Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism

I do mental exercises to help with staying on task and focused as a way of taming my ADHD. I've been doing them for a good while, and doing them as regularly as I can has given me a greater sense of awareness of my own noisy or errant thoughts and the ability to snap myself back into focus.

It's a technique I developed on my own through trial and error. I'm not sure if it counts as meditation, but it helps a lot for catching myself when I start to tumble down into a rabbit hole of my own thoughts.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

I do as well. I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, so I've incorporated several meditation techniques into my daily routine in an effort to live better.

Before embarking on a stressful task, I close my eyes and take four deep, slow breaths to help center myself and shake the anticipatory anxiety. If I'm particularly stressed, I'll count slow breaths backwards from one hundred to focus and take my mind off the stressor.

And every evening I perform a meditation routine in bed with 10 hours of ambient drone music queued up on the hi-fi. It helps to slow my racing thoughts and bring me to a restful night's sleep.

These efforts, along with positive psychology, CBT, chamomile mint tea, and 10mg of melatonin each night have helped reduce my stress so I can feel better.

(I'm like this all the time.)

Quote from: innerspaceboy on Aug 09, 2023, 06:26 PMI do as well. I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, so I've incorporated several meditation techniques into my daily routine in an effort to live better.

Before embarking on a stressful task, I close my eyes and take four deep, slow breaths to help center myself and shake the anticipatory anxiety. If I'm particularly stressed, I'll count slow breaths backwards from one hundred to focus and take my mind off the stressor.

And every evening I perform a meditation routine in bed with 10 hours of ambient drone music queued up on the hi-fi. It helps to slow my racing thoughts and bring me to a restful night's sleep.

These efforts, along with positive psychology, CBT, chamomile mint tea, and 10mg of melatonin each night have helped reduce my stress so I can feel better.

Thought I'd look into it.

QuoteMelatonin supplements fly off the shelves in the US, but in the UK you need a prescription.

Of course we fucking do.

I am sick to the back teeth of this country and it's backwards fucking drug laws.

UK drug laws = if the medicine helps, it's banned or prescription only.

If its useless, buy it all you like!

Hash would also help me, but no can't be having that because the government tells me it's naughty. But I could drink myself into a blackout all I wanted and it'd be perfectly legal.

I'm annoyed now. Might need to meditate I guess.

Only God knows.

I tried it a couple of times but it didn't really do anything for me. Probably because it was with friends who meditate but aren't actual teachers

Thought it might be something I want to add to my life so registered for a four session course at the end of the month before I go to Nice in September.

It's something called Transcendental Meditation...

Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism

I used to meditate a bit many years ago as a way to get friendly with my tinnitus.

Since then, I haven't really used it much, but very rarely I might try a meditation technique to calm racing thoughts if I'm trying to sleep. I'm a little unsure how common this technique is (or if it's considered good), but I close my eyes and kinda roll them up (!) and then count slowly or possibly try to focus on something in my mind, like visualizing something. I feel these waves of relaxation / well-being wash over me and my thoughts slow down which, if done right, causes me to fall asleep.

I should probably do it more often because insomnia is creeping back into my life now that vacay's over and I got work stress again.

Happiness is a warm manatee

I meditated for about 9 months. The only suitable place to do it is in my bedroom upstairs, but it gets hot as hell up there in the summer. Not really a place to relax, so I had to take a break for a few months.

I've always meant to, but just never tried to get back into it after the break, by then I had picked up a bunch of new interests. A bit of a reoccurring problem for me.  :-\ 

"She paints, she reads, she lights things on fire."