I love walking. Including in the rain and in the cold (as long as it's not too extreme), maybe not so much when it's too hot 

I once had a semester where I was between two uni campuses located less than a kilometer one from another and it made me walk to a fro a ridiculous amount. Never felt better.

When I lived in NYC, walking through Manhattan by night was one of the highlights.

During the pandemic I tried make myself feel better by walking whenever we weren't in fucking quarantine or whatever it was called but my heart wasn't in it even though I knew I needed it.

I noticed that since the end of covid I've been averaging 10k steps a day. Since my week in Paris last month it's closer to 15k mostly because I discovered there was an institute on a remote corner of my campus I didn't know and that a couple of the participants of the Paris conference were from and now I go there to have coffee. Which btw I thought I quit before Paris but that, along with my vegetarianism, went out of the window. 

But walking is more important for feeling good than abstaining from coffee imo.

Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism

#1 Jun 13, 2023, 12:15 PM Last Edit: Jun 13, 2023, 12:21 PM by Janszoon
I'm the same way. I love to walk. I own a car, but I only use it a few times a month. I walk to pretty much everything I do from grocery shopping to going to shows to grabbing something to eat. When I feel depressed or anxious I walk. When it's a nice sunny day, I walk. When it's so cold that I know hardly anyone will be out, I walk. During COVID, when I didn't want be near other people, I would drive out to parks and cemeteries at the edge of the city and walk. I average 10,000-15,000 steps per day and it's not unusual for me to get 20,000. It's such an important thing for me feeling good that if I don't do it start to feel restless. 

This is what you want. This is what you get.

I try to get my five a day in. First thing in the morning and last thing at night for sure, then frequently in the day when I can manage it.

Oh, walk.

Not as much as I should. I'm like Jans in that I like wintery and stormy walks. But yes I don't walk as much as I should tbh.

Only God knows.

I love walking as well. I recently upped my morning walks to doing them every weekday. It's a great opportunity to kinda be alone with my thoughts, I find I get a lot more creative thoughts when I'm walking.

My workplace is easily within walking distance as well, but I only walk there on cooler days as I wear a full face of makeup every day and I don't want to sweat it all off before I even get there. It also cuts into my time for getting ready, which in turn cuts into my time for productive stuff. So bus it is most days. C'est la vie.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

I'm not sure exactly but other than the walking I do in my daily life routines, I try to take a walk outside just for the exercise & scenery for at least 45 minutes each day. Some days I'll go for an hour or more if I can. The longest I've ever done was 210 minutes with a 15 to 20 minute break in-between.

I try to get in a 20 min walk every day. Especially now that I'm working out with a trainer and on the days that I'm sure. I feel like the morning walk helps to wake me up and warm me up so that I don't feel as stiff/sore throughout the day.

I was this cool the whole time.

I love walking, have embraced it as an alternative to cycling since I came to the UK. I make a point of walking for at least an hour every day, in any weather condition. During covid I tried to convince my friends to come with sometimes but they're cowards when it comes to weather :p

I don't mind walking, but find I get lost in my own thoughts when I do so and hardly pay any mind to the surroundings.. So I don't feel I get that much out of it to be honest. It's physically healthy of course.

I love trips in nature with the kids, but then we're doing lots of other things besides just walking, like looking for bugs and perhaps going for a swim.

Happiness is a warm manatee

I love walking and try to get a walk in most days. Even a short walk during work lunch break does me wonders. During Covid-19 lockdowns I tried to take a short walk every day, and I think it saved me from going insane during those periods.

I do longer nature walks as well, up to 2 hours, and take trips to different places in Ireland to go walking. I love forest walks in particular as you can feel some sort of connection to your surroundings, and hear all these different nature sounds around you.

I wanna see the the gods dang swollen legs on you lot

Happiness is a warm manatee

Does walking to the fridge count?  :-\

Quote from: SGR on Jun 15, 2023, 02:55 AMDoes walking to the fridge count?  :-\
Depends on how many times per day, what distance the fridge is relative to your starting point, what route you take to the fridge (e.g. out the front door, down the street, around the block, back through your front door, and to the fridge), what size steps you take etc, etc.

Quote from: Guybrush on Jun 13, 2023, 09:27 PMI wanna see the the gods dang swollen legs on you lot

Tbh 10 to 15k steps spread evenly throughout the day is not something you feel in any way. But the cumulative impact on your wellbeing is palpable

Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism

Had the laziest day in a long while. Was on my computer the whole day, went out to get a protein shake and a carton of eggs and that's that

Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism

What do you use to have your steps counted? An apple watch or just using your phone?

I was this cool the whole time.