Way back when Music Banter was a thriving community and the air of toxicity had not yet descended, before it shot itself in the head, by which time there was nobody left to remove the bloody corpse, or at least, anyone who cared, I had an idea. Well, truth to tell, I had lots of ideas, and this was one of them. Not exactly known for my up-to-date knowledge of music - anything after the 1980s was mostly a closed book to me really - I decided to listen to every album from the year I was in, which was, as it happened, 2017.

Insane, you may think. Completely impossible. A valiant, but ultimately pointless endeavour. Or even perhaps, who the fuck cares what you do, Trollheart? Well, all of the above, possibly, and without question my sides began to hurt from the constant jabs they received from my  annoyer-in-chief, who comes from a country where they don't do much smiling, and his sidekick, who seems to consider himself prince of some sort of flying mammals. They both went out of their way to tell me I was using the wrong list, having chosen the one provided by Wikipedia. "This album isn't on it," they whined, "nor this one. And what about this one? There's no point in doing the thing if you're not going to do it right, by which we mean, the way we consider you should do it." Being the amiable fellow I am, I advised them both that they were free to stick their opinions up whatever orifice they chose, and I ploughed on. What they chose to do in the end is a question you'd have to ask them, but I had chosen to use Wiki's list, and to that end I did slightly compromise by having the title of the thread amended from "Trollheart Listens to Every Album from 2017" to "Trollheart Listens to Every Album on Wiki's List for 2017." Such children, honestly.

I won't say they were wrong. They weren't. It is in fact almost impossible to get a full, definitive list of albums released in any year, but given my usage of and fondness for the Big W, I had decided to take my cue from them, and so I did. The interesting thing was that, as I went along with this new, somewhat Herculean project, I quickly discovered (as the constant moans and whines and complaints from Frownlord faded into the distance) that it really didn't matter if I listened to ALL the albums of that year. That really wasn't the point. What was the point? Glad you asked, because I'm going to tell you. The point was that it was - what's that word again, tip of my tongue... oh yeah: fun. It was fun. I really enjoyed it, and though I only lasted halfway through the year (this not being necessarily due to losing interest in the project, but more to the death of my beloved cat Ritchie and a subsequent lack of incentive to continue, coupled with the aforementioned and incessant sniping and the suffocating and toxic atmosphere that eventually prompted all of us to leave the forum) I encountered more good music I would never have expected to than I, well, expected, and got into some really good artists. Of course, I also came across many, many artists that I would never again in a thousand lifetimes listen to, but that's the nature of this project, Good with the bad. Sometimes the very bad. Even the ugly.

The saving grace was that even when I hated an album I was able to laugh about it - mostly - and people who read the thread seemed to enjoy it, probably the moreso when I hated an album than when I liked one. Overall though it was enormous fun and I enjoyed it tremendously. I kind of regretted not completing it, but by the time I had come to terms with the loss of Ritchie about a month had passed and frankly, I just wasn't in the mood for catching up. I had hoped to be finished that year, or at best less than halfway into the new one, and it just didn't look like I was going to reach that goal, so I stopped around June.

Now I'm doing it all over again. Except of course now we're seven years on, and I'm concentrating on the year just gone, 2023, as if you couldn't guess from the title of the thread. For those who want to, my old thread is still available here https://www.musicbanter.com/general-music/90135-trollheart-listens-every-album-wikis-list-2017-a-41.html so you can, if you wish, read it. You don't of course have to, because the format is pretty simple, as I will now explain. Essentially, as you probably won't be too surprised to hear, these are not going to be reviews. At best, they'll be impressions of the album, perhaps a few lines about the artist, and at most probably one or two paragraphs written. There'll be a score out of ten, and a few salient details. As each month closes I'll probably do a top and bottom 20, but we'll see how it goes. Feel free of course to comment, or just sit back and (hopefully) enjoy my take on last year's albums.

To slightly illustrate the point of there being no definitive list - for any year - I quote here Wiki's own admission, which makes it clear that even they don't consider this to be a complete list. I doubt anyone has one.

"This is a dynamic list and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness."
List of albums released in 2023
But as I said earlier, that's not the point. So maybe there were more than thirty albums released in January; probably likely indeed. But what is on this list is enough to be going on with, and will both give me a reasonable idea of what was out there last year as well as a chance to make some well-observed (or not) comments on some, praise others, laugh myself silly at more, be surprised, shocked, dismayed, intrigued and possibly even upset some of you into the bargain. I know a got a few "boo!"'s last time I did this, and that's fine: we don't all like the same music. Look, this isn't MB, but I think enough people here will be interested in such a thread, so I'm going ahead with it. Will I finish it this time, or will I again fall short? Answers on a postcard please.

As a wise man once said:
Quote from: Ol' Qwerty Bastard;1872486doubt you'll like any of them but it will be fun to watch the suffering at the very least.

And I'm sure it was. And will be again. Do not - I repeat, do not - worry about laughing at my pain. I'm quite used to it, and your laughter is actually quite soothing. Sometimes.

I'm also not going to work myself into an early grave trying to complete this before the year is out. It's not actually that important what year I'm looking at - I have no doubt I'll still be working on this when the "Auld Lang Syne"s are long faded for 2025, but that doesn't matter. It may, I suppose, follow the fate of my MB 2017 thread and not be finished. That also doesn't matter. What does matter is that it will, hopefully, be interesting, fun and informative, and a thread people will want to check out, read and perhaps comment on.

Some basics then, for those who may not want to bother checking out the original. Here's how it will go: Basically I'm here pasting a slightly edited version of the opening post from the original.

Being someone who generally tends to be lost when people start compiling AOTY lists at the end of the year, not often listening to albums from the current year, I thought maybe I'd try this. If I listen to every album released (as per Wiki) then I'll get a good flavour of, not what's cool or popular, about which I do not give a curse, but what good albums I might come across that I would otherwise have missed.

Huge undertaking? Of course. Typical Trollheart attempt to kill himself by Review? You know it! However, as I'm sure you expect and understand, these albums won't be reviewed. At best I'll scribble a few lines about each, unless something really impresses me. I've nothing to prove with regard to writing reviews - those who have read my various journals, and some threads, know how good, or bad, I am at that, so this is more an attempt just to listen to the albums and quickly say what I think of each.

I am, however, providing myself with three "get-out clauses": one is the "Oh Hell No!" clause, which will be implemented if I start an album and hate it right away.

 I'll try not to use that too often though; want to give everything a fair chance if I can. To that end, the "Three Strikes clause" is exactly what you would think it is: if, after three tracks, I'm not feeling it on a particular album, I retain the option to drop it and move on.

After all, this is going to be a LOT of albums I have to listen to! Finally, if I get more than three tracks in to an album but it just isn't happening, I'm going to use the "Bailing Out!" clause. This is the most generous of the three, as it gives a higher allowance/tolerance for the album before I decide against it.

If I use one of my clauses on an album you think I should give more of a chance, by all means let me know, but I'll retain the final say as to whether I go back and complete it or not. I'll be doing the albums chronologically and in alphabetical order, as per this list. Comments, advice, Nazi gifs etc all welcome.

