In story-telling terms, this appears to be a 'cat is on the roof' event:

Biden Says He'd Consider Dropping Out if a 'Medical Condition' Emerged

All Democrats need to do is get some independent doctor to look at him, and make sure the doctor's independent assessment gets leaked/released. Because, even if Biden doesn't have dementia, at his age, there's gotta be bad conditions that could be used as excuses for him dropping out. If Biden stays in and loses to Trump, that would in a way become his legacy. Is that really what he wants?

He's super egotistical and doesn't think he's gonna lose at all. He thinks with his current strategy he is gonna waltz right into a second term.

The RNC has been fun so far. Matt Gaetz got punked by an older gentleman because he was bullying McCarthy.

Amber Rose got slammed like I knew she would after giving that speech. I had a feeling that the same racists that didn't like Vivek would jump all over JD Vance's wife and they did.

The leader of the Teamsters union gave a great speech but it definitely felt like he didn't know the audience he was talking to. Maybe there might have been some blue collar workers in the crowd but the crowd seemed mostly like establishment Republicans that are in favor of corporations and aren't friendly with unions. I wonder if the guy from the UAW is going to speak at the DNC. I also like the fact that he didn't endorse Trump and he basically said that there is a group of voters avaible to tap into if you align with being pro worker more than pro corporations and elite and the ball is in your court. He should give a similar speech at the DNC imo. Most progressive speech I've heard in awhile.

Oh that one lady that was a shiek? might be spelling it wrong. They definitely turned on her too 😆. Like what do you expect from Republicans.

I was this cool the whole time.

#483 Jul 17, 2024, 10:51 PM Last Edit: Jul 17, 2024, 11:02 PM by SGR
Quote from: DJChameleon on Jul 17, 2024, 08:03 PMHe's super egotistical and doesn't think he's gonna lose at all. He thinks with his current strategy he is gonna waltz right into a second term.

Perhaps he is super egotistical. I think on some level, you have to have a big ego to run for President. But still, I don't think Biden is not pragmatic. I think I was responding to Lisna (or maybe it was you, I don't remember), where I said something along the lines of: I feel like Biden has a lot of leverage when it comes to making his decision to step down or not (he knows where bodies are buried) - so my best guess was that they've negotiated some kind of financial transaction (like an investment into one of Hunter's business entities) that Biden now finds acceptable as a pay-off to go away, and as a result, they're setting up this medical excuse as a way of priming the public for it.

I could be wrong of course - guess we'll have to wait and see.

Quote from: DJChameleon on Jul 17, 2024, 08:03 PMAmber Rose got slammed like I knew she would after giving that speech. I had a feeling that the same racists that didn't like Vivek would jump all over JD Vance's wife and they did.

I think Amber Rose had a great speech. I don't understand these stupid, stuffy, church-going Republicans (or at least, they say they're church-going) like Matt Walsh who come out with complete vitriol about her, bitching about her face tattoos or shame her for being a 'slut'.  Like, look at his stupid fucking tweet:

Democrats accuse Republicans of being racists and misogynists, and he thinks it's a good strategy to just confirm those accusations for everyone to see. This guy, and people like him (most of DailyWire and Ben Shapiro's little clan) are Republicans who are lost in the past and think there's still some fight to be had about things like gay marriage. Totally delusional. Either you want your party to win or you don't, and when you bitch and complain and purity test the speakers at your party's convention, even though they're supporting the candidate you want to win, it just comes off as being completely stupid and not knowing how winning elections work. You should welcome the diversity of support and try to broaden your coalition. This isn't the fucking '50s anymore, Matt.

#484 Jul 18, 2024, 12:47 AM Last Edit: Jul 18, 2024, 01:18 AM by SGR
Quote from: SGR on Jul 17, 2024, 07:45 PMIn story-telling terms, this appears to be a 'cat is on the roof' event:

Biden Says He'd Consider Dropping Out if a 'Medical Condition' Emerged

All Democrats need to do is get some independent doctor to look at him, and make sure the doctor's independent assessment gets leaked/released. Because, even if Biden doesn't have dementia, at his age, there's gotta be bad conditions that could be used as excuses for him dropping out. If Biden stays in and loses to Trump, that would in a way become his legacy. Is that really what he wants?

