A friend sent me the link to this Emotional Intelligence test.  It reminded me of how we used to do these personality tests from time to time on MB.  Please note, if you'd like to take the test, this is just for fun!  And you don't have to complete the demographic survey at the end.   :)

Link:  https://www.truity.com/test/emotional-intelligence-test

My result below.

Your Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence can be thought of as a set of aptitudes and skills that allow people to manage their own emotions and relate effectively to the emotions of others. Being high in emotional intelligence means that you are able to use emotional experience effectively in your own life, as well as connect with others in a healthy, positive way. Emotional intelligence describes a range of skills and capabilities, from your ability to calm yourself down when you are upset to your ability to read the facial expressions of others. Our research has shown that these skills can be described in terms of five broad areas of intelligence. Below, you will see your score for each of the five areas, as well as a longer description of each.

Self Awareness - 92
Other Awareness - 100
Emotional Control - 61
Empathy - 78
Wellbeing - 39

Self Awareness
Self awareness is measured as the ability to effectively recognize and identify one's own emotional experiences. People who score higher on this construct are more likely to be highly attuned to their emotions, exhibiting a keen sense of what they are feeling at any given moment. They are also more likely to be reflective, frequently pondering the reasons behind their emotional reactions. In contrast, those who score lower on this construct may be more likely to get caught up in the heat of the moment, potentially leading to impulsive or reactive social behavior.

Other Awareness
Other awareness is measured as the ability to effectively perceive and understand the emotions of others. People who score higher on this construct are more likely to be highly attuned to nonverbal cues, such as body language and facial expressions, which can provide valuable information about others' emotional states. They are also more likely to be skilled at interpreting these cues and making accurate inferences about the emotions that others are experiencing, even when those emotions are not explicitly expressed. In contrast, those who score lower on this construct may struggle to accurately interpret nonverbal cues, potentially leading to misunderstandings or missed opportunities for social connection.

Emotional Control
Emotional control is measured as the ability to regulate and manage one's own emotions. People who score higher on this construct are more likely to have a strong sense of control over their emotional experiences and can direct their emotions in a way that serves their goals and well-being. They are also more likely to be resilient and able to quickly recover from negative emotions or bad moods without getting derailed from their daily lives. In contrast, those who score lower on this construct may struggle with regulating their emotions, become overwhelmed by their emotions, and/or find it challenging to get back on track after experiencing negative emotions. Those with lower emotional control may also find it difficult to cheer themselves up or regulate their emotions in a positive direction.

Empathy is measured as the ability to understand and relate to the emotional experiences of others. People who score higher on this construct are likely to be highly attuned to the emotions of others. They specifically tend to be affected by others' suffering and motivated to help alleviate it. They are also more likely to care deeply for the well-being of others and may frequently engage in prosocial behaviors such as donating to charity or volunteering their time to help others. In contrast, those who score lower on this construct may have more difficulty understanding and sharing the emotions of others, and may be less inclined to engage in prosocial behaviors. Those with lower empathy may also be more likely to automatically attribute others' suffering to their own bad choices or circumstances, rather than recognizing the role of systemic injustice or societal factors.

Wellbeing is measured as an individual's overall state of psychological, emotional, and social prosperity. People who score higher on this construct are likely to have positive attitudes towards life and experience a sense of fulfillment, happiness, and satisfaction in their day-to-day activities. They may enjoy socializing and have strong social skills and likely find it easier to connect with others and build positive relationships. They are also more likely to have an optimistic view of life, finding joy in everyday experiences and maintaining a positive outlook even in the face of challenges. By contrast, those with lower wellbeing may find it more difficult to connect with others or find joy in social situations, and may sometimes struggle with confidence or optimism.

My results:

Self Awareness: 67
Other Awareness: 44
Emotional Control: 64
Empathy: 78
Wellbeing: 50

Interesting. Though I'd say a lot of my answers would have variables attached. Like I'm not great at reading strangers' body language, but if it's someone I know well, I'm a lot better at recognizing their emotions.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

here is what I got

May 21st, 2024


Big fan of the Internet
Kindness is the highest form of intelligence

Fun. I love this stuff.

a particle; a fragment of totality

Calm and self-centred basically.

Yep, that's me  :laughing:

Quote from: Mrs. Waffles on Oct 17, 2023, 09:53 PMMy results:

Self Awareness: 67
Other Awareness: 44
Emotional Control: 64
Empathy: 78
Wellbeing: 50

Interesting. Though I'd say a lot of my answers would have variables attached. Like I'm not great at reading strangers' body language, but if it's someone I know well, I'm a lot better at recognizing their emotions.

We are Empathy twins!   :love:

Quote from: Mindy on Oct 17, 2023, 10:03 PM
here is what I got

We are Other Awareness twins (practically) - we've got everyone else figured out.  :laughing:

I'm a poet apparently
self awareness 72
other awareness 44
emotional control 50
empathy 68
wellbeing 39

^ That makes sense.  "Understanding Complex Experiences" is definitely you, smartypants.   ;)

We have exactly the same low Wellbeing result.  I hate the world.   :coldsweat: 

^ :laughing:  You are looking rather self aware and emotionally controlled there, sir.

Self Awareness : 67
Other Awareness : 61
Emotional Control : 52
Empathy : 25
Wellbeing : 46

^ The Empathy-related aspects of the test must be a bit faulty, because your score does not mirror your very generous contributions to the Mental Health thread. 👍