Before Xmas I had a hair cut..right from the start I felt right that is different. Two weeks and I thought yuk with it. It was too long on top it was not anything like I had ever had before as a pixie type cut. It had long bits and short bits and it did not match wotsoever.
Today I got a great cut and just took a photo in the Salon as to what I wanted.
You would not know that my teens I spent in front of the mirror doing my hair until I felt right that is good...somethings do not change and my hair is important to me so can you see how good I feel right now...Spikey Hair short and perfect for me....

Where I live it's not uncommon to see daycare/preschool workers walking down the sidewalk with a bunch of little kids in pairs all holding onto a string so no one gets lost. It's the most adorable thing of all time. It's pretty hard to be in a bad mood when you see it.

This is what you want. This is what you get.

Memories can also be so good to think about sometimes, one that always makes me smile a lot shocked as well.

That was at the side of our garden in Pebsham Lane, Bexhill on Sea, see the mesh fence,that was next to our 1 metre high fence.
..Barbed wire was standard practice and fixed 1 metre away from any owners boundary fence when animals are occupying it. It was suppose to keep the cows under control....we had a gate fixed within the fence as the owner Mr.Worrsham gave us permission to walk around his huge farmland but we left it open by error one time.
...Shock and horror this day suddenly a huge Cow now glaring my way and chewing MY grass. Chewing the cud he was, as it's called in the UK.
.. Being as Ex Townie I had no idea how to shift this great huge beast..I knew the barbed wire fence was down and so he had easy access, just pushed through the gate space, knocking a panel of the fence down as well...

I like journaling. I been going hard this year compared to other recent years. I keep one open for quick notes online but ever since my mother gave me this nice one for Christmas, I been making it a habit of filling at least one page a day.

I also enjoy just walking outside the building for fresh air. The simple things like noticing the birds or how cars drive by and how that exact thing will never happen again. My daily walks have turned into meditation vibes now pretty much.
May 21st, 2024


Big fan of the Internet
Kindness is the highest form of intelligence

#4 Feb 26, 2024, 07:34 PM Last Edit: Feb 26, 2024, 07:44 PM by Dianne W
This in near the end of our garden. We see a few hedgehogs around dusk mostly, and plenty of signs of there trails of waste about so know they wander around a lot.
Years back we found this one in the compost heap...they hibernate so was disturbed but fancy picking a compost heap to sleep off the winter in.
The wildlife you encounter in your own garden is special and makes you feel real great even about the constant weeds we get here....that is a fib though we battle a lot with the beasts.

Husband made the Hedgehog House and his pleasures are anything involving Wood.


Perhaps not happy, exactly, but this gives me a small warm feeling: the way, in a busy city street, all the traffic pulls to the side when they hear the siren of an ambulance coming. It's a sign that we are all civilized people, that we all agree that the ambulance's priority is greater than our own. Of course, the minute the ambulance has passed, it's back to the usual, aggressive, dog-eat-dog jostling to find the fastest lane. :laughing:

What you desire is of lesser value than what you have found.

Just got back from the shops and we go via an almost empty lane, it's narrow in many parts and the side of the lane has a false edge that is often topped up with grit over the original grass which is part of the farmlands really.

Well you always get a sudden car roaring towards you not exactly in your narrow lane but heading that way . As respectful people to our car and safety of course we are also slightly alarmed. We dive into the side part where the car could get a puncture, certainly splattered with mud.

So as quiet as it is here...sound of a tractor is more common sound to hear from our property. Wherever you live you cannot escape mad driving attitudes.

Quite different on the bypasses and motorways where speed cameras are present..haha so simple solution is watch your speed because there is no getting away from them...

We got caught a few years ago with two speeding tickets costing a minimum of 100 Euros each within 30 mins of each other. Journey was for eye tests, which we can now laugh about..

Sneaky bugs they have this attitude of changing the speed limits when approaching a built up area. It changes from say 90 kph to 80kph, for just a few minutes and that is how twice that day we got fined...points as well sadly. Lessons learned of course now.

Same here about emergency traffic, people pull over and wait the passing of them.