Biden tests positive for Covid, cancels speech in Las Vegas

The cat is on the roof, I repeat, the cat is on the roof.

Edit: Despite my prediction, I wish President Biden a safe and speedy recovery, regardless of whether or not he decides to stay in the race.

Skip to 30 mins. My opinion isn't as extreme as Destiny's but it's similar.

Also Dave Rubin is a complete clown trying to be all high and mighty about this situation when he tweeted back in February that AOC should burn herself alive just like the soldier did in protest of Biden's support of Israel.

I was this cool the whole time.

I think Biden is going to withdraw from the race, perhaps as soon as by the end of the week, perhaps as soon as by tomorrow (doing it this way would steal the spotlight away from Trump's RNC speech). Kamala will lead the ticket.

News Alert: Pelosi privately told Biden polls show he cannot win and will take down the House; Biden responded with defensiveness

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi privately told President Joe Biden in a recent conversation that polling shows that the president cannot defeat Donald Trump and that Biden could destroy Democrats' chances of winning the House in November if he continues seeking a second term, according to four sources briefed on the call.

The president responded by pushing back, telling Pelosi he has seen polls that indicate he can win, one source said. Another one of the sources described Biden as getting defensive about the polls. At one point, Pelosi asked Mike Donilon, Biden's longtime adviser, to get on the line to talk over the data.

This phone call would mark the second known conversation between the California lawmaker and Biden since the president's disastrous debate on June 27. While the exact date of the conversation was not clear, one source described it as being within the last week. Pelosi and Biden also spoke in early July.

Sounds like: You can't win, Mr. President. Do the right thing.
Can too! No no no! Stamping feet etc,
If ever evidence was needed that this man is too old and all but senile to be in the White House, there you have it.

#488 Jul 18, 2024, 08:03 PM Last Edit: Jul 18, 2024, 08:07 PM by SGR
Jeez, things have been going pretty bad for Democrats since that debate. People thought Biden looked old and pale, so they dunked him in bronzer to make him look as orange as Trump when he was talking about the Supreme Court immunity ruling:

Things got even worse since then, and now Biden surrogates are even using Trump's campaign slogan?

 Ain't that some kinda copyright infringement or something? :laughing:

Quote from: SGR on Jul 18, 2024, 08:03 PMJeez, things have been going pretty bad for Democrats since that debate. People thought Biden looked old and pale, so they dunked him in bronzer to make him look as orange as Trump when he was talking about the Supreme Court immunity ruling:

Things got even worse since then, and now Biden surrogates are even using Trump's campaign slogan?

 Ain't that some kinda copyright infringement or something? :laughing:

Yep I have heard term blue MAGA so it makes sense they have adapted the term.

I was this cool the whole time.

Quote from: DJChameleon on Jul 19, 2024, 02:17 AMYep I have heard term blue MAGA so it makes sense they have adapted the term.

They keep up this strategy and...well...all I'm saying is that if Alexis Texas sees Joe Biden, she should run.  :laughing:

Kamala won't beat Trump

a particle; a fragment of totality

Quote from: degrassi.knoll on Jul 19, 2024, 04:44 PMKamala won't beat Trump

Probably true. This is why there's so much hand-wringing among Democrats right now. It seems like, in the best-case scenario, Kamala won't generate much more support than Biden currently does (I've said it before, but she's less charismatic than Biden is, even at his current age), and in the worst case scenario, she'll generate even less support. No matter what the Democrats do, it's going to be political chaos.

Quote from: SGR on Jul 19, 2024, 07:38 PMProbably true. This is why there's so much hand-wringing among Democrats right now. It seems like, in the best-case scenario, Kamala won't generate much more support than Biden currently does (I've said it before, but she's less charismatic than Biden is, even at his current age), and in the worst case scenario, she'll generate even less support. No matter what the Democrats do, it's going to be political chaos.

It's time to bring back Bernie tbh

a particle; a fragment of totality