Quote from: grindy on May 16, 2024, 10:47 PMHappy to see someone else enjoying this!
I saw that it's out but I'm waiting for the weekend to relax, put on my fancy headphones, smoke some weed and really get lost in it.

That sounds like a good plan, grindy. I'll take this opportunity to wish you a bon weekend!

Quote from: Saulaac on May 16, 2024, 10:40 PMAnother orchestrated one. In typical LC fashion, the second half always sounds like one long awesome outro.

This is another great one! Waiting for the album until August will be tough.
Surprisingly I thought Binney's sax solo was a bit underwhelming but probably simply due to the comparison to his other solos with Cole and co being usually so mindblowing.


Good to hear that you didn't overdo it with a massive carrot and end up comatose and not able to get back to us, grindy..  :laughing:
By underwhelming, do you mean he wasn't adventurous enough, perhaps too predictable and too much in agreement with the general uplifting vibe? He does seem to go with the flow without throwing in any weird curve balls or painful moans.

I don't know much of DB's stuff, but since we're talking about the extended universe, I remember watching the below one a couple of years ago with Pedro Martins and Genevieve Artadi with DB. Lots of catchy songs on there and surprisingly avant garde. "Catchy" and "avant garde" is like heaven. I love Edge of the Cliff and Nowhere to Go. The bassist is punching so high too.

Quote from: Saulaac on May 19, 2024, 09:56 PMGood to hear that you didn't overdo it with a massive carrot and end up comatose and not able to get back to us, grindy..  :laughing:
By underwhelming, do you mean he wasn't adventurous enough, perhaps too predictable and too much in agreement with the general uplifting vibe? He does seem to go with the flow without throwing in any weird curve balls or painful moans.

I don't know much of DB's stuff, but since we're talking about the extended universe, I remember watching the below one a couple of years ago with Pedro Martins and Genevieve Artadi with DB. Lots of catchy songs on there and surprisingly avant garde. "Catchy" and "avant garde" is like heaven. I love Edge of the Cliff and Nowhere to Go. The bassist is punching so high too.

I love this one. Even bought the double cd.

Can't say what's missing in the DB solo. Certainly nothing about being more adventurous. Whatevs. He still rocked it.

I really like this Cole-Binney collab. Cole as a jazz drummer is fearsome.


I just clocked that you were talking about a Spiders Egg double CD, and I'm like OMG they actually put this concert on CD. So I looked on discogs and indeed several are available at reasonable prices. So thanks man.