Note: I should make it clear I'm not going to bothering with any compilations such as the Now series, Ibiza Party or whatever the fuck. No Best Of, Greatest Hits, boxsets or anthologies. No retrospectives, no special editions, no collector's editions. No re-releases of older albums or recordings of old concerts, whether previously released or not. Live albums? I'll think about it, but I'm tending towards no, especially if it's an artist I already know. I guess we'll see, as ever, how it goes. Other than that though, only proper, new albums. Yo.

Some more notes: it should be understood that, naturally, every album only gets one chance to impress, so while some may be growers, if they don't speak to me first time they're done. I don't have the time to listen to albums more than once. This has even impacted on my participation in the two album clubs. So please don't tell me "Oh you should listen to it a few more times" or "Don't write it off after one listen." I've a lot to get through, and no time for passengers. This is an express service. :)

Also, in an effort to stop people whining about my not using RYM (though I really don't care) I'll be adding the general RYM score, if it exists, for each album. Just for the comparison I guess. It will be interesting to see how many of the ones I feature here will actually turn up on RYM.

One more note: In the genre/subgenre field I will be copying exactly what it says on the Wiki entry for the album, so if it's wrong don't blame me, though if it's obviously and glaringly wrong I will probably refer to it in the review.


Wish me luck!

Yet another note: I'm going to include a reaction image at the start of the review ONLY in cases where I was very surprised by my reaction to an album, positive or negative. Good reactions that weren't expected will get this one

and ones where I thought the album would be great and it let me down will be denoted by

Why? Well it will give you a quick idea, if you don't fancy reading the whole thing or skipping to the rating, as to the impression the album made on me. Also, it's fun for me. I like fun. :)

FYI there will be an index held in the OP, though the likelihood is that, as with the previous thread, I will have to preface each month with the index for that month, so links in the OP will point to those. I feel I'd come up against my old nemesis, the maximum character count, were I to try to put the index for the entire year (or however far I get) into the one post. There will also be a kind of recap at the end of each month - what albums I liked, what albums I hated etc.

Notes on the below index: Genre is always based on what Wiki says it is, so if I get it wrong, suck it: I'm not searching through website after website to compare genres and see if Wiki was right. As far as I'm concerned, they are; however, if it becomes very clear that they labelled it wrongly, then I'll mention that in the comments, Tracks does not, in the case of hip-hop albums, include short "skits", or, in the case of other albums, any piece of music that lasts for only a few seconds. In terms of scores, any album that's not terrible can expect maybe a 5, pretty bad would get a 4 or even 3. It will have to be really shit to go below that. While an above-average album will get 6, a pretty good one will get 7, a very good one 8 and of course from there on you're in excellent territory.

So with perhaps the longest-ever introduction to one of my threads (and you know that's saying a lot for me!) it's time to get cracking.


Fireworks - Higher Lonely Power
Six Stones - Koe
Anti-Flag - Lies They Tell Our Children
Iggy Pop - Every Loser
Nicole Dollanganger - Married in Mount Airy
Ru Paul - Black Butta
Youngboy Never Broke Again - I Rest My Case
Mike Free 03 Greedo - 03 Free

Okay then, let's hop in my battered old TARDIS and strap ourselves in. It's time (sorry) to return to 2023, and specifically, to


And we kick off with this

Album title:  Higher Lonely Power
Artist:  Fireworks
Genre: Emo Pop/Melodic Hardcore/Pop Punk/Power Pop
Nationality: American (Michigan)
Release date: January 1
Position in Discography: Fourth
Tracks: 12
Familiar with this artist? No
Heard of this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? Well there are a few, but overall no, not that familiar with any of them really
Average RYM Score: 2.98
Highest chart position: Unknown

Before anyone gets on my case (sorry; I keep thinking Music Banter - you people are nicer. Aren't you? Aren't you?) and says what, only one album released on the first day of the year? I have to admit I'm surprised myself, but that's what the Wiki list says. Hey, maybe they were all sitting around with sore heads after New Year's Eve, who knows? Anyway, as I said in the (extremely long) intro post, this isn't anymore about reviewing all the albums of 2023, just the ones on the list, and even then it's more about getting a diverse view of the different - oh hell I can't keep a straight face through that! Okay, okay! It's about having fun, and maybe being mocked, or praised, or at least giving you all something to read and me something to write.

So let's write something.

Not too much information about this band. Their biographer on Wiki seems to think it's more important to  go into forensic detail about what tours they went on and who they supported, which doesn't really tell me much about them, as I know none of the bands listed.  However I do glean the small nugget of information that this is their first album since their hiatus in 2015, so perhaps a comeback of sorts? I must admit, with the amount of genres and sub-genres mentioned (and Discogs also adds in indie and post rock) I'm not quite sure what to expect, but somehow I don't think it will be boring.

Well I have to say, from the moment it starts I really hate it. Not a good beginning: the somewhat discordant voice, the screech, the confused nature of the music... not winning any new fans here boys! I can certainly see the punk influence (though whether I would call it pop punk is debatable) and the melodic hardcore too. At least the first track is short, but we have - if I survive through it - another eleven to go.

"I Want to Start a Religion with You" is better, with a more, well, power pop/indie vibe to it, and the vocal is more restrained (enough with the screaming already, guys!) with a decent melody. Kind of reminds me of a tougher, more stripped-down Lloyd Cole and the Commotions. Maybe. Let's see if there's more than one singer? No, it appears not. Therefore I have to conclude the guy has a good vocal range and is very versatile.

Hear the power pop in the next one too - it's all right but nothing special, then things get heavier for "Megachurch", which I assume is some sort of stab at organised religion yawn how controversial. Next one sounds like they're trying to the Clash or something. Yeah it's all right but I think this is a case of too many genres/styles spoil the band: they don't quite seem to know what they want to be, and the uncomfortable mish-mash of styles is hard to deal with. Less than halfway through but I already can see how it's going to go. There's a nice dramatic, epic feel to the hilariously-named "Jerking Off the Sky" (right) and it's probably the first slow track on the album, though a long way from a ballad. To be honest, so far, it's probably the best of a mediocre lot. Hey, at least he hasn't screamed since that opening track.

Oh but hold the phone! This next track sounds lovely. Gorgeous piano with an echoing, emo-like vocal. Let's see if it stays that way. Would certainly be nice. Sort of a sense of, of all things, George Michael about it, I feel. How weird. Okay well it just went all to hell with a harsh guitar and some trundling drums, but still, I'd rate "Machines Keep You Alive" as the best so far, so could this be a turning point in the album? I often find, on reviewing, that albums have a sort of point where they begin to dip; start off well, get better, then plunge downhill on the last few tracks. Occasionally the reverse occurs, so is that the case here? Well the next track is decent, too, with a sense of sort of U2/Big Country maybe, possibly throw in some of The Alarm as well. Rocks along nicely.

