Finding Nemo (first one I consciously remember). Iirc I was pretty upsetti about Nemo's mama being eaten by the big fish, and otherwise sort of overwhelmed by my first big screen experience I imagine

Weird now that I looked it up it came out in '03 bc thinking back I could've sworn it was one or two years earlier than that. I guess similar things apply to a lot of childhood memories though

It was either E.T. or the original animated Peter Pan. I was about 5.

"She paints, she reads, she lights things on fire."

Quote from: MonaSomona on Aug 29, 2023, 11:32 AMIt was either E.T. or the original animated Peter Pan. I was about 5.

ET might be a little scary for a 5-year old 🤔 were you traumatized?

Happiness is a warm manatee

Quote from: Guybrush on Aug 29, 2023, 11:57 PMET might be a little scary for a 5-year old 🤔 were you traumatized?

No. I loved it. I was raised by my grandmother who thought television was a good babysitter, so I was exposed to a lot from a very young age. 

"She paints, she reads, she lights things on fire."