Yeah, pretty much what you said, SGR. We get bogged down in - necessary - details about what Biden is doing wrong, and there are a lot of them too, so I just thought a light-hearted look at where he screws the pooch might be a good idea. I did consider making it about the Other Guy, but the phrase "low hanging fruit" came to mind. Now, "Joe hanging fruit" is a different kitchen utensil full of pisceans altogether.

Where's that time Joe Biden said he could relate to the fire victims of Hawaii cos he burnt his kitchen once?

Only God knows.

Joe Biden being a creep:

@SGR can you find any videos of him sniffing kids and kissing them?

Only God knows.

Quote from: jimmy jazz on May 15, 2024, 09:37 AM@SGR can you find any videos of him sniffing kids and kissing them?

This is a decent compilation, but there's many instances it's left out:

Here's a funny one, not related to him being creepy, just a compilation of him eating ice cream that CNN created/uploaded. And for some unknown reason, they attached funky 80s porno music to it.  :laughing:

Quote from: jimmy jazz on May 15, 2024, 09:33 AMWhere's that time Joe Biden said he could relate to the fire victims of Hawaii cos he burnt his kitchen once?

Yup. He almost lost his Corvette!  :laughing:

That first one is so bad. Even that woman with him has to tap him on the shoulder and say Joe, stop being a paedo 🤢

Only God knows.

You know he's just Biden his time.
(I have no life)

#22 May 20, 2024, 08:08 PM Last Edit: May 20, 2024, 08:30 PM by SGR
Recent goofs:

"When I was Vice President, things were kinda bad during the pandemic. And, what happened was, Barack said to me 'Go to Detroit, help fix it!'"

(referring to Trump)
"He calls erectionists who stormed Capitol Hill patriots!"

I think these erectionists are holding their flagpoles a little too tightly for my liking.  :laughing:

Reminds me of what Chuck Schumer said a few years ago:

"Senators will have to decide if they believe Donald John Trump incited the erection...insurrection, against the United States"

If your ins-erection lasts more than 4 hours, call your Doctor, and then consider calling the National Guard. These erectionists need to met with a healthy dose of stiff justice. Trump is out here getting a rise out of everyone, and though we saw much of it on video, and it was hard to watch, this may just be the tip of the iceberg - so we need to go deeper, lest we want these erectionists to come back to the Capitol this upcoming erection cycle. Now that they've got experience, they might even pitch tents outside and wait for the results to come in to see if there was any erection interference!

Oh America, why couldn't you have erected Hillary in 2016? She hasn't incited an erection since at least the early '90s, just ask Bill.

Surprised this clip hasn't been posted yet. This is top-tier for me when it comes to strange things Biden has said.

Old, but gold.

For those of you who might not get the reference, a few years ago, there was a Nascar race in which the winning racer, first name Brandon, was doing an interview after the race with a news lady. The Nascar crowd can audibly be heard chanting "Fuck Joe Biden!". The news lady, thinking on her feet, told viewers, "They're saying 'Let's go Brandon!'". Of course, conservative pundits ran with this and used 'Let's Go Brandon' as a stand-in for the more vulgar variation.

So the caller in the first clip, before hanging up, said 'Let's go Brandon!' as a bit of trolling, to which Biden, seemingly not understanding, says: "Let's go Brandon! I agree..." before trying to ask the caller where he's from (he, of course, had already hung up). Jill Biden can be seen rolling her eyes and looking generally uncomfortable that her husband doesn't realize he's just been insulted.  :laughing:

Biden Spins STRING OF LIES On Howard Stern Show!

Quote from: Psy-Fi on May 22, 2024, 10:13 PM

Biden Spins STRING OF LIES On Howard Stern Show!

Stern is such a fucking fake, just goes the way the wind is blowing.

Just point to what opinion/take is at the edge of what's socially acceptable for the time, and that's as far as Stern will go.

US election: why Latino and Hispanic voters are shifting to Trump after a long history of supporting the Democrats

Well, I think it's about time Biden busts out his ace in the hole to gain back Hispanic support; "Despacito".

Quote from: SGR on May 22, 2024, 09:01 PMOld, but gold.

For those of you who might not get the reference, a few years ago, there was a Nascar race in which the winning racer, first name Brandon, was doing an interview after the race with a news lady. The Nascar crowd can audibly be heard chanting "Fuck Joe Biden!". The news lady, thinking on her feet, told viewers, "They're saying 'Let's go Brandon!'". Of course, conservative pundits ran with this and used 'Let's Go Brandon' as a stand-in for the more vulgar variation.

So the caller in the first clip, before hanging up, said 'Let's go Brandon!' as a bit of trolling, to which Biden, seemingly not understanding, says: "Let's go Brandon! I agree..." before trying to ask the caller where he's from (he, of course, had already hung up). Jill Biden can be seen rolling her eyes and looking generally uncomfortable that her husband doesn't realize he's just been insulted.  :laughing:

Reminds me a little of this...

Perhaps we should start calling Biden Mister Burns? Or is that being too insulting?

To Springfield's oldest billionaire.