The Vampire's Ghost (1945)


A B&W Horror flick about a vampire living as a nightclub owner in a jungle setting. Rather mediocre movie overall. The most interesting part of the story was that the vampire was a nightclub owner and the nightclub was located in a jungle. No ghosts of any type made any appearances at any time during the story.

#661 Mar 13, 2024, 04:00 PM Last Edit: Mar 28, 2024, 11:27 AM by Guybrush
Quote from: Lexi Darling on Mar 13, 2024, 12:35 AMI do really like fiction that portrays a version of our society that is familiar but also kind of off to the audience. Or has some big difference from real life that is very obviously weird or fucked up yet the characters treat it as just business as usual. I'm feeling a bit queasy in bed and I can't think of any examples right now though.

I know what you mean and I agree.. and I also have a hard time thinking of examples 😄 Brazil, maybe? But that's a very bizarre society and not really like our own. A dark reflection, maybe.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Quote from: Guybrush on Mar 12, 2024, 11:53 PMWe saw The Lobster from 2016, or.. I did while she slept on the couch.

It's been on my to-do-list for years and since I want to watch Lanthimos' latest movie Poor Things, I thought we could warm up by getting this one done.

In an alternative future or perhaps present, being single is not allowed. Single peeps are given a chance to find a partner during a forced stay at a resort. If they can't do it, they get turned I to an animal, possibly of their choice. That's the backdrop.. The Movie itself feels like a surreal, light comedy about severely autistic people living non-sensical lives filled with pointless misery. Sometimes they seem like victims of this weird society. Other times, they seem to do it to themselves.

I couldn't quite make sense of it, but also didn't try too hard and rather just enjoyed the dark comedy. Maybe it was all some clever allegory? For once I didn't hate Colin Farrell. Come to think of it, he was okay in Banshees as well.

I rate it: :4stars:

The Lobster is great. I'd also recommend watching Dogtooth.


The Incredible Petrified World (1959)


Low-budget adventure/exploration flick with a ridiculous plot and tedious pacing. A film where you are waiting for something interesting and/or exciting to happen but it never does.

Daughter of Horror (1955)


A low-budget B&W horror film with an interesting twist. A mentally disturbed young woman awakes from a nightmare in a cheap hotel room... but was it just a nightmare? The story has a visual film noir style but there's no dialog except from an unseen narrator who occasionally speaks throughout the story while music plays in the background.

Popped by Disney+ and was very surprised to see Poor Things available there 🤩

We promptly watched it and I loved it! Very funny and absurd comedy that bravely features Emma Stone in a lead role that must've been challenging for a couple of reasons. I believe she won an Oscar for this role?

She plays Bella Baxter, a character who (slight spoiler) starts out as having the mind of a child, but matures gradually throughout the movie, enchanting or frustrating everyone she meets.

Mark Ruffalo and Willem Dafoe are also both good here with Willem as a fatherly figure and Ruffalo more as a comedic character.

I'm very happy weird movies like this get made.


Happiness is a warm manatee

Hickey & Boggs (1972)


An action/crime thriller with Bill Cosby and Robert Culp teaming up as a couple of struggling private detectives who get hired to find an elusive woman. The trail to the woman leads to several murders and a large sum of money missing from a violent bank heist.

Leading up to the Oscars I saw Poor Things and SaltBurn because I was hearing good things about both of them.

I watched Saltburn first, it's basically a black comedy thriller where you are constantly questioning the motives behind the main character. The ending is interesting, but it was telegraphed near the beginning of the second act. I think you might enjoy this one also @Guybrush


I died laughing at the end of Poor Things. Poor Things is such an odd movie that it's getting a lot of backlash with people thinking the entire premise of the movie is creepy. The fact of having a woman with the mind of a child(adolescent) engaging in sexual acts is something that's not easy to get over. Everything else about the steampunk esque designs and the costumes were A+ though. There is a reason that the movie itself won so many Oscars and yes Emma Stone did win an Oscar for her role in this but it definitely should have went to Lily Gladstone.



I felt like I saw this movie before and wanted a re-watch because I couldn't remember what the twist ending was. It's essentially a horror thriller where the main character witnesses the horrors of slavery and I'll just leave it at that. I can't say anymore without ruining a large chunk of the movie. Janelle Monae showed off her acting chops once again. I feel like she does well in any role that she's been given.


The Haunting of Queen Mary.

Mid way through this movie I went looking for a wikipedia article to explain the plot and catch me up to date on what's going on. I have to re-watch this movie because I felt so lost throughout the entire thing and even when it ended I still wasn't completely sure what happened. A quick google search showed me that I wasn't the only one that felt this way about the movie. I think the movie is good but I can't tell because I'm a bit clueless about what happened. The gore was A+ though.  I'm not even rating this movie until I figure out what happened after watching it a second time through. Maybe I just need to pay attention more and everything was laid out in front of me but I doubt it.

I was this cool the whole time.

watched those last week

June 19th, 2024

Big fan of the Internet
Kindness is the highest form of intelligence

Black Tuesday (1954)


B&W crime thriller about a manipulative crime kingpin on death row, breaking out of prison with help from his gang and some fellow prisoners, just before he is about to be executed in the electric chair. 

Started watching Inside Out and stopped midway through. Such a lame movie. Can't understand why it's so acclaimed.


Quote from: grindy on Mar 30, 2024, 09:14 PMStarted watching Inside Out and stopped midway through. Such a lame movie. Can't understand why it's so acclaimed.

I liked that move!

This is what you want. This is what you get.

Dune 2 (2024)

Aaron and I went to this while we were out last weekend despite me having never seen the first one. I didn't know Christopher Walken was in the movie before we got there, so that was a nice surprise. Obviously I was a bit confused on the lore, I followed it alright but I think a lot of it would have meant more if I'd seen the first one. At any rate he wanted my company during the movie so I was happy to be there even if it wasn't the best experience with the movie that it probably could have been.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

Quote from: grindy on Mar 30, 2024, 09:14 PMStarted watching Inside Out and stopped midway through. Such a lame movie. Can't understand why it's so acclaimed.

On the whole, I don't love animated movies, but I thought the way the movie portrays how we process memories and how our personalities can, in some ways, get torn down and rebuilt, how we're controlled by certain emotions etc. was great.

My daughter had some anxiety troubles after her brother lost an eye (she was slightly traumatised by that event) and Inside Out was actually a helpful tool in talking about difficult feelings (and also more trivial ones).

Happiness is a warm manatee

Quote from: Guybrush on Mar 31, 2024, 12:36 PMOn the whole, I don't love animated movies, but I thought the way the movie portrays how we process memories and how our personalities can, in some ways, get torn down and rebuilt, how we're controlled by certain emotions etc. was great.

My daughter had some anxiety troubles after her brother lost an eye (she was slightly traumatised by that event) and Inside Out was actually a helpful tool in talking about difficult feelings (and also more trivial ones).

I can totally see how it can be helpful and interesting for kids but it did nothing for me. I wasn't at all invested in the story and the characters did nothing for me. I also didn't particularly like the animation. We have seen Soul a few weeks ago and that one was far more enjoyable for me.
