Jan 28, 2023, 10:32 AM Last Edit: May 27, 2023, 08:07 AM by Guybrush
Hallo Guest!

What we like to eat for breakfast is both personal and changes with culture, so I thought it would be interesting to make a breakfast thread.

What do you like to eat?

During work days, I don't always eat breakfast or I keep them simple. It might be a toast with cheese. It might be a handful of walnuts. It might be a spoon of cod liver oil and a glass of juice. I don't really have a set ritual .

However, during weekends, I like to have a proper breakfast. What I eat most of is herring on half a bun / slice of bread with mayonnaise and a softish boiled egg, like this:

It's absolutely delicious and I never tire of it. The herring filets come in a jar and you have to cut them to the size you want. It's great.

Here it's on homemade bread alongside black filter coffee and a glass of breakfast juice (apples, oranges & carrots).

Another common choice here is caviar in a similar setup, although we don't always bother with the eggs for that.

So what do you guys like to eat for breakfast?

Happiness is a warm manatee

I'm not a big fan of breakfast foods honestly, so I keep it simple. When I'm being good, I'll have steel cut oats and a Greek yogurt. When I'm being bad, I'll have a bagel with cream cheese and a side of bacon.

This is what you want. This is what you get.

I have to watch my weight so I limit my breakfast to a couple plain bagels and some juice.

The Word has spoken :D

I love making breakfast, but as I am currently on a diet with a calorie limit, I don't get much of a chance to cook a real hearty one these days. I love making omelets, especially my cheesy turkey and jalapeno omelet that my partner loves.

These days I'll usually just have basic scrambled eggs with or without a couple bacon strips, alternating with a half bagel with light cream cheese and anchovy paste. On my days off I might also get lazy and grab some instant oatmeal. When I move in with my partner in the spring/summer things will change a lot though.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

I don't always eat breakfast daily. When I do eat it, sometimes I just have a banana, orange, apple and/or yogurt for breakfast and sometimes I have a variation of a typical English breakfast which will include some combination of eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, baked beans and sometimes salsa or hot sauce. Once in a while I'll add some peanut butter and/or cheese to my breakfast. 

My breakfast is the same thing every day.

Tea and a big plastic cup of milk (whole), about 300ml oats and whey protein blended into a thick liquid.

Only God knows.

I usually just have a coffee and a small yoghurt, but I've been known to enjoy a bigger breakfast every now and then such as Eggs Benedict.

I do basically some variation of Cheerios with milk (sometimes with raisins or blueberries), yogurt and coffee.

Gosh some of you eat such nice breakfasts
I just eat either toast with cheese and salad (a mixture of rocket and other kinds) or a bowl of corn flakes. Then I chug down some cold orange juice to jolt myself awake and drink a pot of tea

#9 Jan 30, 2023, 04:12 PM Last Edit: Jan 30, 2023, 04:17 PM by ribbons
We recently moved to new offices and my work space is very far away from the cafeteria; and as I'm currently mobility-challenged a work friend has been bringing me breakfast from the cafeteria every morning (which is very nice of her, and something I can get used to!).  Usually it's thick yogurt with raspberries and chopped walnuts with a drizzle of honey, and a slice of health bread toast with butter.  And a large black iced coffee to keep me awake.  I work remotely on Mondays, so I really miss this *special delivery* on Mondays.

On weekends, it's usually two velvety scrambled eggs made the Gordon Ramsay way (his technique is the best imho), with a slice of toast made with the same brand of health bread they use at work (which is delicious) with Irish butter, and hot tea.  Also, I absolutely love ruby red grapefruit juice over ice and occasionally have that with breakfast as well.

I would hire you as my personal breakfast maker

^ It would be my purr-leasure, m'dear.   ;)

#12 Feb 20, 2023, 02:34 AM Last Edit: Feb 20, 2023, 02:37 AM by Lisnaholic
Years back I once cycled to school on no breakfast and almost fainted in front of a class, so since then I always have breakfast. Invariably a brown-bread sandwich, of which I have about 4 styles that I can prepare without the necessity of thought. Most often: humus, a sprinkle of those nut+berry mixes you can buy in a bag and a bit of chopped-up apple to kid myself that it's healthy. I only have time (and room :-[) for one drink, so coffee wins out over fruit juice.

(Cereal or eggs, which some of you guys go for, is something I'd prob eat in the evening.)   

What you desire is of lesser value than what you have found.

Glad you're taking care to have breakfast, Lisna.  I love hummus and had some today on grilled pita triangles, but for lunch.  I've never considered hummus for breakfast - and the thought of having it on brown bread sounds good to me!  Do you mean you sprinkle the nut + berry mix, or the chopped apple, on the hummus?  That's interesting, and I imagine it would be a nice combo of savory and sweet. 

^ oops! Two ems in hummus. Thanks.
Yes, a small amount of cut-up apple with the nuts+berries all lying on the hummus before I put a roof on that sandwich to hold all the flavor down. ;) To be honest, that's the fanciest of my sandwiches, the others being more humdrum ham+cheese,etc.

Quote from: ribbons on Jan 30, 2023, 04:12 PMWe recently moved to new offices and my work space is very far away from the cafeteria; and as I'm currently mobility-challenged a work friend has been bringing me breakfast from the cafeteria every morning (which is very nice of her, and something I can get used to!).  Usually it's thick yogurt with raspberries and chopped walnuts with a drizzle of honey, and a slice of health bread toast with butter.  And a large black iced coffee to keep me awake.  I work remotely on Mondays, so I really miss this *special delivery* on Mondays.

Your work breakfast sounds really nice too, ribbons, and it's a good balance of food groups. I'm very pleased to hear that someone is helping out while you have mobility problems. I'm sure there must be many frustrations for you at the moment so it's very commendable that you are making the effort to get to work at all.

What you desire is of lesser value than what you have found.