The ghost of Matt Johnson prowls along the edges of "The Veins in David's Hand", with a rather nice piano line sprinkled through it too, and I must say that after a very frenetic and chaotic start, this album has settled down quite nicely. Still wouldn't be bothered listening to it again, but it's stopped being the ordeal I thought it would be: to be honest, I expected to be Bailing Out once I heard the first track. Kind of glad I didn't, as I was loath to abandon the very first album in the thread. Overall I'd say an okay album, not as bad as I had expected, but not exactly the best way to begin the year. So to speak.

Any good tracks? Jerking Off the Sky, Machines Keep You Alive, The Veins in David's Hand, How Did it Used to Be So Easy?
Agree with RYM? On this occasion I'd say they have it about right, yes.
Would I listen to this album again? I don't think so, no.
Of choice, would I check out more from this artist? It's unlikely
Of choice, would I be interested in checking out more from this genre or subgenre? Hard to say, with so many genres represented. Some, yes; others, no.
Score: 5/10

(Ha ha! Picture not found! How appropriate! Even the internet hates them!)  :laughing:
Album title:  Koe
Artist:  Six Tones
Genre: Boyband/J-pop
Nationality: Japanese
Release date: January 4
Position in Discography: Third
Tracks: 16
Familiar with this artist? No
Heard of this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? More than I would wish, after my award-losing series Stranger in a Strange Land, though that did concentrate on occidental groups. Still, even today I wake up screaming to the sound of digital pianos and autotune!
Average RYM Score: N/A
Highest chart position: Unknown; if Japanese record buyers are stupid enough to have bought this album, that's their funeral. I bet they were.  ::)

There's a note on the Wiki page for this group which reads thus: This article may contain an excessive amount of intricate detail that may interest only a particular audience.  Really? No shit! The thing reads like a corporate press release for avid fans of the band who want to know everything about them from what they ate for breakfast to what colour their shit is (spoiler: it's brown). Never have I seen such a load of useless drivel that helped me not one bit in getting information on an artist! I did learn that something like its much more popular Korean counterpart, K-Pop. Japanese boyband/pop seems to be rigidly controlled and manipulated by corporations, big surprise, and there appears to be a sort of almost literal "pop factory" going on, where members are drafted in, switched around, loaned out to and fit into new bands, so it's pretty damn interchangeable. As, no doubt, I imagine, is the music.

Both Discogs and Wiki have the good taste not to have details of this, Six Stones' third album, and even RYM shakes its head and tries to pretend it's engrossed in reading the Billboard Hot 100 Chart. So where do I find any track listing even? Is the album available to me? Do I care? To answer the first question, found it finally on a - wait for this - J-pop Wiki article. Right. Also may have found the album but it's hard to tell. Incidentally, I'm sure you'll be interested to know that the band's name is pronounced "stones" - the "ix" is silent. Why ? Fuck knows. Oh wait: Wiki does, or at least the obsessive cunt who wrote the page. Let him (or her) explain. The "stones" pronunciation refers to "diamond in the rough", where the group's potential emerges as its members continually polish and refine their skills.The name also refers to the six members, each with a distinctive tone, personality and sound.  Right. Sure. Oh wait now! This is far more interesting. Seems the man behind almost all of J-pop, and certainly this band, one Johnny Kitigawa, is or was Japan's answer to a cross between Simon Cowell, Louis Walsh and Jimmy Savile!

Accused of repeated sexual abuse of young boys under his care, Kitigawa denied the accusations and put on a defamation suit - huh? Is this something out of Japanese anime perhaps? The all-powerful defamation suit, which insulates even the most evil bastard abuser againt legal.... oh. No. Read that wrong. He took a defamation suit against one of the newspapers that published them, winning the case. But as with our own monster, the truth will always out, and eventually his niece, and his label, had to admit the accusations were true, she apologising for them on her uncle's behalf. Perhaps ironically, perhaps intentionally, like Savile, the truth was only admitted after his passing, Kitigawa heading down in 2019 to that hell that awaits all child abusers. May he burn forever.

And now, on that happy note, on with the show!

Hmm. Not unexpectedly really, after all that quite interesting background (yes, yes it was! It was!) the album is literally nothing to write home about. Mixture of English and Japanese used on the songs (not both at once) but no matter what language they're singing in it's the same every track bland, faceless, boring, corporate pop made to sell records (duh) and nothing more (ah). There is of course the obligatory ballad, and to be fair it's not bad, but the rest of it is strictly not worth bothering with. Pass. Oh, and  not to be racist, they all look the same on the cover. Some message there?

It's at least an interesting opening, with an a capella introduction - in English, too! - which they rather pompously title "Overture", but after that the mask falls pretty quickly and we're into quite a basic dance/pop vein which has precisely nothing new about it. At least they sing in English, which is something. Or, maybe not. Now I have to listen to a load of bargain-basement sub-SAW (Stock, Aiken and Waterman, dummy! Not the torture movie!) lyrics and melodies that sound like they were composed in someone's bedroom as they all sat around grinning "This is awesome!" It's not, guys. It's really not. Okay, now we're singing in Japanese, which weirdly actually sounds better than the English song. I mean, not much, but there's a certain sense of the exotic about it I guess. Some half-decent guitar solos.

Some autotune with your pop, perhaps, sir? And may I suggest our House Special, pretending to be big and bad like one of those gangsta rap stars? Very good choice, sir. Yes, we do take all major credit cards. Sir? Sir? You appeared to be stuck in some sort of music loop there for a moment. Ah. I'll be right back. Which is to say, "Good Luck!" (no suffix "You'll Need it"?) tries very hard to be tough and fails miserably - even the dark, growly voice one of them tries falls flat - oh wait, that's "Outrageous", as if it matters. All pretty much generic pop that wants to be rock but hasn't got the busfare, blending together into some unrecognisable mush of corporate muzak for the masses. Johnny must be rubbing his hands in glee down there!

It's time for the obligatory ballad, and it's in their native language, but there's a nice piano leading it and I think some orchestral strings. It's not bad but does sound like Barry Manilow and Michael Jackson met up and threw something together after a three-day bender. Guess it's a nice break from the hard-driving pop and incessant shouts of bravado anyway. It's a break soon to be shattered as some sort of pop/jazz/rock monstrosity heaves onto the scene, also in Japanese, and sure why not throw a poorly-conceived rap in as well while you're at it, muchachos? Really really terrible. Hangin' on here; again, I don't want to bail so soon into the project. Mind you, "Hito Hito Hito" makes that a hard promise to live up to, with even more jazz and a slice of what is, I suppose, meant to be funk making it even worse than the previous, quite an achievement in my opinion. Oh and of course there's a rap too. Natch.

Yeah it just keeps getting worse. Apart from that ballad I haven't heard a single track here that hasn't set my teeth on edge. Stones may be the silent version of this band but I swear if I had six stones I'd be hurling every one at their stupid annoying heads. This is exactly the kind of thing that makes me hate boybands. And the fact that they exist. In fairness, during Stranger I found, quite to my surprise, that I had to afford some grudging respect to some of the bigger boybands. That's not the case here, I assure you. I could happily push them all off a bridge and walk away with a clear conscience. Diamonds in the rough? I'd crush them all back into carbon!

