Sing Hallelujah, Assange is free

Quote from: Jwb on Jun 24, 2024, 05:34 AMam I the only one who intrinsically hates the veneration of the working class and watching rich people pander to us and pretend like they used to be one of us?

It's  not even the phoniness I hate, it's the impulse to debase yourself by pretending to be of lower stock than you are. As if it's some kind of personal virtue of yours that your parents were fuck-ups with little education and no financial planning.

It is kinda stupid, but maybe it's also healthy to want to be relatable and common rather than an übermensch belonging to a different breed from the rest of us.

Happiness is a warm manatee

I prefer self aggrandizing to faux modesty. That's why Islam is better than Christianity.

Quote from: Guybrush on Jul 02, 2024, 03:59 PMIt is kinda stupid, but maybe it's also healthy to want to be relatable and common rather than an übermensch belonging to a different breed from the rest of us.

I feel like they also do it to calm people down so they don't get riled up enough to do something revolutionary about it.

I was this cool the whole time.

Quote from: DJChameleon on Jul 02, 2024, 05:55 PMI feel like they also do it to calm people down so they don't get riled up enough to do something revolutionary about it.

The campaign trail photo ops that always make me laugh, are the ones where they go into a local eatery to mingle with the customers and order some food. You always see pics of them biting into whatever they ordered and/or leaving the premises smiling and carrying bags of take out food.

Sinn Fein for the fucking win win!

Quote from: Jwb on Jul 02, 2024, 05:49 PMI prefer self aggrandizing to faux modesty. That's why Islam is better than Christianity.

Based JWB.

Yes that was a quality post