A reason there's so many spambots now is I made registration easier after @Buck_Mulligan commented that it's very hard to read the capcha, which will be frustrating for new users. Unfortunately, the amount of bots is now unbearable and they're not even peddling porn anymore so what use are they to us?

For the time being, I've made the registration process annoying again, but I will seek new ways to make it easier while still keeping the spambots out.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Damn! A fella can't go away for his xmas holleirs without getting into trouble.  ;D

Perhaps if we changed the site name to FUCK PUTIN or JOIN IF YOU SUPPORT UKRAINE'S RIGHT TO EXIST they might think twice about - um, does anyone else hear a hypersonic miss...

As they say, in terms of the spambots, on it!

Okay, I got into my superhero cape for NOTHING! Guybrush had already dealt with all spam posts, but Guy, ya forgot to close them, so they still showed up on my dashboard. They're closed now anyway. For now, like a good diet for people who hate Monty Python, we are now spam-free!

Spam, spam, spam, bacon and spam.

It does seem like the changes worked and there's now less spam again. Spam!!

Happiness is a warm manatee

Spam is delicious with eggs. Love it!

#292 Jan 02, 2025, 01:35 PM Last Edit: Jan 02, 2025, 01:43 PM by Guybrush
Fixed a little problem I had with recaptcha, so for now I've removed the letters and you just get a checkbox asking if you're human. This uses google's systems for detecting bot accounts somehow.

I don't dare eliminating other measures, so there are some control questions too, just in case.


Pruned the bot accounts some.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Seems a bit speciesist to me. What if a sentient iguana from Catchlon XIV or a Cardboard Finger Monster from Etriciss Major wants to join? To say nothing of the very popular Forum Goblins who reside in the Stone Forests of the Juniper Asteroid Belt just off the Horsehead Nebula! Could be losing valuable potential members here!

Make it mandatory that new users critique Vogon poetry.

(I'm like this all the time.)