#360 Apr 08, 2024, 03:07 PM Last Edit: Apr 08, 2024, 03:12 PM by Marie Monday
Guys it doesn't matter at all where the nickname originally comes from, or whether it will actually convince people. I mentioned it as an example of a biased perception of trump Vs Biden, and that's still true.

For that matter, if my memory serves me well, the posts of psyfi and sgr in the politics threads are also manipulatively biased

Quote from: Lexi Darling on Apr 08, 2024, 02:52 PMYeah, that is true. And by my own morals I would never voice support for Biden and his pro-genocide actions either. But this is not happening in a vacuum. The strategy of "withholding votes to pressure Biden into stopping supporting Israel" is a pretty huge gamble that I think in the long run has only served to harm Biden's chances of winning period.

Biden's current actions/inaction is what is harming his slight chances of winning. The protest vote isn't. Well that's not true, the protest vote in Michigan is going to tank Biden. Huge Muslim community there and actually helped him to win against Trump last time isn't voting for him so there is that.

Quote from: Marie Monday on Apr 08, 2024, 03:07 PMGuys it doesn't matter at all where the nickname originally comes from, or whether it will actually convince people. I mentioned it as an example of a biased perception of trump Vs Biden, and that's still true.

For that matter, if my memory serves me well, the posts of psyfi and sgr in the politics threads are also manipulatively biased

What's biased about Psyfi's last post? I have been to those marches in the rain and have chanted those exact words.

I was this cool the whole time.

I'm not talking about that post

Quote from: Marie Monday on Apr 08, 2024, 03:07 PMGuys it doesn't matter at all where the nickname originally comes from, or whether it will actually convince people. I mentioned it as an example of a biased perception of trump Vs Biden, and that's still true.

For that matter, if my memory serves me well, the posts of psyfi and sgr in the politics threads are also manipulatively biased

I post videos and links to podcasts and news stories from a variety of sources that I think are interesting and provocative and sometimes entertaining.

I'm not a Republican or a Democrat and I also happen to dislike both Trump and Biden for various reasons.

Quote from: Marie Monday on Apr 08, 2024, 03:07 PMGuys it doesn't matter at all where the nickname originally comes from, or whether it will actually convince people. I mentioned it as an example of a biased perception of trump Vs Biden, and that's still true.

For that matter, if my memory serves me well, the posts of psyfi and sgr in the politics threads are also manipulatively biased

As humans, we all have implicit biases that are impossible to completely shake due to our upbringing, our religion (or lack thereof), our financial situation, and issues the we personally value, and I think we all recognize and understand that. Trying to be cognizant of that to keep it in check is a noble goal.

As has been pointed out, the nickname of 'Genocide Joe' came from the left. They're using this nickname because obviously, they view what Israel's doing in Gaza to be a genocide, and they view Biden as being complicit through continued aid and support of Israel. There would be no point (at least right now) for these protestors on the left to highlight the likelihood that if Trump was in office, he'd probably be doing the exact same thing as Biden, because Biden's the one in power now and who has the ability to make changes. As Lexi points out, it is a big gamble to threaten withholding votes (which is, in essence, what the left calling him this is a signal for) for Biden to get him to course-correct on Israel. Lexi points out it might just end up stunting his chances of winning in 2024. That's possible, but, alternatively, it might be enough of a political threat to make his administration make changes in regards to Israel - which appears recently to have happened - in doing so, it might end up being a benefit to his chances to win the election and it might save lives in the long run. Too much uncertainty about how things will play out to say for sure.

Nicknames, in the realm of politics, when boiled down are simply tools of persuasion that are meant to highlight a perception or reality of some kind attributable to the politician the nickname is bestowed upon. It could be a favorable nickname; I'm reminded of how FDR bestowed upon Stalin the nickname of 'Uncle Joe' to soften his image in the west. Or, as we've seen, it could be a disparaging nickname like 'Genocide Joe'. I wouldn't expect anyone critical of Trump, who used nicknames for him like 'Mango Mussolini' or 'Don the Con' to also add an addendum to their nickname describing fascistic or fraudulent behaviors that Biden has also been party to. Or, just an example from your recent post:

Quote from: Marie Monday on Apr 06, 2024, 04:49 PMTrump is a fascist who tramples on human rights and democracy, locks immigrant children in cages away from their parents, is friendly with mass-murdering fascist dictators and is fine with said mass murders if it happens to suit him politically (and that includes the one in Gaza).

