raptor smartwatch  8)

Excited to wear a smartwatch again, battery life has evolved major since my last google watch. Google watch would last not even a day and now smartwatches battery life is like 3 weeks. Looking forward to the health information it gets out. I think it has a music app and hopefully has a vibration alarm. It's going to give me a more accurate idea of my total steps per day too.

a thread for things you recently bought;

I also recently bought a new wallet;

May 21st, 2024


Big fan of the Internet
Kindness is the highest form of intelligence

#1 Sep 12, 2023, 09:30 PM Last Edit: Oct 11, 2023, 05:49 PM by Lexi Darling
Last thing I bought with my own money was a bag of pretzel nuggets.

Last thing I bought using some money the mister gifted me was the dress I'm wearing in this photo, and as a bonus you can also see the bag of pretzel nuggets sticking out of my bag.

(Image removed)

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

Quote from: Mindy on Sep 12, 2023, 06:57 PMraptor smartwatch  8)

Excited to wear a smartwatch again, battery life has evolved major since my last google watch. Google watch would last not even a day and now smartwatches battery life is like 3 weeks. Looking forward to the health information it gets out. I think it has a music app and hopefully has a vibration alarm. It's going to give me a more accurate idea of my total steps per day too.

a thread for things you recently bought;

I also recently bought a new wallet;

Cool watch, Mindy - I bet you'll wear it well!   8)

#3 Sep 12, 2023, 10:08 PM Last Edit: Oct 11, 2023, 06:16 PM by Guybrush
Quote from: Mrs. Waffles on Sep 12, 2023, 09:30 PMLast thing I bought with my own money was a bag of pretzel nuggets.

Last thing I bought using some money the mister gifted me was the dress I'm wearing in this photo, and as a bonus you can also see the bag of pretzel nuggets sticking out of my bag.

I love the color of your dress, Mrs. Waffles - it really sets off your eyes and hair beautifully.  A great color on you.  Looks like you matched your purse perfectly too.  <3

Now give me a pretzel nugget, lol.  :love:

Nice of Mr. Waffles to gift you the money for the dress.  You two are couple goals for sure.  <3

Quote from: ribbons on Sep 12, 2023, 10:08 PMI love the color of your dress, Mrs. Waffles - it really sets off your eyes and hair beautifully.  A great color on you.  Looks like you matched your purse perfectly too.  <3

Now give me a pretzel nugget, lol.  :love:

Nice of Mr. Waffles to gift you the money for the dress.  You two are couple goals for sure.  <3

Aww, thank you!  :love:

I don't normally have the impulse to buy snacks, but I didn't get a chance to eat much this morning. I was behind on some of my morning tidying so I did that while Mr. Waffles was eating his breakfast and I just grabbed two lemon poppyseed mini muffins for myself. That was it for the next 7 hours because in my haste to get to work I forgot to bring my lunchbox. So I ended up taking off work a half hour early partially because my stomach grumbling was getting to me. I pass by that pretzel place every day on my way to and from work, so I thought why not, haha.

If you're ever in my neck of the woods, I'll definitely save a pretzel nugget for you! Though I'd definitely rather you enjoy some of my fresh baked cookies.  ;D

I very much do appreciate my wonderful man and all the love he showers me with, and I really appreciate the compliment! I will pass it on to him as well.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

#5 Sep 12, 2023, 11:07 PM Last Edit: Sep 12, 2023, 11:18 PM by ribbons
Did you do enough today, Mrs. Waffles?  You put many of us to shame with everything you manage to accomplish!  Working and home management are not easy.

Yes, please do share the compliment with Mr. Waffles!  :D

Thank you so much for the kind standing invite to share pretzel nuggets and your delicious baked goods one day.  You won't need to convince me! <3


P.S.:  When  you mentioned pretzel nuggets, the first thing I thought of (oddly enough) was when I was in labor with my daughter.  They had warned me not to eat anything during labor (except for ice chips) because if I needed an emergency C-section I could get sick from the local spinal anaesthetic if there was food in my stomach.  It was a long labor, about 18+ hours, and I was starving and begged my husband to get me some pretzel nuggets from the vending machine.  He finally gave in and gave me some, and we kept surreptitiously popping them into my mouth.  Sure enough, I wound up having an emergency C-section and due to the pretzel nugget consumption kept throwing my guts up after the operation.  I never looked at pretzel nuggets quite the same way again, but I stilll like 'em!    :o

Quote from: ribbons on Sep 12, 2023, 11:07 PMDid you do enough today, Mrs. Waffles?  You put many of us to shame with everything you manage to accomplish!  Working and home management are not easy.