Any good tracks? No
Agree with RYM? N/A
Would I listen to this album again? Not as long as my ears are still attached to my head!
Of choice, would I check out more from this artist? Absolutely not
Of choice, would I be interested in checking out more from this genre or subgenre? Probably not; very insipid
Score: 3/10 (and that's being generous!)

(No YouTube available: consider this a lucky escape!)

Album title:  Lies They Tell Our Children
Artist: Anti-Flag
Genre: Punk Rock
Nationality: American (Pennsylvania)
Release date: January 6
Position in Discography: 13th and final
Tracks: 11
Familiar with this artist? No
Heard of this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? Not really
Average RYM Score: 2.29
Highest chart position: 71 (though the Germans love them - got to number 6. And the Swiss think they're okay too, pushing the album to 35. Unsurprisingly, did nothing in America. Well, with titles of albums such as, um, North America Sucks!, American Fall and American Reckoning, I'm not surprised! )

You know, after the bland, faceless corporate pop of Six bloody Tones (and how I wish they were: bloody, that is) I'm ready to have  my arse kicked. Hey! Don't all rush! I didn't mean that literally! Those who know me will be aware I have something of a bias against punk - which I'm trying to overcome - so to say I'm looking forward to a punk album is quite the statement for me. I also have to say this: a punk concept album? Does such a mythical creature even exist? Well, it seems it does.

Chances are, of course, punk (as I understand it) being punk, I won't be able to follow any concept anyway, but we'll see. I guess you could say punks are or were the original angry young men (and some women), at least in the late 1970s and early 1980s, so perhaps they are the ones best suited to, um, rage against the machine? More than a prog band anyway. I see too that some of my guys from Rise Against, a band who helped break me into what might be termed "proper" punk, guest on this, so it may not be all bad.

I'm not entirely sure why this is shown as being Anti-Flag's final album, although I've now read about it, and it does not make easy reading. Apparently the lead singer and guitarist (and founder), Justin Sane (yeah) was accused of statutory rape and sexual misconduct, and quickly disbanded Anti-Flag. Though he denied the accusations, they do appear to be true, and his own former bandmates turned on him. How odd that two albums, released within days of each other, both have stories relating to sexual predatory behaviour! I'll try not to let that influence my appreciation, or otherwise, of the album, but it's a tough one to swallow. Right then, let's see what the album is like on its own merits, shall we?

And man is this a revelation! From the opener "Sold Everything" to the closer "Only in my Head" these guys can't put a foot wrong. And with luminary guests from Rise Against, Jane's Addiction and Minor Threat lending their muscle to the project, this is one hell of a swansong for Anti-Flag.I'd pick out "Work and Struggle", "Victory or Death (We Gave Them Hell)" and "The Fight of our Lives" as highlights, but hell, the whole damn album is a highlight. Superb. Changing my mind about Punk Rock like Frank Carter did back in '17! Rise! Resist! Rock! Or something.

But settle down, Trollheart. Remember what the doctor said. No, not "When the hell are you going to pay this bill, you cheap bastard?" That bit about your heart. Yes that. The chance you may actually have one. Yes I know it's an outside possibility, but still, you should be careful. Now take your pill, draw a deep breath - no! Not while swallowing the damned water! Now look what you've done! Okay, that's it: cough it all up. You're fine now. A bit red in the face, but that will pass. Now, this time take a deep breath and begin your review properly.

What? I know they're not reviews! Why do you always -? Ah, that's it! I give up! You're on your own, pal! Hah! Lucky for you I'm no more than a figment of your deranged imagination.


An interestingly acoustic opener which sounds quite familiar as "Sold Everything" kicks off the album, gets pretty anthemic and I do have to admit I really like this. It's a good start. It's also very short, and leads into a much heavier, punchier song which features the lead vocalist from Killswitch Engage. It has a lot of energy and power, and yes, I like this too. Guitar riff reminds me of Trespass's "Stormchild". Huh? Never mind; you wouldn't understand. It's a NWOBHM thing. Sort of. And yeah, I like the next one too, and the one after it, where my mate from Rise Against as well as the guitarist from Minor Threat and bass player from Thirty Seconds to Mars put in a guest appearance. Very impressive so far. Interesting vocal harmonies on "The Fight of Our Lives", almost pop in a way. Great stuff.

I guess "Imperialism" is the closest to what I would consider an actual punk song; the rest have impressed me more as almost thrash metal or something, but this has real teeth and a certain sense of abandon and, um, don't-give-a-fuckness (if that description ever ends up in the OED, I want credit!) while also being the first track on the album to feature a female vocalist, Ashrita Kumar from Pinkshift. It says here. More anthemic rock in "Victory or Death (We Gave 'em Hell)" These guys do more whoa-oh-oh-ing than Maiden! And dare I say it? They're nearly as good. Haven't heard anything I haven't loved so far. Hold on just a moment! Was that a piano? Well, one note of a piano, but still, on a punk album that's about - I believe - as out of place as shredding on a jazz album! A joyously anti-religion song, "Shallow Graves" definitely suffers from the Stuart Adamson (RIP) syndrome, Big Country-style guitar rolling all over it, and nothing whatsoever wrong with that. Another winner.

It is quite short though, just two and a half minutes, and even shorter by a few seconds is the raging, bile-spitting "Work and Struggle", where the guitarist really lets himself go and the drummer seems to be having a fine old time too. Leaves us with just two tracks, one twice as long as the previous and featuring Bad Cop/Bad Cop's Stacey Dee, and so therefore the second time a lady takes the mic, this time on the strangely-spelled "Nvrevr" (I guess that's supposed to equate to never ever? Yeah, there it is in the lyric) which hurtles along on biting guitar, our Stacey sounding like a 21st century Debbie Harry when she was just starting out, and we close on "Only in My Dreams", sorry "Only in My Head" which continues the high quality here and concludes a really bitchin' album, as someone I used to know was fond of saying.

So in the end, the first really good album released in 2023* turns out to be a punk one? Ain't that, as ol' Blue Eyes once sang, a kick in the head?

*Yes, yes I know! According to Wiki, I mean.

Any good tracks? Every fucking one
Agree with RYM? Not in the least. What is wrong with those people?
Would I listen to this album again? Absolutely. AOTY material.
Of choice, would I check out more from this artist? Absolutely
Of choice, would I be interested in checking out more from this genre or subgenre?  Gives me real hope that I can, yes
Score: 10/10

Album title:  Every Loser
Artist: Iggy Pop
Genre: Alt Rock/Punk Rock
Nationality: American
Release date: January 6
Position in Discography: 19th (presumably Stoogeless)
Tracks: 11
Familiar with this artist? A tiny bit
Heard of this artist? Duh
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? As above
Average RYM Score: 2.74
Highest chart position: 33 (No dice cross the water though - did well in Scotland (huh?), and Germany, where he just missed hitting the top at number 2, liked also by Hungary (7) and France (number eight) but the Swiss loved him, sending him to the top slot).

