As a certain mammal known for standing on its hind legs and offering insurance for some reason says, simples. It's not a new idea, but hell, let's drag it out and make it work for its living one more time, huh? Just add your three lines to mine, and then the next person does the same, and so on, and see where this goes.

Lines can be as long or as short as you want, use commas and semicolons to extend them if you wish, but try to steer the narrative in a particular direction. Don't add another three lines till someone before you has added theirs. What's that? You foresee a disaster? Hey, I was just about to say that.

Okay, here we go.

As darkness fell, Cathy looked out the window at the faint shadow of the Ozarks standing in the distance. She was just about to climb into bed when the still night air was shattered by the screech of tyres, an engine clearly being pushed to its limit, and the crack of what sounded like fireworks, but which she knew, with a chilling certainty, was gunfire. Heart pounding, she moved away from the window: they had found her!