@Saulaac is it OK to ask for a bit of your background because I get confused. I had you down as French, then I think you said you grew up in England, are you originally from Ireland?

Not that it matters, but would help with the context of your posts with things like this.

You can tell me to stop being a nosy cunt and I will understand, BTW.

Quote from: Toy Revolver on May 10, 2023, 11:14 PMdo y'all think it's wrong to jerk off a dog

Yes, no probs.
I was born in Manc in 1977 and lived in Macclesfield until the mid-eighties whereby my parents moved to Holland and sent me to boarding school in Yorkshire.. So I feel incredibly British and the only passport I carry is British!
My Mum is Irish from Galway but I've grown up British. I currently live in France so I'm not so up to speed with the latest political movements in Ireland. But if other people are challenging the Irish way of life then I will question who the fuck are those cunts trying to destabilise things in the Irish govt.?

"An underrated muso" but don't quote me on it..

Quote from: Saulaac on Nov 24, 2024, 03:10 AMYes, no probs.
I was born in Manc in 1977 and lived in Macclesfield until the mid-eighties whereby my parents moved to Holland and sent me to boarding school in Yorkshire.. So I feel incredibly British and the only passport I carry is British!
My Mum is Irish from Galway but I've grown up British. I currently live in France so I'm not so up to speed with the latest political movements in Ireland. But if other people are challenging the Irish way of life then I will question who the fuck are those cunts trying to destabilise things in the Irish govt.?

That's very interesting. I went to a state school and then got kicked out and went to a PRU. I have wondered what the boarding schools, public schools and the like would have been like. Wouldn't have wanted to be away from my parents though. But they seem very nice, old fashioned, better education, safer etc. Obviously I assume everyone there is upper-middle class, very posh. Could just be my perception.

OK cool, I understand more now. Cheers for posting  :checkmark:

Quote from: Toy Revolver on May 10, 2023, 11:14 PMdo y'all think it's wrong to jerk off a dog

Cheers for that, JJ. You're not wrong in your assumption. The boarding school system was a bit more Harry Potter. But not overly so. Most people were middle or upper class. Occasionally you got a few toffs that you just had to get along with. But nobody was mean.

"An underrated muso" but don't quote me on it..

Quote from: jimmy jazz on Nov 24, 2024, 03:18 AMThat's very interesting. I went to a state school and then got kicked out and went to a PRU. I have wondered what the boarding schools, public schools and the like would have been like. Wouldn't have wanted to be away from my parents though. But they seem very nice, old fashioned, better education, safer etc. Obviously I assume everyone there is upper-middle class, very posh. Could just be my perception.

OK cool, I understand more now. Cheers for posting  :checkmark:

PRU, is that a pupil referral unit? Well you seem to have done very well with yourself and it sounds like you were at a good school. One day I'd like to get to know everyone on here better, and we could like go around the country visiting each others' old schools, a bit like Coogan and Brydon driving around the place.  :checkmark:

"An underrated muso" but don't quote me on it..

Quote from: Saulaac on Nov 24, 2024, 11:29 AMPRU, is that a pupil referral unit? Well you seem to have done very well with yourself and it sounds like you were at a good school. One day I'd like to get to know everyone on here better, and we could like go around the country visiting each others' old schools, a bit like Coogan and Brydon driving around the place.  :checkmark:

Yes mate.

Not everyone there got kicked out of school, they can be there for multiple reasons but they all have some difficulty in some way. They're not bad necessarily. We did half days and classrooms had about 6 or 7 students in them. No uniforms. Very basic lessons.

I was shitting myself when I first went and during my first lesson a kid from my old school walked in, noticed me and said 'woah, nobody touch this guy' and I knew then I was going to be alright  8)

Quote from: Toy Revolver on May 10, 2023, 11:14 PMdo y'all think it's wrong to jerk off a dog

Must admit I don't know this guy in your post JJ but the whole idea of "New Irish" jars me, as I kind of think of the Ascendancy in Ulster. Besides, you're either Irish or you're not. I don't think of myself as "Old Irish" (more like Old Fart) even though I was born here and so were all my ancestors - we were in fact kings of Wicklow, so bow and scrape when you address me, you English dogs!  :laughing:

But to bring the "New Irish" thing in is just going to invite widening an already-hard-to-cross divide between immigrants who have settled here (I always laugh to hear a black guy with a thick Dublin accent - think Phil Lynott, sort of - howya ya son, ye all righ'?) - Dublin people tend to view the "t" as optional in a lot of words - and those who have been here since the time of the Druids or whatever. Singling yourself, or a group of people like you, out like that just throws your ignorance and insecurity into sharp relief, as, if you're comfortable with your position here, why bother coining a term like that?

