America's Most Corrupt City - Chicago

Tomorrow is Democratic primary in NY state and there are some interesting races.

It's basically progressives vs establishment corporate Democrats

Comparison piece from NYTimes

Quote"This is absolutely the right time for change," said Claire Cousin, 31, a mother of three who is challenging Assemblywoman Didi Barrett in the Hudson Valley. She said her own struggle to pay rent while running for office captured the problems that working-class people faced."There are so many elected officials that are just not doing a good job at keeping their finger on the pulse," she said.

But centrists remain skeptical that progressives can turn catchy slogans about transformative change into policies that can be implemented. This skepticism has only grown as progressive gains of years past — from state climate goals to a cannabis program that aimed to right the wrongs of racially biased drug enforcement — have stumbled and lost ground.

I've been doing a lot of canvassing work for Claire Cousins over the past month or so.

I was this cool the whole time.