This is different to the food thread because this is for eating to aid our fitness and swole goals.

So what does a typical day look like for my fellow roiders?

Share your tips, what you ate and what you do/don't recommend.

Only God knows.

#1 Oct 11, 2023, 02:56 PM Last Edit: Oct 11, 2023, 03:00 PM by grindy
Bulking: I pretty much eat whatever I want. I like healthy food so I don't overeat on junk anyway. Usually something like a protein shake in the morning, some bread and cheese, coffee and some cookies. Some noodles/veggies/rice with a protein source like fish, shrimp, eggs or a milk product around noon, a snack one hour before training, a smoothie with protein, creatine and fruit after training and a protein shake before bed. I also eat nuts and other mostly healthy snacks throughout the day to get enough calories. But this can vary a lot based on whether we eat out or at home, whether I work in the office or at home, which one of us is cooking etc.
Cutting: Protein shake in the morning, a big salad with some protein source for dinner, crisp bread with some cheese before the workout, the aforementioned smoothie afterwards and a shake before going to bed.

General advice for cutting: The only thing that will really matter are calories, the exact diet matters only as far as hunger control and some people can control the hunger better with low carb or intermittent fasting or whatever. But any diet will work depending on the calorie deficit and if someone claims differently it's because they either don't know better or they are a grifter. When developing a fat loss diet the most important thing is to eat enough protein, to prevent muscle loss and because protein is quite satiating compared to its calories. Then just fill up the rest of available calories with carbs and fats. Generally your diet shouldn't be too restrictive. Carbs and fats are both good for health and for proper functioning, so don't fully omit either.

My three biggest tips for dieting:
1. High volume food: Things like fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as cooked potatoes have a high volume compared to their calories. Eating a lot of those will fill you up and help with hunger.
2. Not having snacks and other tasty shit in the house: If you are really starved and there are snacks in the house you'll get weak at some point. No snacks - no problem.
3. Accept hunger: There will be no substantial fat loss without experiencing the feeling of hunger. It's easy to obsess over it but we should be able to accept it. Try to frame the hunger as something positive, a sign that your diet is working.


I'm not a roider, but I hope I can still participate!

Diet wise I'm quite similar to @grindy . We do keep some junk food in the house, but I don't usually go for it because I'm on a 1500 calorie diet and with our tightly monitored inventory it's difficult to cheat that. I'm also kept busy enough that I'm distracted from my own hunger a lot of the time.

I try to stick to light to medium size breakfasts, usually a lighter lunch, and then I can go a bit more hearty for dinner in the evening. Sometimes I'll also cook a big smorgasbord for the mister and eat something a bit lighter for myself if what he wants will be too many calories for my diet. Both of us are very big on protein-heavy meals, so we do synergize in that area.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

Tip #3 is great. I've never thought of it like that @grindy

High volume food is good, when I cut I will try it.

Quote from: Mrs. Waffles on Oct 11, 2023, 03:27 PMI'm not a roider, but I hope I can still participate!

Diet wise I'm quite similar to @grindy . We do keep some junk food in the house, but I don't usually go for it because I'm on a 1500 calorie diet and with our tightly monitored inventory it's difficult to cheat that. I'm also kept busy enough that I'm distracted from my own hunger a lot of the time.

I try to stick to light to medium size breakfasts, usually a lighter lunch, and then I can go a bit more hearty for dinner in the evening. Sometimes I'll also cook a big smorgasbord for the mister and eat something a bit lighter for myself if what he wants will be too many calories for my diet. Both of us are very big on protein-heavy meals, so we do synergize in that area.

Of course you can.

I eat junk once a week to once every two weeks and it is orgasmic for me. It's usually a couple of cheeseburgers.

I've posted what I usually eat and it is boring but clean. Water, porridge, milk, veg, fish, skyr and protein powder is the majority of my diet.

Only God knows.

I've been eating in a calorie deficit now for a few weeks/months. I had a few meals off plan over the weekend and I'm struggling to rein it in again. Anyone got any tips? It's becoming an issue 😂

Things I eat :

Breakfast - 2 eggs, 100gm of ham, 1 coffee, 1 glass of cold water, (1 piece of fruit if needed)

Lunch / Dinner -  some kind of chicken salad, chicken with vege, steak with vege or salmon with vege. I dont really spend too much time cooking and these meals are the quickest to put together with the approximate nutritional content I want. Sometimes I'll have the occasional pie with salad but I only buy them from a local gourmet butcher who uses the best cut of meat.

Things I dont tend to eat :

Milk (to a large degree)
Cheese (very seldom)

Things I definitely eat way too much of ...................

