I stopped listening to music when training. I used to listen to music to hype me up but it became really distracting once I learned to go hard by myself. For a while I used to listen to ambient techno when working out to provide a calming but constant pulse but nowadays I stopped altogether. But I'm sure this is very individual and many people can benefit from music.


I still listen to music but it has to be beatless ambient soundscapes because any rhythmic pulse tends to draw my focus and then I lose count of my reps.

For my morning walks I'll listen to anything though.


I listen to talk radio  8)

Usually Talksport.

Quote from: Toy Revolver on May 10, 2023, 11:14 PMdo y'all think it's wrong to jerk off a dog

Here's something thematically appropriate from Norway:

Happiness is a warm manatee

I've put my playlist on the pad used at the CrossFit gym, so I have various songs in there that I think are kinda fun to listen to and that will have the added bonus of annoying and confusing people.

Songs like:


How gnarly is that bass sound? 😄

And this immortal classic:

Nothing gets people more pumped than songs about Jesus Christ 🙂👌

Happiness is a warm manatee

I like to troll the gym radio so I will connect to it and play random stuff.

I was this cool the whole time.

I considered putting Tiny Tim on there, but I realized that's going too far.

But Bad Manners is just about the right atmosphere for a gruelling hammer curl.

Happiness is a warm manatee

How do people respond to hearing these songs over the speaker?  :laughing:

I was this cool the whole time.

Quote from: DJChameleon on Dec 24, 2024, 10:29 AMHow do people respond to hearing these songs over the speaker?  :laughing:

I don't actually know because I haven't seen it in action. Also it's only been a couple of weeks since I put it in there and I've been too busy to exercise. My guess is they avoid it 😅 but I don't know.. it may have gotten popular.

I'll report back when I find out 👌

Happiness is a warm manatee

Hey Guybrush! Just saw your other thread asking about workout music. I have about 12 different workout playlists arranged by genre and types of workouts lol. My HIIT workout day listening is very different than a yoga/stretch day. But, the one that gets the most play is probably the punk (and punk adjacent) list. Here's some tracks that pop out to me as I scan through it.

A couple bonus for you from the neighbor's house.

Official 2024 New Member Silver Medalist

Nice @Auroras In Ice 🙂 Thank you so much!

I have a little bit of punk in my list, but not much hardcore. It's more Ramones and Sex Pistols, a couple of Damned tracks. I did post The Good The Bad And The Zugly's Diet 1-2-3, but its a rarity 🙂

Some other punk or punk adjacent tracks I have are:

And I had to include this Turboneger song as it's about making your body hot.

I'm definitely nabbing that LARD track!

Happiness is a warm manatee

I massively enjoy getting out for a quick run in the streets or around the park, but unfortunately I can't find time to do it at the moment. I was inspired by 90's national treasure Omar Lye-Fook's "Stop War, Make Love" video as he casually runs about the place, picking up or saying hello to people upon the way.

That's how I see you all of you on the fitness thread anyway!  :D

And in terms of the music, he seems to start the verses on quite a minor funky setting, before unleashing a strong open rising cadence in the chorus. Bootiful.

"An underrated muso" but don't quote me on it..