Aug 11, 2023, 01:51 PM Last Edit: Aug 12, 2023, 06:35 PM by Guybrush
[DISCLAIMER: This topic was created by a mod/admin who split it from its parent topic]

I saw this from Coach Greg.

He doesn't hold back ffs.

Only God knows.

Quote from: jimmy jazz on Aug 11, 2023, 01:51 PMI saw this from Coach Greg.

He doesn't hold back ffs.
This guys is acting like he is new to the internet or something. Does he not know about making content viral? I highly doubt Lizzo eats that same exact sandwich for breakfast everyday.

I yawned throughout his whole video. It was crap. He acts like body builders don't eat worse shit on their cheat day. 

I was this cool the whole time.

Quote from: DJChameleon on Aug 11, 2023, 02:50 PMThis guys is acting like he is new to the internet or something. Does he not know about making content viral? I highly doubt Lizzo eats that same exact sandwich for breakfast everyday.

I yawned throughout his whole video. It was crap. He acts like body builders don't eat worse shit on their cheat day. 

True. She is in shape after all.

Only God knows.

Quote from: jimmy jazz on Aug 11, 2023, 02:54 PMTrue. She is in shape after all.

It doesn't matter it's not like she is eating that every single day.

It's so fucking stupid that people want to police people's eating habits just because they are fat.

Some fat people hardly eat anything and what happens is that it slows down their metabolism and the little that they do eat doesn't get burned up.

I was this cool the whole time.

Quote from: DJChameleon on Aug 11, 2023, 03:02 PMIt doesn't matter it's not like she is eating that every single day.

It's so fucking stupid that people want to police people's eating habits just because they are fat.

Some fat people hardly eat anything and what happens is that it slows down their metabolism and the little that they do eat doesn't get burned up.

Of course she is eating like that every day, if she wasn't she wouldn't be morbidly obese.

Greg is a fitness coach. He isn't picking on fat people he's saying she shouldn't glorify this.

Only God knows.

Quote from: jimmy jazz on Aug 11, 2023, 03:12 PMOf course she is eating like that every day, if she wasn't she wouldn't be morbidly obese.

Greg is a fitness coach. He isn't picking on fat people he's saying she shouldn't glorify this.

I just explained why that isn't true and no she's not eating like that every day.

This isn't about glorifying anything it's just an attempt at a viral video. Competitive eaters do the same shit but even more extreme

I was this cool the whole time.

#6 Aug 11, 2023, 11:03 PM Last Edit: Aug 11, 2023, 11:06 PM by jimmy jazz
Quote from: DJChameleon on Aug 11, 2023, 09:55 PMI just explained why that isn't true and no she's not eating like that every day.

This isn't about glorifying anything it's just an attempt at a viral video. Competitive eaters do the same shit but even more extreme

You posted an irrelevant exception that doesn't apply to Lizzo or the vast majority of people. Whether it is that exact sandwich or some other one, she clearly doesn't have a healthy diet, which she admits herself. I mainly just posted the video cos Greg is hilarious when he gets fired up.

Competitive eaters (which Lizzo is not) generally aren't obese cos they eat at a calorific deficit. You mentioned bodybuilders (which Lizzo is not) and cheat meals, a cheat meal is a one off meal, they otherwise are eating to a very strict diet. In other words, neither of these eat like that all the time, which is why they aren't obese.

There is zero point arguing cos 1) this thread isn't really for that, it's supposed to be discussing fitness and helping each other, and 2) you're seemingly taking offence to that video but you're wrong here.

Only God knows.

Quote from: jimmy jazz on Aug 11, 2023, 11:03 PMYou posted an irrelevant exception that doesn't apply to Lizzo or the vast majority of people. Whether it is that exact sandwich or some other one, she clearly doesn't have a healthy diet, which she admits herself. I mainly just posted the video cos Greg is hilarious when he gets fired up.

Competitive eaters (which Lizzo is not) generally aren't obese cos they eat at a calorific deficit. You mentioned bodybuilders (which Lizzo is not) and cheat meals, a cheat meal is a one off meal, they otherwise are eating to a very strict diet. In other words, neither of these eat like that all the time, which is why they aren't obese.

There is zero point arguing cos 1) this thread isn't really for that, it's supposed to be discussing fitness and helping each other, and 2) you're seemingly taking offence to that video but you're wrong here.

I'm not taking offense to the video. It's a shit video. I don't care right or wrong but you are speaking like a person that's never been fat in your entire life or know any fat people. We can end the discussion.

I'm slightly upset you got me over here defending Lizzo when I don't even like her anymore after all those lawsuits came out.

If you've seen any of her performances you can tell she works out. She has the stamina to be twerking and dancing on stage like crazy without being as winded as someone that just stuffs their face and has zero activity.

Anyways back on top, I didn't go to the gym today because I had a dental appointment in the Bronx that required lots of traveling. So I did a shit load of walking today in leui of working out.

17k steps so far.

I was this cool the whole time.

I split off this discussion as it seemed like it might be interesting on its own and outside the workout thread.

I just tried my hand at a topic title. Lemme know if you'd like to change it!

Happiness is a warm manatee

The title is OK for me but I think the discussion is over so idk.

Only God knows.

For those of us who know nothing about Lizzo, this provides some context. I had no idea there was some reality show where she picked those dancers, and everything else Tim Dillon is saying here

Tangentially (and maybe I'll start a thread on that too), Tim Dillon might make me listen to an entire ep of the Rogan show. I thought only a Zizek appearance could do that cause Rogan is really not my thing but I like his banter with Tim

Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism

Sorry but this title is completely tone-deaf. Being unapologetic about your size and promoting the notion that you can (and deserve to) find happiness in spite of carrying extra weight and being deemed conventionally unattractive is not the same thing as "celebrating obesity." People hate to see fat people that aren't self-loathing.

Being so obsessed with other people's weight and bodies is in itself worth self-examination. Like why are you so mad? Lol

a particle; a fragment of totality

It's almost like you have such low esteem yourself that you can't stand to see people you deem beneath you feel good about themselves despite you being Right and them being Wrong i.e. fat is bad.

a particle; a fragment of totality

I don't know how you're getting all that from the title Guybrush chose, I think you might be reading a bit too much into his reasons for choosing that title and making assumptions about his intentions.

As someone who is classed as obese by BMI, I don't think it's the most accurate title either regarding the realities of obesity, but I think Guybrush means well, he certainly does not seem like someone who would deem anyone "beneath" him or think being fat is bad.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

#14 Aug 12, 2023, 06:25 PM Last Edit: Aug 12, 2023, 06:34 PM by Guybrush
No, I've been busy with the beach and kids etc. and did this while I had a 2 minutes breather. I haven't seen the video or know what Lizzo's up to, so basically made a guess.

If she's not celebrating obesity, then I agree it's inaccurate. Feel free to suggest something or.. wait until I'm up to date.


Coach Greg says Lizzo glorifies obesity and encourages it to other people (seems to be where his motivation to comment comes from), so that's what I got to go on, this one source. I'm not gonna watch Lizzo's YouTube channel to find out what thread title better represents what she's actually about, so I guess I'll just change it for the somewhat more neutral "Fat acceptance".

And then I'm happy if anyone could suggest an even better title.

Happiness is a warm manatee