And so we have another pop album. Of the Iggy variety. Actually, it's really more a punk one isn't it, and so we have two punk albums following hard on the heels of one another. Mind you, everyone knows Iggy, whether through his ex-band The Stooges, through his association with the late Bowie, or in his own right Once the bad boy of punk, poster boy for drug excesses and noise and that soon-to-be-OED definition again, don't-give-a-fuckness, the last time I saw Iggy he was, um, doing an ad for some insurance company, or a bank or something. Ah, Wild One! How you have fallen! But is this album his redemption? Does he need redemption? What, after all, do I know about him? I saw fellow ex-crazy rocker Alice Cooper doing some similar ad, so as I always say, what do I know? If it brings in the dollars, even for a "Billion Dollar Baby", why not?

Yeah I doubt Mrs. Pop's favourite son has much, if anything, to prove, having carved out a pretty damned memorable rock, punk and even pop career (anyone remember "Real Wild Child"?) so let's give this a spin and see what he's been doing since 2019, when he was, apparently, Free. Hey, better than being Ready to Die, as he was in 2013! The opening track is called "Frenzy" and it certainly lives up to its name! Lots of swear words, snarling guitar, thundering drums, powerful chant behind him, and Iggy's growl that does not suffer fools nor take prisoners pretty much snapping "I'm back, motherfuckers! All pretenders stand aside and make way for the king!" Sounding a little like Eldritch from Sisters of Mercy (or should that be the other way around?) "Strung Out Johnny" sees Iggy tone it back down a little, more understated but still with that (sorry) raw power we've come to know and love him for. Possibly.

Definitely more commercial, almost pop (minus the Iggy), as if he has spat his venom to announce his return and is now settling back with a satisfied grunt and a "That's right, bitch. Don't fuck with me!" look on his face. Donning his cowboy hat then for the hilarious "New Atlantis", complete with pianola and a spoken intro, some pretty sweet guitar too. Back to the high-octane energy then with a blistering guitar intro and some punchy organ on "Modern Day Ripoff" which has somehow an almost older sound, like something out of the seventies hard rock era. Back to a kind of acoustic country style then for "Morning Show", I guess the closest Iggy's gonna come to a ballad? Also sounds like a sort of updated version of Harry Chapin's "WOLD". Shut up.

Next track is a Waits-style advertisement with a nice breezy honky-tonk piano that last less than a minute and then charges headlong into the perhaps semi-autobiographical and quite hilarious "Neo Punk", guitars firing off in all directions and trying to keep up with Iggy's vocal delivery (and failing) and taking us to the somewhat grinding, almost Springsteen-esque "All the Way Down" while there's a cool bass line running through "Comments" - almost has a sort of eighties new wave feel to it in a way. That warbling synth is right out of OMD or Tears For Fears or any of a hundred bands doing this at the time, including - and maybe even closer to - the later work of The Cars.

"My Animus (interlude)" is another short, just over one-minute all but spoken piece, driven this time by some slow jangly guitar and we end on "The Regency", which sounds kind of like the weakest protest song I've ever heard. "Fuck the Regency"? You're about three hundred years too late, Iggy my man. Perhaps that song itself can be seen as a microcosm for the whole album. Pretty weak overall in its main mission, though not really too bad an album. But for the master of punk? Somewhat flaccid. Maybe he needs some viagra?

Look, I'm no Iggy connoisseur, but even I know what people expect from him. They want him wild, unhinged, shouting, spitting, cursing "Get fucked!" at you, and on this album, that's exactly what you get. For, well, one track. But then it's like someone set a trap for him, caught him and sedated him. The result, then, for the rest of the album is a much more calm, settled, subdued and ultimately disappointing Iggy. Tracks like "New Atlantis" and "Strung Out  Johnny" are not without their charm, but also sound like something Springsteen could have written, and the frankly annoying interludes are, well, frankly annoying.

Yeah, overall I'd say this album kicks arse from the starting gate, then trips over its own feet and spends the next ten tracks lying in a hospital bed with a broken leg, trying desperately to still be the Angry Young Man, but mostly just expressing that anger by repeatedly pushing the button for the nurse. Even to someone like me, who can't claim to be a fan or know much about him, this is a sad let down. Apparently Iggy snarled that the album is intended to "beat the shit out of the listener." Well sorry Mister P, but as Elton John once wrote, I'm still standing, and to quote the great Gloria Gaynor, walk out the door, just turn around now, you're not welcome anymore. Loser.

Any good tracks? New Atlantis, Morning Show
Agree with RYM? Kinda, yeah. From anyone else, I'd say no, but from Iggy this seems a big disappointment and the score is deserved.
Would I listen to this album again? I'd be in no particular hurry to, no.
Of choice, would I check out more from this artist? Might; I'm not a big Iggy fan (or even a small one)
Of choice, would I be interested in checking out more from this genre or subgenre? Trying to more each day
Score: 5/10

Album title:  Married in Mount Airy
Artist: Nicole Dollanganger
Genre: (deep breath) Country/Classical/World/Folk/Ethereal/Avant-garde/Rock/Art Rock/Renaissance
Nationality:  Canadian/American
Release date:  January 6
Position in Discography: 7th
Tracks: 12
Familiar with this artist? No
Heard of this artist? No, but I do know her sister Doppelganger! Sorry.
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? You're kidding, right?
Average RYM Score: 3.27
Highest chart position: Unknown

Unless I really know the artist well, I always like to do a little research on them before I listen to their album. Here's what Wiki has to say about Nicole: Dollanganger's music is characterised by a feminine, high-pitched vocal style, minimalist instrumentation, and lyrical themes frequently pertaining to true crime, violence, sexuality, and romance. Her music has been described as "lo-fi", "atmospheric", and "bedroom folk", and is associated with the folk music, folk pop, bedroom pop, sadcore and dream pop genres."  Honestly, this does not sound like it's going to be a good fit for me. Still, having slogged through sixteen tracks of tripe on that Japanese boyband's album, I guess it will take something really awful to top - or indeed, bottom that. The warped and dissonant acoustic music doesn't make for a good start, and while her voice has a soft, almost childlike quality, I find it somewhat rasping at first, though I think it may be settling down now.

Yeah she does have a nice voice. I mean, not as let's say ethereal as Hazel from Lanterns on the Lake, and her still somewhat childish way of saying things - almost like she's deliberately lisping - does grate a little, but it's not something that would stop me listening to her. Yet. I'd agree that atmospheric is a good description of her music, and certainly there's a lot of sixties-style folk in there too. I have no idea what sadcore is (though I can make an educated guess) and yeah I can hear dream pop to an extent. Not quite, but  maybe an acoustic, lo-fi, shoegaze version of LOTL? I suppose the main  problem I would have here is that much of the music sounds quite familiar, and while I'm sure it's not, it's sort of hard to pick out anything that really stands out. Though "Dogwood" is very nice and there's a lovely atmosphere to "Runnin' Free" (not, I hasten to add, a cover of the Iron Maiden classic!) that almost, but not quite, manages to break out of the lo-fi restrictions she's placed on her music here. A bit more fire, even if it gutters quickly out.

