Quote from: Guybrush on Jun 08, 2023, 09:58 AMAlmost forgot the point of this. Maybe someone would tackle this quirky instrumental?

^ I really like that song! The instruments that come in at about 1 min. made me think of Zappa, and then I was unable to throw off the comparison. To me, this is the piece that Zappa would've written in response to his mom's nagging, "Why don't you write a nice song for a change?!"
Panzerpappa is the band? I'll be checking them out, thanks. 9/10

This morning, this song was in the rotation of music I have in my car: something about the melody kind of sticks in the mind, I think : -

What you desire is of lesser value than what you have found.

#31 Jun 20, 2023, 08:33 AM Last Edit: Jun 20, 2023, 08:40 AM by Norg
This morning, this song was in the rotation of music I have in my car: something about the melody kind of sticks in the mind, I think :

The Kings of Emo ...ill give it a 2/5


Why does it seem like the writers from japan know out to output any type of music jazz metal pop anything and do it will elite skill ...its crazy

i mean i cant make this stuff up during the
80's and 90's Artist from japan were just dropping masterpieces on the daily :P  weird times

Quote from: Lisnaholic on Jun 10, 2023, 11:41 PM^ I really like that song! The instruments that come in at about 1 min. made me think of Zappa, and then I was unable to throw off the comparison. To me, this is the piece that Zappa would've written in response to his mom's nagging, "Why don't you write a nice song for a change?!"
Panzerpappa is the band? I'll be checking them out, thanks. 9/10

Nice! It's a slight plug because I know these guys :laughing:

Especially the bass player (and occasional composer) is a good friend of mine. They're a talented bunch and put out some great music.

Is it allowed to post here, like just a reply to a comment, without doing the review? I'm at work without headphones, so I don't wanna listen to Norg's japanese jazz just yet :laughing:

Happiness is a warm manatee

The Yurika track is nice, Norg. I like the upright bass with the drums which gives a journey-like feel, like a rickety train chugging along. Reminds me of Pat Metheny, Cinematic Orchestra, Portico Quartet...
What made me melt into the back of the sofa was the sax solo at 1:55 to 2:00, where the notes go crazy, creating lush dissonance. I've noticed many other tunes also doing this only once, perhaps because if they stretched it all the time then they would lose their impact or something. That bit gets a 5. Overall I'll give it a 4/5.

Anyone care to review this one? Sounds like a good piece of driving rock. I had it on repeat the other day whilst cutting hedges. Makes picking up the cuttings a lot less boring.

^ "Vapour Trails" is nice - it's definitely not the kind of thing I'd listen to attentively, but I could see it being great background music to something like cutting hedges or washing dishes. It seems to have this repeating piano motif and yet it wanders, the guitar vying for space with the sax (the sax is a great touch). Lots of energy too - the vibe it gives me is that I'm completely wasted in Vegas at 3am, and I just walked out of the casino, there's bright lights everywhere and strange smelling people around me, and I'm down about $400 - but earlier in the night, I was down $1000, so I feel like a fucking winner.

Who wants to review this?

Haha, yes Vapour Trails does seem to conjure up different storylines depending on the listener. For me it was a Doogie Howser type character trying to run away from a granny waving her stick through city streets. Each transition was them hopping on different modes of transport (hanging off the back of a bus, roller skates, weaving thru heavy traffic on a skateboard, bike...) to try to lose her. The final sax part was like "jeez, what's a guy gotta do to shake off this angry lady!".

Anyway, back to Sunny Side Of The Street ^.

It is quite motivational and has an amazing vibe, also I admire vocals, it is hard for a men to sing that high

Welcome to SCD, Luka !  :thumb:

The idea of this thread is actually : (i) review the song in the previous post, then (ii) post your song, which will be reviewed by the next guy to contribute. So to bring the thread up to date:-

I Surrender: Some nice guitar playing. I don't know how difficult it is to sing that high, but there are a bunch of male artists who are always in that register, like the lead singer of Foreigner. 6/10

Quote from: SGR on Jun 27, 2023, 12:33 AMWho wants to review this?

^ I thought this was nice, but a little unexceptional, SRG. I liked the various solos, but it didn't move much beyond a relaxed, old-timey feel for me. Right at the end, I really liked the way the unexpected vocals came in and reminded us what the song actually was. 7/10

Your song put me in mind of another American song about streets:-

What you desire is of lesser value than what you have found.

Thanks for posting here, Mindy!

Quote from: Lisnaholic on Jun 28, 2023, 02:51 PMThe idea of this thread is actually : (i) review the song in the previous post, then (ii) post your song, which will be reviewed by the next guy to contribute.

I've now changed the thread title from "One Song at a time..." to something that I hope is clearer. This is a thread where people comment on one song, then post a song of their own, which in turn will be commented on. I thought it might generate a more chatty, more satisfying approach to sharing songs than just putting a song and receiving no feedback.

So here's my comment on  your Of Monsters and Men song: Loved the image of the fish, also liked the clear, strong voice of the woman, though she started out with a style of singing I don't much like: a kind of disconnected, one-syllable-to-one-beat effect, instead of what is natural in language, which is to run words and rhythms into each other, dja know wodahm sayin? But after that small obstacle, I liked how the song built up, and was happier with her voice by the end of the song: 8/10

Another female vocalist:-

What you desire is of lesser value than what you have found.

Another female vocalist:-

1/5  ummm...this song is kind of to long for this stuff the music was basically on a loop with a water stick has the bridge ..kinda reminded me of mike Patton TBO his vocal solo album all i could think about is the singer is kinda doing the same stuff Ace Ventura pet detective used to do make animal noises LOL


o yes this song makes me think of my ex who i still kinda love ..(i think)  yet she hates me for some reason :P   


Sonreal-  ummm 1/5 sorry just a standard pop rap song nothing out of the ordinary

these guys voices are pretty good i like ..but the vibe kinda dark and French people kinda scare me sometimes dont ask :P

Yeah, there's something unsettling about their stage show, norg, though it does it's job well: once you start watching, you can't stop. As for the song, I thought it was too pleasant for its own good: very easy on the ear, but also very easy to not really notice. 6/10

Sorry, no video for this one, but this is the kind of French music I like - something that includes a touch from their days of colonial power: often
 from North Africa, but in this case, from Turkey:-

What you desire is of lesser value than what you have found.

paris combo- pretty good got that sands of Arabia kind of feel nice little lounge band 2/5

good night :P