Yeah. Puts it all in perspective, doesn't it? RIP man.

Firefighter Corey Comperatore was killed during the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro said Sunday.

"Corey was a girl dad. Corey was a firefighter. Corey went to church every Sunday. Cory loved his community. Most especially, Cory loved his family," Shapiro said.

"Corey dove on his family to protect them last night at this rally."

Quote from: SGR on Jul 14, 2024, 08:30 PMOkay, so we're moving the goalpost now from what he said on January 6th to just his rhetoric in general? Rather than accusing me of 'mental gymnastics', why don't you give me some specific examples of Trump's 'consistent rhetoric' that you believe to be analagous to imagery like this, insofar as imagery can be analgous to rhetoric, and we can discuss it:

Are you really gonna pretend like Donald Trump of all people doesn't consistently say wild incendiary language during his speeches that are on the same level as that?

Did you conviently forgot about how he talked about immigrants poisoning the blood of our country?

He constantly riles up his base with conspiracies and you know it, linking Biden mishandling the border to overthrowing the USA and using the influx of new immigrants to be able to vote for him which isn't even factual.

I'm not moving goalposts. I'm telling you to look at the similarities between his general rethoric to all these examples you just posted.

No clue why you are trying to die on this flakey hill that Donald Trump is some misunderstood individual that doesn't rile up his base with lies and incendiary language.

I was this cool the whole time.

#422 Jul 14, 2024, 09:02 PM Last Edit: Jul 14, 2024, 09:08 PM by SGR
Quote from: DJChameleon on Jul 14, 2024, 08:43 PMAre you really gonna pretend like Donald Trump of all people doesn't consistently say wild incendiary language during his speeches that are on the same level as that?

Did you conviently forgot about how he talked about immigrants poisoning the blood of our country?

He constantly riles up his base with conspiracies and you know it, linking Biden mishandling the border to overthrowing the USA and using the influx of new immigrants to be able to vote for him which isn't even factual.

I'm not moving goalposts. I'm telling you to look at the similarities between his general rethoric to all these examples you just posted.

No clue why you are trying to die on this flakey hill that Donald Trump is some misunderstood individual that doesn't rile up his base with lies and incendiary language.

The initial post I made stated that it was obvious that the media painting someone as Hitler for 8 years would inevitably result in someone trying to kill this new 'Hitler'. I think you'd agree with that, right?

Hitler became a Dictator after becoming Chancellor, started WW2 and killed 6 million Jews in systematic extermination camps, and killed many millions more, including millions of his own people by sending them into a meat grinder. Do you think it was fair or reasonable for the media to paint him as Hitler for 8 years because of some controversial rhetoric about immigrants [and other controversial rhetoric of course]? (I will agree that the 'poisoning the blood of our country' quote was an awful choice of words)

We've already seen Trump in office for four years. What was the most 'Hitler-like' thing he did with those four years? Actions speak louder than words.

I think perceptions of him on both sides of the political aisle are overblown. To the right, he's not some God-annointed savior figure that's going 'destroy the deep state' and save America. To the left, he's not some Hitler-like dictator that's going to destroy democracy and cancel future elections.

Can you hear the sound of fading hoofbeats and the banging of a barn door in the wind?  ::)

The head of the Secret Service has been directed to review all security measures ahead of the Republican National Convention, which begins tomorrow in Wisconsin, Joe Biden has said.

The US President said he has also asked for a review of what happened at the Trump rally to be carried out and he will share the results of that review.

Quote from: SGR on Jul 14, 2024, 09:02 PMWe've already seen Trump in office for four years. What was the most 'Hitler-like' thing he did with those four years? Actions speak louder than words.

His actions are causing ripples way outside of his 4 year presidency. I feel just because you happen to be a white male. You are just ignoring all of the awful things that are happening to different groups based off of Trump's actions. The ripple effects of ROE v Wade being overturned and how it affects women's health. All the decisions that have happened in the past few weeks from the Supreme Court Justice. Trump always brags at his rallies about being able to force in three court justices and their effects are extreme and long lasting.

Being homeless is a ticketable offense if the city decides they want to start doing it. Which doesn't even make sense to me because if someone is homeless how are they going to even pay said tickets without a job/hoke. I do realize there are homeless people that DO have jobs but still I'm talking about the majority.

I was this cool the whole time.

I'd have to side with DJ on this one. Apart from the inexorable rise of the right, which can be directly attributed to Trump's courting of them, you have the reversal of women's and transgender rights, the refusal to believe Covid was real, resulting in the deaths of millions of Americans who should not have had to die, the turning back almost of civil rights, the stepping back from Kyoto and almost indeed NATO, the open support for another dictator (two actually), all culiminating in the surely Hitlerian putsch attempt of Jan 6. Honestly, how much more Hitler do you need? About the only thing he didn't do was open concentration camps and declare war on Western Europe!

