So it's hoodie season for some of us here if you live in the area of the world that gets colder around this time of year. Fall season and into Winter.

I feel like New Yorkers pride ourselves on hoodies but I could be wrong and just kind of like being extra for no reason.

If you aren't a hoodie type of person maybe you can discuss/showcase your favorite sweaters.

So the point of this thread is to show off your favorite hoodies or hoodies that you will be purchasing soon.

Do you have a hoodie collection or do you just buy one and wear it all fall/winter?

Also for those that are in relationships or were, do you wear your significant other's hoodie? Assuming you can fit into it comfortably without stretching it out much.

I was this cool the whole time.

Thread title made me lol. Szn (season for you old fogies.)

Well as some of you may know, I am a chav so yes I do wear hoodies but I don't rob anyone. Hooded sweatshirts, hooded jackets, hooded coats. Though I never actually put the hood over my head.

I have about six of these, in grey, blue and black, and I wear them with the matching joggers:

They ain't expensive and are excellent quality, nice and thick and warm so that's why I like them, had them for a couple of years and still look like new. I've had Nike ones before but they seem to age in the wash quite quickly.

Only God knows.

- Iowa Hawkeyes Hoodie
- Marine Corps Hoodie
- All black fleece

those 3^ all in rotation this fall and winter;
May 21st, 2024


Big fan of the Internet
Kindness is the highest form of intelligence

I'll post some of my favorite fall cardigans when the weather gets cool enough and I swap out my spring/summer stuff for my fall/winter stuff.

Last year we were having high 60s/early 70s weather well into early November, so it might be a while yet.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

I miss this hoodie. It's TNT but like horror versions of them also pictured with me is my wife from like 9 years ago. This is one of the first times we hung out. We volunteered at a cupcake festival.

I was this cool the whole time.

#5 Sep 22, 2023, 12:20 PM Last Edit: Oct 11, 2023, 05:48 PM by Lexi Darling
(Image removed)
This is probably my favorite sweater I own, it's a cute shade of pink and light and unobtrusive enough to go with more outfits than some of my louder ones. Excuse my unshaven mug.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

I am Kenough hoodie from the Barbie movie shall me mines soon. It's on the way in the mail.

I was this cool the whole time.

I got this recently, it's not the best pic but it has baby yoda on it and the caption says "This is the Way".

I was this cool the whole time.