Beyond the fact that using 'cages' to describe the chain-link enclosures at border facilities is also a manipulative method of persuasion, as it's intentionally used to bring to mind how animals might be trapped in a claustrophobic and uncomfortable setting (and I know you didn't come up with using that word in this context, just pointing it out in general), it could be considered manipulatively biased to not bring up the fact that the 'cages' were built under the Obama/Biden administration and were used in the same way (albeit to a smaller degree):

Quote from: AP NewsTrump used facilities that were built during the Obama-Biden administration to house children at the border. They are chain-link enclosures inside border facilities where migrants were temporarily housed, separated by sex and age.

At the height of the controversy over Trump's zero-tolerance policy at the border, photos that circulated online of children in the enclosures generated great anger. But those photos — by The Associated Press — were taken in 2014 and depicted some of the thousands of unaccompanied children held by President Barack Obama.

When that fact came to light, some Democrats and activists who had tweeted the photos deleted their tweets. But prominent Democrats have continued to cite cages for children as a distinctive cruelty of Trump.

What's going on today with the elaborate explanations of political topics that aren't to the point? (I hope y'all are appreciating how hard I'm trying (and not quite succeeding) not to use the word mansplaining)

I'll fully admit the cages thing is biased too but that doesn't change the fact that there's a certain widespread bias in trump's favour

Quote from: Marie Monday on Apr 08, 2024, 05:38 PMWhat's going on today with the elaborate explanations of political topics that aren't to the point? (I hope y'all are appreciating how hard I'm trying (and not quite succeeding) not to use the word mansplaining)

I'll fully admit the cages thing is biased too but that doesn't change the fact that there's a certain widespread bias in trump's favour

One of those days, I guess.  :laughing:

So, what's the point then? I thought we were discussing manipulative bias in politics?

And a certain widespread bias in Trump's favor where?

The point I was making is that using genocide joe and big D in the same context is an example of such bias
Quote from: Marie Monday on Apr 06, 2024, 03:54 PMI think one of the biggest parts in trump's success is the fact that he has somehow managed to present himself as human and relatable in a way that Hilary or Biden haven't. Like they're sneaky despicable politicians pulling hidden strings and exerting their power in a way thats detached from humanity, but he pretends that while he might be bad, at least he's upfront and bad in the way your asshole neighbour could be. It's the same reason why in many stories, the character we find most hateful is not necessarily the one that does the worst things, either because they come across as excessively cold and inhuman or petty and despicable (or both). In the case of trump, it's a ruse and falling for it is foolish
this is how it started

I'd be interested to hear how there is widespread bias in Definitely Doubly Deadly and Deceitful Donald's favour.

If anything Lord and Saviour Joesus Christ gets an easy ride in the media and among the public.

Only God knows.

#370 Apr 08, 2024, 06:14 PM Last Edit: Apr 08, 2024, 06:19 PM by Jwb
Quote from: Marie Monday on Apr 08, 2024, 09:41 AMI swear to god you guys are still trying to explain to me how voting works when I've already said that all this stuff is bedside the point for me
well i guess i don't think I've heard an explanation for why casting a protest vote for Trump  would be a problem, unless you're worried it might help him win. I also haven't really been following this discussion tbh I just got triggered by the idea of someone thinking their vote actually matters lol

I've explained that already, I object to it for 'giving such a person a vote is gross, whatever the reason' reasons
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Apr 08, 2024, 06:06 PMI'd be interested to hear how there is widespread bias in Definitely Doubly Deadly and Deceitful Donald's favour.

If anything Lord and Saviour Joesus Christ gets an easy ride in the media and among the public.

😂 see my quoted post above

Quote from: jimmy jazz on Apr 08, 2024, 11:16 AMNo.
I'm honestly curious how much of you not liking Biden has anything to do with Gaza. I feel like Genocide Joe is an effective Trump style nickname but nothing more than that really. But it seems like a virtue signal to me.

Quote from: Marie Monday on Apr 08, 2024, 06:20 PMI've explained that already, I object to it for 'giving such a person a vote is gross, whatever the reason' reasons😂 see my quoted post above
maybe you have. That's basically the same thing as no reason in my book. "Bad vibes" or whatever.

And that's fair, I get that not everyone will agree with it