Quote from: DJChameleon on Jul 14, 2024, 09:19 PMHis actions are causing ripples way outside of his 4 year presidency. I feel just because you happen to be a white male. You are just ignoring all of the awful things that are happening to different groups based off of Trump's actions. The ripple effects of ROE v Wade being overturned and how it affects women's health. All the decisions that have happened in the past few weeks from the Supreme Court Justice. Trump always brags at his rallies about being able to force in three court justices and their effects are extreme and long lasting.

Being homeless is a ticketable offense if the city decides they want to start doing it. Which doesn't even make sense to me because if someone is homeless how are they going to even pay said tickets without a job/hoke. I do realize there are homeless people that DO have jobs but still I'm talking about the majority.

Yeah. And just speaking for me personally, if the republicans enact everything they've talked about (both Trump himself and the Christian nationalist billionaires behind Project 2025 who are propping him up), I will have my legal protections and recognition of my gender eliminated, I be forced off my HRT, my marriage will be invalid as we are both AMAB, which will result in my losing the health insurance I get through my husband's company. Them making very real threats to ruin my life because of who I am is a threat of political violence, and one that will be legally enshrined and likely upheld by the right wing stooges in the Supreme Court.

I just don't see how, if I made jokes about the shooter missing Trump, they would be me stooping anywhere close to the level of hateful and violent rhetoric the right espouses and threatens.


Okay. I don't know if this is a deliberate error or just us thick Irish getting it wrong again, but the headline on the RTE article states that: 'Important we stand united', says a defiant Trump. It's not true though: It was BIDEN who said this. Not the sort of thing you'd expect Trump to say of course. Unless he also said it? Seems a glaring error to me anyway.

Living in Utopia time: wouldn't it be amazing if this event, instead of further polarising America (and what, I may ask, is wrong with Polar Bears anyway?) brought everyone together in a spirit of true, united friendship and brotherho - sorry, just almost got knocked over by a low-flying pig!

I don't understand why there seems to be a dichotomy between condemning Trump and also denouncing this incident/believing in upholding some standard of civility in the discourse, i.e. not vocalizing your wishes for violence against political figures.

No one is saying that "too bad he didn't die" is at the same level of having political power and using it to oppress the population ffs. It's about integrity I guess.

But that's just me I guess.
Some shit just cringeworthy.
It ain't even gotta be deep I guess. 

I think, as I said already, what's getting lost in the haze here is the fact that one man died in the act of trying to protect his family, and that two more have been hospitalised. The kid who made the attempt got his father's gun and the FBI are now calling it a "domestic terror incident". We don't know the would-be assassin's intentions, but it's possible he just chose Trump and could have as easily gone after Biden - cops say he had "no specific ideology", so it's not as if he was a Trump-hater or fanatic Dem supporter or anything. White guy I think, so no racist motive there.

But yes, as Steph says, the grinning and nudging about "pity he wasn't a better shot" is beneath us, and I have my own guilty part in that. Anyone getting shot is nothing to laugh at, and I accept my role in trivialising it. In the event, a man died and we should respect that, and a public figure - and former and possible/probable futuer president - was attacked, and that shouldn't be laughed at. Apologies for my own poorly-chosen remarks, that's all I can do.

I do wonder, though, what the NRA and gun lobby will have to say about this, now that one of their biggest supporters and advocates has been targeted?

Quote from: Trollheart on Jul 14, 2024, 11:03 PMI do wonder, though, what the NRA and gun lobby will have to say about this, now that one of their biggest supporters and advocates has been targeted?

They'll say that we need more guns.

The part of my post about stooping low was in reference to the "rise above" comment which I took to mean that being the bigger person means shutting up and being polite. As someone who spent the better part of two years being called a satanic pedophile groomer who should become a statistic by Trump stans I'm not going to judge the morality of people who find some catharsis in posting jokes about the poor aim thing. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I'm just saying I see a lot less value in politeness when it's clear to me that the Trump camp doesn't value it one bit themselves.


I'll start taking the "condemning political violence" seriously when that same energy is shown for Palestine or Afghanistan instead of people that are responsible for atrocious amounts of political violence.

Because if not, it's just vapid virtue signaling.

Deep down we all know we condone political violence when it's for a cause we support.

I just refuse to hypocritically pretend to condemn it. That would be a lie. And if I were just trying to be edgy I'd be happy that a supporter died, or the Republican that did it died, but I'm not. A mentally ill person taken advantage of by political radicalism lost their life and an innocent supporter lost their life while the guy that raped a 13 year old survived. Damn shame.