Note: this is not necessarily a criticism. I do like just about all I'm hearing here. Just hard to distinguish a really good track, though this one does come close, of what I've heard so far. "Moonlite" tries to push the envelope a little, but gives up pretty quickly,

Trouble with a lot of folk music - or anything labelled as such or including that genre tag - is that it can, on the whole, be quite boring. This is quite boring. I mean, Nicole has a nice voice, there's no question about that, can't really fault it. What I can fault though is that most of the songs tend to sound the same, and Nicole never even comes close to rocking out, or even pushing the pedal down a little. To extend that metaphor somewhat, it's like going for a Sunday drive and ending up on a narrow country lane behind an old lady who doesn't think her car goes over forty. You're just frustrated, wanting to hear something with a bit more kick, but our Nicole keeps it sweet and soft all the way through, and honestly, I love my ballads and slow songs as you know, but even I can only take so much of that.

I mean,  you would surely think a track called "Nymphs Finding the Head of Orpheus" (finally the girls get some head, wot?  :laughing: Sorry) would have some punch in it, some anger, some fire, some sense of the ladies going out for revenge, but no. It's as limp and dull and sweet as the rest of this album. Look, I don't hate it, but let's be honest, if you find you're having trouble sleeping, throw this album on and you'll soon be nodding off. I know I am.

Agree with RYM? For what it is, I suppose. Just not really for me.
Would I listen to this album again? Not really
Of choice, would I check out more from this artist?  Not really
Of choice, would I be interested in checking out more from this genre or subgenre? Maybe
Score: 5/10

Album title:  Black Butta
Artist: Ru Paul
Genre: Pop/Electronic/House/Electro House (Sounds like the residence of one of Spiderman's early foes!)
Nationality: American
Release date: January 6
Position in Discography: Twenty-seventh (!)
Tracks: 10
Familiar with this artist? Sadly, a little
Heard of this artist? Yes
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? Not really. What is electro house anyway?
Average RYM Score: 2.22
Highest chart position: Unknown

Now I'm sorry I slagged off herself on the last album, aren't I? Look what I have to listen to now! Seriously, reading back over the 2017 thread (if anyone remembers it) it seems to me I came across as a little, um, bigoted, when I questioned the need for Ru Paul to be releasing albums (of which they have released, as you can see, a shit ton, I think is the technical term) at all. This was not my finest hour. I'd just like to set the record straight (sorry): what I meant was not "why do drag queens/transgender people have to make music?" but rather, when someone is as successful in their field as Ru Paul undoubtedly is, what possesses them to go and release albums too? It had, and has, nothing to do with their sexual orientation: I said the same about other actors, sports stars etc. But whatever I think, it wasn't a very sensitive thing to say, and so if someone here read it, or reads it in the future, please accept my apologies for being a little crass. In my defence, I had probably listened to about 50 albums at that stage, many of them less than good.  Not that that's an excuse, but there it is.

Which brings me back face to face with the poster person for drag, known, I'm told, as "The Queen of Drag." The last album I heard from them (the only one) was annoyingly a set of covers, and I did not think much about it. This, it appears, is not. Does RuPaul write their own songs? It appears they do. (Honestly, I don't know what pronoun to use: Wiki refers to RuPaul as "he", but I don't know if that's acceptable so I'm erring on the side of caution here). I also don't know what "Black Butta" is, and I probably am better off in my ignorance. I see much of this album refers to "cast version" so maybe it's from a musical? Don't know. Don't care. Sounds pretty damn generic housey pop to me, with quite a lot of rapping - well, drag is typically unafraid to be right up in your face, so not that surprising.

Yeah. For RuPaul fans only, methinks. Metro Weekly said the album "struggles to argue for its own existence." Well isn't that what I said in 2017, more or less? Maybe that guy was reading my thread? I suppose if you're being generous, you could say it's just having a bit of fun, but I can think of a hundred better ways to have fun than listening to this. Anyone see Shaun of the Dead?

Agree with RYM? Actually I think they were being over generous
Would I listen to this album again? Hell to the no!
Of choice, would I check out more from this artist? No effing way
Of choice, would I be interested in checking out more from this genre or subgenre? Not in the least
Score: 2/10

(Go on! Go on! I dare you! I found a YouTube with the full album! Press play if you dare - you know you want to. No, you really really don't, take it from me)

Album title:  I Rest My Case
Artist: Youngboy Never Broke Again
Genre: Hip-hop
Nationality: American
Release date: January 6
Position in Discography: Fifteenth
Tracks: 16 (remember what I said about skits?)
Familiar with this artist? No
Heard of this artist? Yes
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? Not much no
Average RYM Score: 2.26
Highest chart position: 5 (US Hip-hop), 9 (US Billboard)

Two points before I begin: I understand the guy is delighted to have broken through and probably came from a poor background, hence the name he took, but really, how long is that gonna fly? If he does a Jay-Z or a Kanye and has tons of albums, are people still going to be calling him Youngboy Never Broke Again? Probably shorten it to YBNBA, or Youngboy, which I see he does, but still, it's a mouthful. Second, is it just me or does the girl on the right look like some sort of terrorist? :laughing: Oh and one more thing: is he going for the Guinness World Record with a total of thirty-eight producers? Yeah, I counted them.

Already sounds like something I'm not going to be into, but we'll see. Kinda dark, dramatic, and he's one of those fast rappers that spits so rapidly it's really hard to know what the hell he's singing about. Yeah, to me it's just constant deep bass, handclap beats and some guy ranting at top speed with a lot of usage of the word "bitch". Lot of autotune doesn't help. Not interested. So not interested, in fact, that I watched a game show on the telly while this was struggling its way to the end. Wait a minute! Why am I still listening to this? I have an escape clause, and for the first time this thread, I'm a-usin' it! Punch it!

You may not ever be broke again, Youngboy, but if I have my way you'll also never be in these ears again, Surprising how forty minutes can seem like two hours. I rest my case. Now, get away from me.

Agree with RYM? I guess. Just not for me.
Would I listen to this album again? No way
Of choice, would I check out more from this artist?  Absolutely not
Of choice, would I be interested in checking out more from this genre or subgenre? Generally, yes I'm interested in checking out the better hip-hop though.
Score: N/A (If I don't finish an album I believe it's unfair of me to try to rate it, so I won't).

Album title:  Free 03
Artist: Mike Free 03 Greedo
Genre: Hip-hop
Nationality: American
Release date: January 9
Position in Discography: Eighteenth recording including mixtapes I guess
Tracks: 14
Familiar with this artist? No
Heard of this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? Not much
Average RYM Score: 2.80
Highest chart position: Unknown

Ah, mixtapes. Never quite got the idea of them. Guess that's why I'm no fan of hip-hop. But surely a rapper who takes his name from Star Wars has to be worth listening to? Not quite sure about the artist honestly; could be two people, or one person using two pseudonyms? Interesting how it opens on a call from prison - guess Greedo went after the wrong bounty! Quite boring though; the other voice rapping - talking really - sounds dreary and uninterested. As am I. Uninterested that is. Let's see if it gets better. Can't get worse anyway. Think this guy is meant to be on Death Row maybe? My sense of interest certainly is. Well I'll give it this much: it's slower and more understandable than Youngboy Who Will Never Again Have to Take Out a Bank Loan. Guess this is what they call trap, yes? It's about as different to the previous album as can be: slower, more laidback, much lower energy. I kind of like it a little.