Chocolate. I can eat a whole slab of it in no time. Definitely the one and only thing I need to watch out for. It is what it is.  :laughing:


#6 Oct 12, 2023, 10:43 AM Last Edit: Oct 12, 2023, 10:49 AM by Meatwad
Quote from: FETCHER. on Oct 12, 2023, 09:48 AMI've been eating in a calorie deficit now for a few weeks/months. I had a few meals off plan over the weekend and I'm struggling to rein it in again. Anyone got any tips? It's becoming an issue 😂

Firstly, just remember how you've successfully followed your plan more often than not in the last few weeks / months and realise that the days you've gone off plan dont represent the whole body of work put in over the course of that time. It may feel more notable because its a more recent memory but it shouldn't be given any more prominence.

I can remember getting frustrated when I started trying to lose extra weight I'd gained from COVID and the beginning of the process was really frustrating because nothing really happens too much and any exercise I did had to be done at a particular speed since the body wasn't acclimatised. And then you have a day here and there where you go through the drive through at KFC since nothing is perfect but I would try not to be too hard on myself since getting into good habits wont happen instantaneously. Sometimes you have to go one step back to go two steps forward.

Another tip I'd recommend is to not weight yourself too much. Some people can look at the scales and be more fixated on what they haven't lost as opposed to what they have, and to be fair, the way the body metabolises is different for us all (and our eating habits) so weighing yourself too much (daily etc) isn't always a reliable indication of progress.

Quote from: Meatwad on Oct 12, 2023, 10:43 AMFirstly, just remember how you've successfully followed your plan more often than not in the last few weeks / months and realise that the days you've gone off plan dont represent the whole body of work put in over the course of that time. It may feel more notable because its a more recent memory but it shouldn't be given any more prominence.

I can remember getting frustrated when I started trying to lose extra weight I'd gained from COVID and the beginning of the process was really frustrating because nothing really happens too much and any exercise I did had to be done at a particular speed since the body wasn't acclimatised. And then you have a day here and there where you go through the drive through at KFC since nothing is perfect but I would try not to be too hard on myself since getting into good habits wont happen instantaneously. Sometimes you have to go one step back to go two steps forward.

Another tip I'd recommend is to not weight yourself too much. Some people can look at the scales and be more fixated on what they haven't lost as opposed to what they have, and to be fair, the way the body metabolises is different for us all (and our eating habits) so weighing yourself too much (daily etc) isn't always a reliable indication of progress.

Your words have inspired me today! I managed to think about the bigger picture and realise why I'm doing it all in the first place.

Yeah I completely agree on your points that having one KFC isn't going to ruin progress. It's so easy to beat yourself up, feel crap and then eat crap. It's a hard cycle to beat at times.

I usually only weigh myself once per week but sometimes will more often, it just depends on how I feel. I do agree it's not great if you find yourself getting fixated on it, I have kind of removed the emotional attachment to my weight and don't get upset about any increases (unless it's a trend). You can easily lose or gain a few kilos in the space of one day so it's knowing that it's weight gained which could be for so many factors and not fat gained.

I probably gotta eat more if I wanna step up my roid game.

I get a light breakfast, like maybe a small skyr or perhaps a couple of slices of bread with cheese. Something similar for lunch. Dinner might be spaghetti Bolognese or whatever; something with a bit of protein. Then I've typically done a protein shake as an evening meal. Sometimes I take it with peanut butter, as per Dr. @jimmy jazz 's instructions 🙂👌

Happiness is a warm manatee

Good luck Tore. You're already eating four times a day which is great so just aim to increase the protein intake of those meals.

Only God knows.

Thanks! Yes, and wheying myself every day has seemed to help a little.

I've actually been putting on a bit of weight lately, but I suspect it's just water weight from nibbling creatine. 😄

Happiness is a warm manatee
May 21st, 2024


Big fan of the Internet
Kindness is the highest form of intelligence

Does anyone meal prep for the week?

I was this cool the whole time.

Quote from: DJChameleon on Dec 29, 2023, 04:44 AMDoes anyone meal prep for the week?

Like plan the meals in advance?

I don't. My wife sometimes does, but not in a structured way. She has a mental inventory of everything we have in our cupboards, freezers, fridge and cold storage and occasionally makes plans on how we're gonna eat it.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Quote from: Guybrush on Dec 29, 2023, 09:34 AMLike plan the meals in advance?

I don't. My wife sometimes does, but not in a structured way. She has a mental inventory of everything we have in our cupboards, freezers, fridge and cold storage and occasionally makes plans on how we're gonna eat it.

In the fitness world meal prep is on Sunday night you cook a big meal of the same thing and put them into containers into portions so you can easily access them throughout the week without having to cook something new. You just warm up your prepared food. It's a good way to calorie count and work on portion control.

I was this cool the whole time.