All that said, I know nothing about the guy, but I would prefer not to hear someone coin a phrase like that when he may only have been in Ireland for, as we say here, a wet day (less than 700 years residency and you're considered a blow-in).

For those who want to know, my own education consisted of Primary School till probably 12 or 13 years old, then Secondary School till 17 (didn't finish) and then off to the rat race. I hated maths, wasn't great at science, loved English (duh) and history (double duh), ok on geography, laughed at religious education and was so-so with French and Spanish. Oh and I hated PT, or PE as you probably know it. Being a skinny, lazy fucker, I really can't think why. As for Irish, well, I still wake up screaming in the middle of the night going "As gaeilge! As gaeilge!" (In Irish! In Irish!)

I haven't seen that specific account before either, I was just saying, I'm noticing a lot of that sort of thing, anti-immigrant stuff. Irish accounts saying Ireland is for the Irish, stuff like that. Call it far-right or whatever. There was some protest I saw the other day, might have been in Dublin, a load of women blocking a coach full of migrants. Don't know if you saw that?

Suppose I could have posted it in your NIMBY thread but as this was nearer the top I went for this.

Quote from: Toy Revolver on May 10, 2023, 11:14 PMdo y'all think it's wrong to jerk off a dog

No you're right. Stupid signs like "Ireland is full" and as you say "Ireland is for the Irish". So much for being the "land of ten thousand welcomes"! I can see some justification for it, in that the homeless situation here has spiralled totally out of control, where people are paying (if they're lucky) upwards of 2 grand a month in rent and house prices are off the charts, while we have "ghost estates" - that's housing developments that ran out of money before they were finished and so are more or less empty, not housing estates haunted by the spirits of the dead - all over the country, so in a way, yes: if you can't house the Irish people where are you going to house the immigrants, especially when all the places you mark for their accommodation keep burning down mysteriously?

I think it's just an offshoot of the rise of the far right not only in America but across Europe, and usually - though not always - these so-called "protests" are clandestinely arranged by far-right agitator groups who go to cause trouble and then disappear when it all starts to kick off. But unfortunately, Ireland has a terrible history of racism, and it's not fair to blame that all on the Brits. Sure, we were occupied for 700 years, but it's not just the English we're prejudiced against, so that doesn't stack up.

The hard truth is that everywhere, even poor old happy little Ireland, is getting less tolerant towards immigrants, and while that's been driven behind the scenes by certain groups, we're just as capable of being bigoted as the next guy. We'll shake our heads at the news at the sight of bombed-out families in Gaza, but don't send them our way!  ::)

Further to my news about Conor McGregor, he's a pariah now, and serve the arrogant violent cunt right ...


In other news, may she burn in hell, the disgusting wagon. This is exactly the kind of thing I envisioned could happen with Karen. Never did: all our carers were grand, but you just never know, when you let someone into your home and put your trust in them.

Ex-carer jailed for eight years for aggravated burglaries

I mean, stealing a fucking funeral fund? How low can you get? Watch this stir up anti-immigrant hatred here, as if we needed any more of that.  ::)

And the hits just keep coming!  ::)

Warning: trigger alert - child abuse details. Read link at your own risk.

Former HSE executive jailed for involvement in child abuse pornography ring

Quote from: Trollheart on Nov 26, 2024, 07:04 PMIn other news, may she burn in hell, the disgusting wagon. This is exactly the kind of thing I envisioned could happen with Karen. Never did: all our carers were grand, but you just never know, when you let someone into your home and put your trust in them.

Ex-carer jailed for eight years for aggravated burglaries

I mean, stealing a fucking funeral fund? How low can you get? Watch this stir up anti-immigrant hatred here, as if we needed any more of that.  ::)

I know someone who's nan was abused in a care home. The family set up cameras in the room after getting suspicious and recorded evidence of the physical abuse.

I felt sick seeing it.

Also Zimbabwean names are funny as fuck.


Teenage, Godknows, Divine and Admiral. You will also notice our old pal, Marvelous  8)


Polite is one of the centre backs for this team. Same surname as the offender in your article. A relative perhaps?

Quote from: Toy Revolver on May 10, 2023, 11:14 PMdo y'all think it's wrong to jerk off a dog

Yes, we had two girls (think they were from Nigeria though), one of whose first name was Happy, and the other's surname was Lucky. Hilarious. Two very nice women also. Yes, Karen used to worry about upsetting some of the ones she didn't get on with, and that something like this would happen. Of course, I was always there, just upstairs or out in the kitchen or garden, so nobody would try anything and she was always safe, but you feel for people who don't have that kind of protection. Eight years isn't long enough, and really (racist hat on I guess) they should both be deported for such heinous crimes.