Jun 06, 2024, 11:52 PM Last Edit: Jun 07, 2024, 11:04 PM by Trollheart
Despite how much I wish it were true, given the relatively small amount of members here, I find it unlikely my journals are receiving in excess of 1, 2 or 3,000 views, and so I'm opening this to test the theory that the view count is skewed in some way. Maybe bots? Not sure. But this journal, so to speak, will have nothing in it bar this post, so if I suddenly start seeing hundreds of views, it's either proof that I can't trust view counts or you all really really need to get out more!

The experiment begins...

June 6: View count 0
June 7: View count 32

Trollheart, for the love of god and everyone's wellbeing, especially your own, please just ignore the number of views on any thread including your journals. Just write them if you enjoy it and thats much more important than how many people read them

Agreed with @Marie Monday. I think a simple test of whether it's real human engagement/views on threads can be measured by the amount of real human engagement you're getting in the thread. So if you have a thread where only one person is posting, but it has 3000 views, it's not real human engagement - if it was, more of those 'real humans' would be making comments. Bots, webcrawlers, etc are the more likely explanation.

If I want to do a test I'll do a test. The only reason I put the intro post was to let people know what I was doing. I'm interested, I'm bored, sue me. The test journal stays. Enquiring, bored minds need to know.

How ironic that the "journal" I asked nobody to post in and to ignore has already the most comments of any of mine!  :laughing:

Quote from: Trollheart on Jun 07, 2024, 11:02 PMIf I want to do a test I'll do a test. The only reason I put the intro post was to let people know what I was doing. I'm interested, I'm bored, sue me. The test journal stays. Enquiring, bored minds need to know.

Fair enough. The average settlement is ten thousand dollars.

FYI, it does matter. Currently, on MB, my Playlist of Life still holds the record of any journal, having just passed half a million views. Even if half of them are bots etc, that's still damn impressive. I've already outlined my take on why I journal, so I won't go into it again.

So in conclusion, yay me boo you.  :finger:  :laughing:


So what were the ultimate findings of this test?