Summer can fuck off. Fuck the heat. Fuck the humidity. Fuck sitting around sweating. Fuck the bugs. Fuck the smell of baking garbage. Fuck the people blasting shitty music from their Polaris Slingshots. And mostly importantly, fuck the forced fun of "enjoying" the "nice" weather.

Bring on the fall ASAP.

Throw your dog the invisible bone.

Don't forget the narcissistic need to talk over and for people.

Quote from: Janszoon on Jul 25, 2024, 07:08 PMSummer can fuck off. Fuck the heat. Fuck the humidity. Fuck sitting around sweating. Fuck the bugs. Fuck the smell of baking garbage. Fuck the people blasting shitty music from their Polaris Slingshots. And mostly importantly, fuck the forced fun of "enjoying" the "nice" weather.

Bring on the fall ASAP.

Summers have gotten too hot. I blame Liberal white girls.

Quote from: Janszoon on Jul 25, 2024, 07:08 PMSummer can fuck off. Fuck the heat. Fuck the humidity. Fuck sitting around sweating. Fuck the bugs. Fuck the smell of baking garbage. Fuck the people blasting shitty music from their Polaris Slingshots. And mostly importantly, fuck the forced fun of "enjoying" the "nice" weather.

Bring on the fall ASAP.

Come to Ireland, where we've never heard of summer.

One thing that's nice about Holland is that liberals are considered centre to right wing here (at least, if the term liberals is used in America the way I think it's used) and they dont get lumped in with leftists. Except there's always the 'oh no I'm soo left wing on social issues, I'm just more right wing when it comes to economics' people

Quote from: Marie Monday on Jul 26, 2024, 02:50 PMOne thing that's nice about Holland is that liberals are considered centre to right wing here (at least, if the term liberals is used in America the way I think it's used) and they dont get lumped in with leftists. Except there's always the 'oh no I'm soo left wing on social issues, I'm just more right wing when it comes to economics' people

It's the same in America, it's just that our politics are so right wing that liberals are thought of as leftists.

Quote from: Trollheart on Jul 26, 2024, 03:45 AMCome to Ireland, where we've never heard of summer.

It sounds amazing to me.

Throw your dog the invisible bone.

I'm quite serious. I mean, we get our sunny days, but even now, in the heart of July (so what, middle of summer) we got rain. Lots of rain.

Somebody said, with data to back it up, that the biggest demographic Kamala is going to have a problem getting votes from is white girls. They said white girls will struggle with electing a black woman before a white woman because they can't stand not being the center of attention.

I felt my opinion on the average liberal white girl was validated.

Quote from: Lucem Ferre on Jul 31, 2024, 04:31 PMSomebody said, with data to back it up, that the biggest demographic Kamala is going to have a problem getting votes from is white girls. They said white girls will struggle with electing a black woman before a white woman because they can't stand not being the center of attention.

I felt my opinion on the average liberal white girl was validated.

Not that I'm disputing the conclusions of the data, but who funded it? It wasn't a certain.....non-profit foundation, was it?  :laughing:

The data was based on voting stats from the last election.

Quote from: Lucem Ferre on Jul 31, 2024, 04:31 PMSomebody said, with data to back it up, that the biggest demographic Kamala is going to have a problem getting votes from is white girls. They said white girls will struggle with electing a black woman before a white woman because they can't stand not being the center of attention.

I felt my opinion on the average liberal white girl was validated.

Didn't they have a special white women for Harris group on zoom that had 200k women be a part of it? They also raised 2 million off of that zoom.

I don't think it's gonna be that much a struggle for them to get on board and vote for her.

I was this cool the whole time.

Quote from: Lucem Ferre on Jul 31, 2024, 05:16 PMThe data was based on voting stats from the last election.

Gotcha. I'd be interested in seeing the data. Just based on what you've told me, I could see multiple possible flaws with it depending on how the data is handled, interpreted and presented (as the old adage goes: "You can make statistics say anything you want" or "There are three kinds of lies: Lies, damn lies, and statistics")

In your original post, you reference that the demographic Kamala will struggle most with is 'white girls', but near the end of the post mention that the findings of the data validate your opinion about 'average liberal white girls'. It's important to remember that among all white women, there's about a 50/50 split between them re: identifying/leaning Republican vs identifying/leaning Democrat

QuoteSix-in-ten White men who are registered voters identify as Republicans or lean Republican, as do 53% of White women voters.

The balance of partisanship among White women voters has tilted toward the GOP in recent years, but it was more divided in 2017 and 2018.

Obviously, this balance tilts in one direction or another once you factor in more things like: college educated, single, married, urban, rural, etc.

I suppose I'm just curious how much we could really gather about white women's (either as a whole, or specifically liberal ones) enthusiasm (or reticence) to vote for a black woman based on the last general election when she was not at the top of the ticket. Specifically because the common prevailing belief seems to be that the VP choice doesn't really matter in the way we might usually think about it (like them delivering a battleground state for example), but rather the VP selection is to (in the best case) boost the perceptions of the voting public about the person running at the top of the ticket and the quality of their judgement:

QuoteMARTÍNEZ: So, Christopher, the answer to the question the book title poses - do running mates matter? - is apparently, no, right?

DEVINE: They don't matter in the way that we typically think of. So we think of, man, if you pick this person for vice president, people are going to love him or her so much, or maybe they dislike that person so much, that it's really going to directly affect how people vote. Or here's a way to appeal to people from a certain state, as Kyle was speaking to, or that they'll appeal to a certain demographic group. And we just find very little evidence for that. The way that they matter, A, is more in terms of shaping our perceptions of the presidential candidate. What does this pick tell you about who Kamala Harris is, or what does JD Vance tell you about who Donald Trump, at least in a second term, is going to be?

It could tell you something in Harris' case about her political ideology. Also, how good of judgment does she have? And for that matter, we show evidence of this, for example, in 2008, that John McCain's pick of Sarah Palin caused voters to think less of his judgment because they didn't believe that she was ready to be present [sic]. They thought it was an irresponsible pick, and so they were less likely to vote for McCain because of that.

Again, I'm not saying the findings of the data you're looking at are necessarily wrong, but you've got my curiosity up now.

The data supports that white women voted Republican over Democrat.

The assumption or prediction is that they won't want to vote in a black woman before a white one. Also the common trope that white women vote on race boundaries over gender ones. IDK if data backs that up.

They also said that maybe the recent stripping of abortion rights might sway white women over to Kamala.

I just felt validated that I wasn't the only one who noticed that white girls constantly try to make themselves the center of attention which includes the liberal ones.