would love to learn to surf but I've never had a surf board and tbh like i said the waves in south Florida are shit.

But if i just want clear water I'll go in the pool.

Quote from: Jwb on May 30, 2023, 02:15 AMI will body surf if the waves are good enough.  I would love to learn to surf but I've never had a surf board and tbh like i said the waves in south Florida are shit.

But if i just want clear water I'll go in the pool.

Nah I don't think I want to learn to surf but I'm fine with paddle boarding. I just had a similar conversation the other day about surfing in general. So if I'm going to a beach waves are not a must imo.

I was this cool the whole time.

Other than the waves i don't get why you would even swim in the ocean lol.  It's nasty sticky salt water which is always potentially hiding a prehistoric apex predator that could grab you at any moment.

#51 May 31, 2023, 05:19 AM Last Edit: May 31, 2023, 05:25 AM by DJChameleon
Quote from: Jwb on May 31, 2023, 03:27 AMOther than the waves i don't get why you would even swim in the ocean lol.  It's nasty sticky salt water which is always potentially hiding a prehistoric apex predator that could grab you at any moment.

I'm West Indian and family members pretty much preach the benefits of going into the salt water for different things like to heal your body is certain ways. idk but I just like it and was raised that way. I definitely prefer swimming in the ocean as opposed to swimming in a pool.

Quote from: jimmy jazz on May 30, 2023, 12:28 AMYou can play music in a car that's loud enough for you and the passengers to hear but not so loud that everyone going past can hear it too. If it falls into the latter then that's obnoxious.

Park or beach is lower down on the cuntometer but still registers. Public transport, shopping centres, walking down the street, driving in residential areas = extreme cuntishness.

See when I'm at home which most people would blast their music in the comfort of their own home. I don't.

I live in an apartment building with a family that lives upstairs that don't give a fuck and always blasting their music and they have a little girl that's always stomping on the floor. Only recently have I started to fight back a bit and hit a broom against the ceiling but I just generally put up with it as a fact of living in a middle apartment. I'm on the 2nd floor. At home I'm always wearing headphones when I listen to music and I keep my tv sound down relatively low because I'm considerate even if they aren't to me. I also watch tv with subtitles on so I can understand what's going on. that's how low I keep my tv sometimes I can barely hear it myself.  You would think I'm a model neighbor not being loud but of course they are backwards and think I'm weird for being quiet and considerate. 

So when I'm out in public like driving I will blast my music and not give two shits where I'm driving plus I live in a city so there is always someone blasting music especially during the summer months at all hours of the night. I would also blast my music solo dolo at a beach no matter the conditions of the beach if it was crowded or secluded and only a few people there. Mostly because I hardly ever get to listen to my music properly unless I'm out in public.

I was this cool the whole time.


I was this cool the whole time.

#53 May 31, 2023, 11:29 AM Last Edit: May 31, 2023, 11:53 AM by Janszoon
Quote from: DJChameleon on May 31, 2023, 05:19 AMSee when I'm at home which most people would blast their music in the comfort of their own home. I don't.

I live in an apartment building with a family that lives upstairs that don't give a fuck and always blasting their music and they have a little girl that's always stomping on the floor. Only recently have I started to fight back a bit and hit a broom against the ceiling but I just generally put up with it as a fact of living in a middle apartment. I'm on the 2nd floor. At home I'm always wearing headphones when I listen to music and I keep my tv sound down relatively low because I'm considerate even if they aren't to me. I also watch tv with subtitles on so I can understand what's going on. that's how low I keep my tv sometimes I can barely hear it myself.  You would think I'm a model neighbor not being loud but of course they are backwards and think I'm weird for being quiet and considerate. 

So when I'm out in public like driving I will blast my music and not give two shits where I'm driving plus I live in a city so there is always someone blasting music especially during the summer months at all hours of the night. I would also blast my music solo dolo at a beach no matter the conditions of the beach if it was crowded or secluded and only a few people there. Mostly because I hardly ever get to listen to my music properly unless I'm out in public.

I hear you on the city living. When I first moved to Philly, I had a neighbor who used to practice trumpet on the other side of my bedroom wall at like 1am. At the next place I lived, my downstairs neighbor used to blast gospel music on Sunday mornings. These days I live in a rowhome, so there's no one above or below me, but I do share walls with neighbors on either side. Because of that, I really can't blast music or anything. I'm lucky because the house on one side of me has been empty for the past couple years and the people in the other house are pretty quiet, but in years past the people on both sides were pretty noisy. The other issue I run into is that I live on a very narrow one way street, so when vehicles pass by they're like 5-6 feet from my living room windows. If someone blasting music stops in the street for a while, which happens a few times a day, I have to pause whatever I'm watching because I can't hear my TV. The other issue with the narrow street is that the neighbor across from me likes to hang out with friends on her front steps listening to music and having loud conversations all of which I can hear loud and clear in both my living room and my bedroom. She used do that basically any time between 7am and 1am, but she's at least chilled out on the late nights in the past few years.

This is what you want. This is what you get.

Quote from: Jwb on May 31, 2023, 03:27 AMOther than the waves i don't get why you would even swim in the ocean lol.  It's nasty sticky salt water which is always potentially hiding a prehistoric apex predator that could grab you at any moment.

I guess it depends on where you are, but here I basically think the other way around.

Fresh and clear, salty water is something I much prefer to stagnant pools and still bodies of water, even if it's a bit colder (which is usually the case). Inland lakes are often quite nasty. You can jump in, but don't let your feet touch the bottom or it'll suck at your toes. Or you'll crunch through the ribcage of a drowned elk. As for private pools, well.. You forget to treat it with chlorine and you'll be up to your nostrils in E-coli and worse.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Quote from: Guybrush on May 31, 2023, 04:37 PMOr you'll crunch through the ribcage of a drowned elk.

Welp, now I know what sort of nightmare I'll be having tonight.  :laughing:

This is what you want. This is what you get.

swimming in the sea is good for you

i'm pretty scared of it though

the drone footage of how many sharks are out there locally is intimidating to me plus once the current grabs you yikes

it's been a while but i plan on swimming in the sea some this summer

i mean it's a part of life

I'm scared of it as well a bit but that's because I'm a very shit swimmer. I really struggle.

I've nearly drowned in a public swimming pool. I got all my swimming badges up to 25 metres in school but it took me forever to get them.

I'd probably walk around up to my waist in the sea, if I got in trouble I'd be fucked.

Athletically I've always been very good but never swimming so I don't know if it's technique or what.

Only God knows.

QuoteI'd probably walk around up to my waist in the sea, if I got in trouble I'd be fucked.

you can still swim in that depth but it can change really quickly

i don't fuck with going out where your feet can touch the bottom

i used to go way out there but that stopped years ago

rivers will fuck your ass up too

i'm more afraid of gators than sharks

i will NOT swim in fresh water here

kids swing out and drop in the middle of the river where gators are definitely living


even if it's been years since anyone was attacked around here idgaf

shark attacks happen like once every other summer and gator attacks are like every twenty years

but gators just fuck up my mind

and sharks will take a chunk out of you and be like nah gators spin your ass around drown you tenderize you and eat your balls while you're still fighting

Quote from: Toy Revolver on May 31, 2023, 06:14 PMgators spin your ass around drown you tenderize you and eat your balls while you're still fighting