Yep, I first thought that a Beach Boy had gone rogue, and when it turned out to be someone I'd never heard of, I was also agreeably surprised. I particularly liked the soft percussive sounds at the beginning that made me think of Come Together by The Beatles. 7/10 (= for Guybrush's Mike Love song)

I'm hosting a small pool party tomorrow, so checking out some sounds in advance: maybe a touch of Los Fabulosos Cadillacs?

What you desire is of lesser value than what you have found.

A pool party? Where are you, Aruba?

The Word has spoken :D

#17 Mar 25, 2023, 02:16 AM Last Edit: Mar 25, 2023, 02:29 AM by Lisnaholic
Well, I'm at a latitude where it's like 30°C in March. No song to share here, RS ?

 This is what I was listening to in the car 15 mins ago:-

Looks like Don Cherry was in LA and visited Watts Towers:-

What you desire is of lesser value than what you have found.

Don Cherry - Degi-Degi
it was ok, a bit long.

Terraformer - Lupa
released 2013
still in the instrumental mood.

^ I liked the guitars

Gazelle Twin - Belly Of The Beast

Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism

Quote from: Lisnaholic on Mar 19, 2023, 02:34 AMI'm hosting a small pool party tomorrow, so checking out some sounds in advance: maybe a touch of Los Fabulosos Cadillacs?

A great song from one of my favorite albums!

This is what you want. This is what you get.

^ I'm not really familiar with the album itself, but instead cherry-picked Calaveras from a playlist.

Quote from: jadis on Apr 03, 2023, 11:30 PMGazelle Twin - Belly Of The Beast

^ I liked the electronic beatz and the way it's not easy to categorize the way the song is going or the mood it's setting. 7/10

What you desire is of lesser value than what you have found.

Thanks for posting a song here, Mindy!
I really like the harmonica on this shuffling blues track, but I have a problem with Taj Mahal's voice, which is kind of rough, but not in a good way, imo. 7/10

Quote from: Lisnaholic on Mar 04, 2023, 02:56 PM
Hear a song. Share a song.

...this thread combines two thread ideas that most of us will be familiar with:
What Are You Listening To Right Now? + Rate The Song Above You.

Still hoping that this thread, with its pretty simple premise, will take flight and soar, so here's a song I was listening to last night:-

What you desire is of lesser value than what you have found.


Still hoping that this thread, with its pretty simple premise, will take flight and soar, so here's a song I was listening to last night:-


4/5 i like it ..i like spoken word tracks got the james bond funky feel a hole album tho of spoken word is like ehhh at some point u gotta sing or scream or whatever but yeahhh  kind reminds me of this track but a bit more happy :P


Welcome to SCD Norg - and thanks for posting a song in this thread.

Yeah, I also prefer spoken-word songs in small doses. With your choice, I liked the electronic sounds, and found the speaking kind of annoying really. How odd that The Couch, along with VU's The Gift, falls into that very narrow Art Rock sub-genre, "Spoken Narratives About Items Delivered To Your Door". 6/10

Here's an old favourite of mine that I was revisiting last night:-

What you desire is of lesser value than what you have found.

^It's a fun, groovy track :) I like it! And it's a long time since I listened to Traffic actually so maybe I'll check them out again tomorrow.

How about this one?

Happiness is a warm manatee

Don't think I've ever gotten around to listening to 10cc - nice, ambient intro. Vocals sound like they're swirling from an ampitheatre. Bass is lush and full. The piano adds a really nice flavor along that touches of harp? Wow. Very fleshed out track. Beautiful harmonies. Out of all the things I could learn about, women are the one thing I don't think I'll ever figure out. ;)

Were these guys an influence on XTC? I hear a lot XTC-similarities in this one. Beautiful song. This a gut-reaction rating, but I'll roll with it.


Here's one:

#29 Jun 08, 2023, 09:58 AM Last Edit: Jun 08, 2023, 10:03 AM by Guybrush
Quote from: SGR on Jun 08, 2023, 02:34 AMDon't think I've ever gotten around to listening to 10cc - nice, ambient intro. Vocals sound like they're swirling from an ampitheatre. Bass is lush and full. The piano adds a really nice flavor along that touches of harp? Wow. Very fleshed out track. Beautiful harmonies. Out of all the things I could learn about, women are the one thing I don't think I'll ever figure out. ;)

Were these guys an influence on XTC? I hear a lot XTC-similarities in this one. Beautiful song. This a gut-reaction rating, but I'll roll with it.


Cool that you liked it :) It certainly has the sound of a classic to my ears, being both beautiful and quite funny, but it doesn't seem like it's very well known. 10cc seem like the sort of talented and fun band where everyone can sing and probably play multiple instruments and can cover a wide range of styles / genres. Most of their songs that I've heard are also funny / jokey with the popular Dreadlock Holiday being a perfect example of the sort of stuff they could pull off.

They're probably underrated, maybe because they have history's most boring ass band name? I don't know. I've been meaning to explore them more.

I don't know that they're an influence on XTC, but then XTC definitely would've heard 10cc and 10cc are also known for doing some cool things in the studio which I assume may have influenced production later on.

Quote from: SGR on Jun 08, 2023, 02:34 AMHere's one:

I really like this :) Kinda trip-hoppy? I don't know them from before, but they remind me of Portishead. I really like it and have added it to my rotation. Feel free to recommend more from them!


Almost forgot the point of this. Maybe someone would tackle this quirky instrumental?

Happiness is a warm manatee