Ah sure it can. Post any funny or amusing stories, images, videos, gifs or whatever you like about anything political, any country, any era. Serious, mature posts will be deleted and you will be banned. Sorry, I mean we'll send around our band to play in your garden. What do you mean, what kind of threat is that? Have you HEARD our band?

Ha ha! I love how they have at least enough sense not to attempt to desecrate Gilmour's solo! Just give up and sort of shrug. What in the name of Roger Waters?

Anyhow, now that you know I'm serious and can see what awaits you if I detect even a hint of seriousness in this thread, let's see what we can get to start off with. Did you know that the British Prime Minister to take on the unenviable task of following Thatcher's three terms, John Major, was seen as so ineffective that when topical sketch puppet show Spitting Image made his puppet they just coloured him grey?
They did a lot better with Thatcher, but then, they had so much to work with!

All right, how about this? In our Irish Dail (parliament) and now in bloody European Parliament, is a guy called, I kid you not, Luke "Ming" Flanagan.

No? What about this then, from yesterday's Indian general election: Among the independent politicians elected were two serving time in jail - firebrand Sikh separatist preacher Amritpal Singh, and Sheikh Abdul Rashid from Indian-administered Kashmir, who was arrested on charges of "terror funding" and money laundering in 2019.

Arvind Kejriwal, chief minister of the capital Delhi and a key leader in an alliance formed to compete against Mr Modi, returned to jail on Sunday.

Kejriwal, 55, was detained in March over a long-running corruption probe, but was later released and allowed to campaign as long as he returned to custody once voting ended.

"When power becomes dictatorship, then jail becomes a responsibility," Kejriwal said before surrendering himself, vowing to continue "fighting" from behind bars.

Come on, you guys can do much better than that. I'm just attempting to kick this off, and without much success.

Biden Sticks It To Hillary Over Mexico's New Woman President

#2 Jun 17, 2024, 11:37 PM Last Edit: Jun 17, 2024, 11:47 PM by SGR
Donald Trump's former 'spiritual adviser' Paula White laying down bars (this shit is more catchy than it has any right to be).

"The Lord says it is DONE!"  :laughing:

Paula White also featured heavily in Schmoyoho's excellent remix of Republican breakdown after Joe Biden won the 2020 election.

"Joe Biden was chosen by Satan" :laughing:

Oh yeah, can't forget this one - this was a remix of 2022 American political hijinks. It's like a small microcosm of American culture from a small moment in time. I've watched it too many times to count.  :laughing:

It's fun because of how completely and utterly ridiculous it is.  :laughing:

Quote from: Psy-Fi on Jul 09, 2024, 10:21 PM

We've got one candidate for president who's eaten a dog, we have another candidate who raw-dogged a porn star and made a terrorist 'die like a dog', and another candidate who's dog was expelled from the White House after biting Secret Service 24 times and thinks his two opponents are both 'lying dog-faced pony soldiers'.  Doggone it, I'm getting my popcorn out. :laughing:

Joe Biden on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

Donald Trump on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

"Jesus come back in three days, I come back in half a day"  :laughing:  :laughing: