Ban all dogs! Go knocking on everyone's door and take their dog out of their home. They must surrender ownership of their dog to the state. Round up all the dogs and dispose of them anyway you want. Euthanasia, burning, drowing but when it is being done a cat must be in the vicinity to watch as the dog expires!

This was not written by a cat but a hooman.

I was this cool the whole time.

Quote from: DJChameleon on Oct 05, 2023, 03:22 PMBan all dogs! Go knocking on everyone's door and take their dog out of their home. They must surrender ownership of their dog to the state. Round up all the dogs and dispose of them anyway you want. Euthanasia, burning, drowing but when it is being done a cat must be in the vicinity to watch as the dog expires!

This was not written by a cat but a hooman.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

Who would not enjoy walking along this public footpath, near Rydlios in Wales?

Sadly, anyone who reads this story may have second thoughts, along the lines of "where can I hide from a dog up here?! How quickly could I be helicoptered out?!" : Four Injured In Dangerous Dog Attack

These kinds of incidents make me so angry because of the way they are robbing people of their once-tranquil heritage, that Britain, over centuries, has tried to protect for the enjoyment of everyone. :(

What you desire is of lesser value than what you have found.

Woman in East London attacked and killed BY HER OWN DOGS.

No prizes for guessing which breed the dogs were. They were also fully registered and compliant with new British law.

@SGR thoughts?

Only God knows.

#36 May 21, 2024, 08:46 PM Last Edit: May 22, 2024, 06:27 AM by SGR
Quote from: jimmy jazz on May 21, 2024, 08:08 PMWoman in East London attacked and killed BY HER OWN DOGS.

No prizes for guessing which breed the dogs were. They were also fully registered and compliant with new British law.

@SGR thoughts?

I wasn't familiar with the new laws in Britain, so clicked one of the links to that on the page and found the following:

QuoteHow does the American XL bully ban work in England and Wales?
Ownership of American bully XL dogs is restricted under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.

Since 31 December 2023, it has been against the law to sell, give away, abandon or breed from an XL bully.

Since 1 February 2024, it has been a criminal offence to own an XL bully without an exemption certificate.

The government said it received 61,000 exemption applications before the deadline.

Police can seize unregistered prohibited dogs, and their owners face a criminal record and unlimited fine.

Police seize 22 dogs from illegal XL Bully farm
Is the American XL bully ban working?
Owners who applied for an exemption had to buy insurance, microchip their dog and pay a £92.40 fee per animal.

Registered dogs must be housed securely, and kept on a lead and muzzled in public - but not at home.

Older dogs must also be neutered by 30 June, or by the end of 2024 for dogs under the age of one.

Owners in England and Wales can no longer apply to exempt an XL bully.

Anyone choosing not to keep their XL bully had to take it to a registered vet to be euthanised by 31 January 2024.

As at 22 April 2024, the government said it had received 400 valid euthanasia compensation claims, and had processed 395, at a cost of £76,500.

Honestly, this sounds about as good as it gets in terms of government response to pits without being completely authoritarian. Offer incentives to euthanize current pits, and for owners who want to keep their pits, make it a complete fucking nightmare and a complete pain in the ass to own one. If you get caught with your pit so much as unmuzzled out in public, issue a big fat fine on the owner with the threat of possible jail time for repeat offenses. As for the woman in the story you linked, I don't think stupidity should merit a death sentence, but I'd count her case as 'suicide by pitbull'. An ugly form of Darwinism.

From what I've read, in 2023, there about 57 fatal pitbull attacks in America. To put that into perspective, in 2023, worldwide, there were 10 fatal shark attacks - and 13 people struck dead by lightning (which is a low in recent years). You're probably more likely to be struck by lightning while you're getting mauled by a pitbull (and unfortunately for you, even after the pit gets struck by lightning, it's still not letting go of your leg) than you are to be attacked and killed by a shark.

Thanks to 'Jaws' and its many imitators, sharks have a bad rep. I've heard rumors they're making a sequel movie to the original adaptation of Stephen King's 'Cujo'. If it happens, I vote that in the sequel, we change it from a Saint Bernard (what it originally was) to a pitbull.

Question: What has four legs and one arm?
Answer: A pit bull leaving the playground.