There's a certain sense of reggae in "I Don't Mean", and I like the lyric "I wanna know if you'll be my Beyonce?" Nice. Rap's speeding up now and I could do without the nursery rhyme/kids' chorus on "Pourin" - reminds me of Robbie Williams' "Candy", and I hate that song. "Static" is really nice - could be an instrumental. Not quite sure I ever heard a  hip-hop instrumental before (hip-hopstrumental?), lovely though. Another one in "Team". And again in "Sax", with a really weird piano sound. Yeah there are quite a few here, more than I ever heard on any hip-hop album, not that that means much.  I like the idea of his singing on some of the tracks too, such as "Drop Down"; that's also bucking the trend, from the little (very little) I know of this genre. Not bad at all: above the average I would say.

Agree with RYM? Could be a little higher, perhaps, but yeah, fair
Would I listen to this album again? I might
Of choice, would I check out more from this artist? Maybe
Of choice, would I be interested in checking out more from this genre or subgenre? Aye
Score: 7/10

Album title:  The Coral Tombs
Artist: Ahab
Genre: Funeral Doom Metal
Nationality: German
Release date: January 13
Position in Discography: Fifth
Tracks: 7
Familiar with this artist? No
Heard of this artist? Yes
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? Quite a bit, yes
Average RYM Score: 3.30
Highest chart position: Unknown (doubt it even got into the charts; FDM isn't exactly a chartworthy genre!)

A lot of people don't like funeral doom metal, and it can be hard to get into, but a lot of the time I find it very dramatic and orchestral. However like my old friend Power Metal, it's probably fair to say that Funeral Doom is as Funeral Doom does: you're not going to get too much in the way of variety here. Some of it can be heartbreakingly lovely though, like Atmospheric Black Metal. Is is though, definitely, not everyone's cup of tea. I however like it most of the time. This I like. After a bit of growling (which you usually get on one of these albums) it rather surprisingly goes into a very clean vocal more reminiscent of a choral mass or something. Very nice.

Some truly beautiful guitar work here, which just goes to show that sometimes, to get to the real jewels, you have to dig down very deep and in the darkest, blackest places. It's usually worth the effort. The juxtaposition of the two voices (I assume they're two different singers), one deep and growly, the other much clearer and uplifted, is almost like hearing an angel and a devil fighting it out with music as the weapon. Pretty superb really. Well that's interesting: seems there's only one vocalist. Damned versatile then, if that's the case. Even more impressive.

Agree with RYM? Yes but could be higher
Would I listen to this album again? Absolutely
Of choice, would I check out more from this artist? Definitely
Of choice, would I be interested in checking out more from this genre or subgenre? You know it
Score: 9/10

Album title:  Late Developers
Artist: Belle and Sebastian
Genre: Pop/Indie Pop
Nationality: Scottish
Release date: January 13
Position in Discography: Twelfth
Tracks: 11
Familiar with this artist? I've heard one album I think
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? No
Average RYM Score: 2.71
Highest chart position: 30 (though got to number 3 in the UK Independent Charts. The Scots, not surprisingly, loved them, sending it to number 4. America was not interested in either Belle or indeed Sebastian.)

What do I know about Belle and Sebastian? Not an awful lot really. I think I may have heard one of their albums once. I can't recall, but I don't think, to paraphrase Shania, it impressed me that much. I would also have to be honest and say I don't think I hated it either. I kind of think maybe it didn't leave much of an impression, so how will this one do? Well the second track gives me a very Prefab Sprout feel, good melody and it's quite catchy but is it memorable? I... can't remember. Oh yes I can. It's called "Give a Little Time" (hmm, almost copied Supertramp there guys) and the next one is okay too, "When We Were Very Young" has a certain something about it. Yeah but it's really not till we're near the end that another song piques my interest, and it's the rather long-titled "I Don't Know What You See In Me". Me neither mate, frankly. I mean, this is not a bad album, but it's not very good. Well, be fair: it doesn't do anything for me. I'm sure Belle and Sebastian fans will love it.

Any Good Tracks? Give a Little Time, When We Were Very Young, I Don't Know What You See in Me, When the Cynics Stare Back from the Wall, Late Developers
Agree with RYM? I guess
Would I listen to this album again? Nah
Of choice, would I check out more from this artist? Not really
Of choice, would I be interested in checking out more from this genre or subgenre? I guess
Score: 5/10

Album title:  Cacti
Artist: Billy Nomates
Genre: Electronic/Rock
Nationality: English
Release date: January 13
Position in Discography:  Second
Tracks: 12
Familiar with this artist? No
Heard of this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? Somewhat
Average RYM Score: 3.12
Highest chart position: Unknown

Will this be enough to prick my interest? Sorry, sorry, couldn't resist. What do you mean, you don't get it? Sod ya then. Am I wrong, or does she sound like Kate? Hey this is catchy stuff, can't deny it. The first track I'm not that gone on is, ironically, the title cut, as Bob Seger used to say. Just something, I don't know, throwaway about it. Doesn't really pick up again till the carnivalesque (duh) "Roundabout Sadness", which puts me in mind of a duet - musically - between Waits and Judie Tzuke. "Spite" almost evokes Blondie in their early days, has a lot of energy in it, and there's a nice sense of laid-back sleaze to "Fawner" that puts me in mind of The Pretenders, while the bouncy happy piano on "Same Gun" is rad.

I'd say this album is keeping my attention, but nothing has so far made me sit up and take notice. It's well-written and sung and played pop/rock (not sure where the electronic tag comes from honestly) but I don't feel it's anything that special. I found myself losing interest and not caring as the last few tracks played out. Started well, but tailed off badly in the end. Never really spiked. Sorry. Ooh! Someone's prickly! I know: shut up Trollheart.

Agree with RYM? Do and don't. I probably would have given it something in the high 2s; I don't think it deserves more than 3, personally.
Would I listen to this album again? Doubt it
Of choice, would I check out more from this artist? Nah
Of choice, would I be interested in checking out more from this genre or subgenre? Sure
Score: 5/10

Album title:  Never Going Under
Artist: Circa Waves
Genre:  Indie rock
Nationality: English
Release date: January 13
Position in Discography: Fifth
Tracks: 11
Familiar with this artist? I've heard one album (see below)
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? Not too much, no
Average RYM Score: 2.59
Highest chart position: 15 (but got right to the top of the UK Independent charts, and the Scots liked it too, where it peaked at number 6)

Now there's one hell of a coincidence! While reading through my original thread on MB (this Trollheart fella really thinks he's funny, doesn't he?) I came across this band's offering from 2017, which was posted by me almost six years to the day! Seriously: I reviewed it on Nov 13 2017 and am writing this on Nov 15 2023! Twilight Zone music, please! Seems back then they really impressed me with their second album; let's see what I think of their fifth.