Aww, shucks.  :love:

Thankfully my job is only 4 hour shifts (with one 6 hour shift per week) making for a total of 22 hours a week on average. I work at a clothing store that is rarely busy at all. The work adds up, especially the sheer amount of time I have to be up and "on" each day, but I'm fine with the current setup.

I am so grateful and appreciative of my wonderful husband-to-be for working hard to provide so much for us and help me pursue my passions of the domestic arts. I'm so lucky to have him. And he was honored by your compliment as well. <3

Oh, that sounds like such an awful way to spend the hours after having your daughter! I have a similar story from a surgery I had, though I'm sure mine was nowhere near as much of an ordeal as one involving childbirth of course.

That reminds me of another story; I was also an unexpected C-section. The funny story about that goes that my mom wanted me to be born to the song "Music of the Night" from Phantom of the Opera, but the delivery kept running into complications and the doctors had to do a C-section. This messed up the timing, and my dad kept trying to cue up the cassette player to the right song while the doctors were cutting my mom open, it was evidently a bit of a mess, haha. My dad ended up accidentally rewinding the tape too far and the song I was actually born to was the ominous Phantom of the Opera overture.

I don't know if my parents would have considered that some kind of omen, haha. But in the end they were just happy I came out healthy and the surgery went fine.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

#7 Sep 13, 2023, 04:20 AM Last Edit: Sep 13, 2023, 04:35 AM by ribbons
^ It actually wasn't so bad - just a few hours of puking. ;D  It's just that pretzel nuggets always bring back the memory.  :laughing:

That is such a cute story about your Mom wanting you to be born to "Music of the Night" and your Dad miscuing the tape to the overture!  Well, given the sweet baby your parents wound up having I would say that was definitely a very GOOD omen.  :)

bling bling

May 21st, 2024


Big fan of the Internet
Kindness is the highest form of intelligence

^ Looks great, Mindy - forearms ftw.   ;D

#10 Sep 22, 2023, 10:39 PM Last Edit: Sep 22, 2023, 10:55 PM by innerspaceboy
I'm a born thrifter notorious for finding incredible deals. I went to a local library sale yesterday and scored some fun loot!

A mint unopened copy of the mammoth 700pg AllMusic Guide to Electronica: The Definitive Guide to Electronic Music

A mint hardcover copy of the New York Times bestseller Musicophilia by Oliver Sacks

And best of all - from Readers Digest, Vintage Hollywood: 50 Classic Movies From the Golden Age of Cinema. It's a giant DVD box set housed in a metal film reel tin I picked up for just $10! (That works out to just twenty cents per film!)

I have another treasure hunt in the works which I hope to report on by next weekend.

(I'm like this all the time.)

I like that wallet @Mindy but I have way too many cards. Whats the max card slots it has?

I was this cool the whole time.

Last thing I bought that wasn't for the gym was this Yamaha amp:

I'm so happy with it! I can dial in useful guitar tones for most things and it sounds great.

It also goes well with our white Yamaha piano 🙂

Happiness is a warm manatee

Technically the last thing I bought was our weekly groceries, but besides that I splurged on some makeup yesterday. Now that the weather is getting cooler I'll be able to glam up more often without having to worry about sweating it off, so I got some foundation, mascara and setting spray.

My friends also gave me some advice on fake eyelashes, so I decided to try those out as well. I'm always looking for new ways to prettify my looks. I never tried those before because I was always paranoid of them falling off when I'm out and about, but I'm going to be out and about a lot less in the months to come so I'm gonna give it a try.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

Some sliders. UK size 5. I'm a UK size 8 but sliders tend to always be too big for me. Hopefully these will be good. My current ones are size 7 and about an inch too long.

Only God knows.