Still having problems logging in on my phone. If I click the LOGIN link I get an error message, so can't use the site on my phone. Don't know if anyone else is having this problem? My phone is a Samsung Galaxy S23, if that's important, and using Chrome. Android fully updated blah blah technical guff.

Turn it off and turn it on again

motherfucker, i fed my young to the hawk

I'm on a Galaxy S23 too and I've always had an okay time logging in on my phone. Majority of my posts are from my phone.

I was this cool the whole time.

@Trollheart have you tried clearing cache (temporary internet files) or perhaps try the site in desktop mode?

Happiness is a warm manatee

How do I use desktop mode? I assume this refers to the phone, as obviously I can use it on my PC (desktop), but if there's another mode on the phone I should be using I'd appreciate knowing how that is accessed or activated, as usually I don't use my phone for the site. It was just to try to upload a picture, because it was on my phone and it's a pain linking it via USB and then transferring. It's not a huge problem. I'll have a look and see if it works on the tablet and get back to you.

Quote from: Trollheart on Feb 03, 2025, 03:05 PMHow do I use desktop mode? I assume this refers to the phone, as obviously I can use it on my PC (desktop), but if there's another mode on the phone I should be using I'd appreciate knowing how that is accessed or activated, as usually I don't use my phone for the site. It was just to try to upload a picture, because it was on my phone and it's a pain linking it via USB and then transferring. It's not a huge problem. I'll have a look and see if it works on the tablet and get back to you.

On your phone, in Chrome, after you've navigated to SCD, click your settings icon (three vertically placed dots) and then click the 'Desktop Site' checkbox - the page will reload and it will no longer be optimized for mobile, but instead for desktop - sometimes takes care of strange issues experienced when in mobile mode.

Thanks for that, SGR. Didn't work though.
I got past it by going to the SIGNUP link, hitting the LOGIN from there and then it let me put my details in. Again, @Guybrush the issue we were having before on another browser. Might be worth checking. People here may not be getting the issue as they stay logged in, but since I seldom use SCD on my phone, I had to login, and that's where things started going wrong.

So one login, the one on the main page, does not work and then the one when you click signup and then click login beside it, does. Don't know if that can be fixed?

The one on the main page does seem to work though? At least for me:

Just guessing at what might be up, the logon is a kind of popup. Maybe you don't allow the site to interact with you this way?

I don't actually allow them myself, but the logon still comes up. Perhaps worth checking out a bit more though 🤔


The link URL is also the same for both:

But something gets in the way of you using this from the index (?)

Happiness is a warm manatee

Yeah I can't show it until I have my phone hooked up to the PC, as it's really awkward uploading and posting pictures (see my attempt in the Soccerball thread just now; should have worked but didn't) but basically when I'm not logged in I have a Login link on the left of my screen, and a Signup on the right. Clicking on the left one gives me the error. If I click on Signup (on the right) it brings up another dialogue which includes a new login, which is now on the right too, and I can login using that, but not the one of the left. Don't know if that makes any sense? I'll log out later, hook up the phone and post the screenshots if I can.

Thanks @Trollheart 🙂 screenshots would be great 👍

Happiness is a warm manatee

Okay picture time finally. Logged out, this is what I see on my phone screen:

If I go for the Login on the left, and click on it I get this:

Going for the other login, meaning I have to first click Sign up here

allows me to get in, giving me the login dialogue.

So weird. I notice your browser has like a big white header where you can X the tab/webpage away. However, I don't see the expected address bar. Which browser is it?

Happiness is a warm manatee