Plenty of energy anyway, but I must admit by the time we get to only the third track (which was apparently also the lead single), there's a refrain "I don't care" and it's sadly appropriate. Losing interest in this already. I don't know if 2017's release is that much different to this, or if I was just a different person then, but I don't see how I could have been so impressed with these guys before. Pretty generic really. Lots of cliches and tropes that are and have been done better by better bands. "Carry You Home" sounds like Imagine Dragons, even so it's the best of a bad lot so far. Okay well I will say "Northern Town" is quite excellent, reminds me of Deacon Blue in style. Dare I hope this album is hitting its stride, memories of '17?

Well "Electric City" is fun, and I like "Want it All Today" with its happy, almost toy piano melody. Definitely getting better as it goes along. Guy's a good singer too. Maybe it just took the album a while to find its feet. Should have just looked on the end of its ankles: they're always in the same place. I can get something of an idea now why I enjoyed Different Creatures, and as the new-wave-inspired "Golden Days" hits, I can utter a cautious "hell yeah I remember now!"A very breezy, West Coast feel to "Hold On", could hear Jackson Browne or maybe Stephen Bishop singing this. Yeah it's a pity this album started off so bleh, but they certainly made up for it once they got their shit together. It's 2017 again! Not bloody likely thanks, but in music terms, sure.

Agree with RYM? No, I think it should be in the threes easily
Would I listen to this album again? Deffo
Of choice, would I check out more from this artist? Yes
Of choice, would I be interested in checking out more from this genre or subgenre? Hard to say; it really is hit and miss. Sometimes it's good but overall I find the albums I like tend to be in the minority. So in answer to your question (alright! My question!) I don't know.
Score: 7/10

Album title:  Turn the Car Around
Artist: Gaz Coombes
Genre: Rock (sorry that's all I got: Wiki doesn't even give a genre!)
Nationality: English
Release date: January 13
Position in Discography: Fourth
Tracks: 9
Familiar with this artist? No
Heard of this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? GTFO!
Average RYM Score: 3.27
Highest chart position: 6 (UK)

Here's an interesting thing: both this and the previous album achieved "universal acclaim" on aggregate review site Metacritic, and both are English. I loved - after a few bad tracks - Circa Waves' latest, so will I also love this? In case anyone outside of the UK is wondering, or cares, Gaz is a shortened form of Gary. So now you know. I also assume (though I don't know if I'm right) that the title of the album refers to that threat from the father to stop the kids fighting in the back of the car on a day out: "stop that or I'll turn the car around and we'll go right back home!" Maybe. Oh, I see our Gaz is a member of Supergrass. Interesting. Is his fourth solo album though?

Seems pretty acoustic, mostly piano (though I see he has a guitar on the cover) and his voice reminds me of Cave, no bad thing, and he seems to have a good range too. I guess I would say it's not a bad album, probably quite a good one, but the old bugbear is still there (must move that; I keep putting it off) - I just don't hear much that makes me perk up my ears. Yes, perk: it's a perfectly cromulent word. Okay, if you prefer, prick. What do you mean, who am I calling a prick? Um. "Long Live the Strange" might be the one to do that. Make me perk up my ears. Or prick. What? Let's not start all that again, eh? Still, I kind of tune out after that so you know, maybe you could just drop me off here, Gaz. I'll find me own way home mate thanks. Must be a bus due.

Agree with RYM? Not really, though it might just be me. Being, so far, the highest RYM rating I've come across, I expected this to be far better than it is, to me.
Would I listen to this album again? It might be a grower, so maybe. In the real world though, unlikely.
Of choice, would I check out more from this artist? Maybe
Of choice, would I be interested in checking out more from this genre or subgenre? It's really not my genre of choice, so I don't know.
Score: 5/10

Album title:  Strays
Artist: Margo Price
Genre: Country
Nationality: American
Release date: January 13
Position in Discography: Fourth
Tracks: 10
Familiar with this artist?  No
Heard of this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? Some, yes
Average RYM Score: 3.27
Highest chart position: Unknown

First country album of the year? Nonsense; of course not. But first on Wiki's list for 2023, Now the issue is, is it "proper" country or "faux" country? She does sound a little like Britney now I have to say but we'll see. Okay well, touted as "country's next star" in 2015, recorded in Sun Studios, got Mike Campbell on guitar on one of the tracks: all of these are good points. Also played with Sturgill Simpson. The plus points are mounting up. Sounds good too. Any country album that kicks off with "Been to the Mountain" gets my vote. Oh, and she writes her own material (well, co-writes it) which is always good. Ah but I think either Petty's number two takes over "Light Me Up" too much or this is more a rock than a country album. Let's see what happens after Campbell slings his guitar over his shoulder and waves "Laters!"

Yeah I don't know. After a decent start, this is no longer saying country to me. Definitely more in the rock mould (though at least it's not pop) though not in a Steve Earle way, or even the Eagles. I'm not sure what to make of it. I will say I don't think much of her innuendo: "Only thing I have on is the radio". Ho ho ho. Not. At least they break out the  steel guitar for "County Road", but even the addition of that old staple can't stop this sounding like something a perhaps more sedate Journey or REO might record. I guess that would be the ballad, though it kind of doesn't quite sound like one. Sort of Bruce Hornsby-like piano runs on it, and in fairness, if there's a "serious" track on the album (since the opener) this is it. Goes very jangle pop then, to my annoyance but, I have to say at this point, not surprise: this is not turning out to be the Sunny Sweeney or Aaron Watson of 2023 by any means. In other words, I'm finding it hard to believe, on the basis of this album anyway, how she could have been touted as country's next star. Weak.

Oh well hold the phone just a mite there! Maybe it's getting better. Very soulful feel to "Anytime You Call" with a very George Harrisonesque guitar solo, and "Hell in the Heartland" has more teeth than most of the tracks on this album put together. Is it enough? Possibly: the acoustic "Lydia" with its spoken vocal is very intense in a stripped-back way, more almost what I would call folk though than country, and tackling a very important issue in women's reproductive rights (written, apparently, before the overturning of Roe v Wade), really gets to you. This album could be making a valiant effort to end strongly, and in fact it may even achieve that. Closer sounds like Nanci Griffith's "The Wing and the Wheel", probably uses like glass harmonica or something? Yeah, really rallied: in the last free tracks this album pulled it out of the bag. Pity I had to wade through so much sub-par music to get there though. Bit of a dichotomy. But just as Nanci was often classed - and indeed, considered herself - more folk than country, even the last four tracks seem more rooted in folk or Americana than country.

Agree with RYM? On the basis of the last three or four tracks yes, but overall no: I think it might be in the high twos, but not much more than that.
Would I listen to this album again? I probably would; it might be a grower
Of choice, would I check out more from this artist?  I'd give her another chance yes
Of choice, would I be interested in checking out more from this genre or subgenre? Yee-hah! 
Score: 7/10 (mostly for the bunch of songs at the end)