To discuss Japan related things in general I guess, but specifically because I'm travelling to Japan in the late summer. If @Toy Revolver or anyone else who's familiar with Japan has any tips or suggestions for places to go or things to do, let me know!

I do like me some Serial Experiemnts Lain and Spirited Away.

Ooh, that's so cool! Mr. Waffles and I had a trip to Japan booked for the summer of 2020, and... well, yeah. We do still want to get there someday.

He was really excited about the Nintendo theme park that was opening then, so if you like video games it might be worth going.




these are the two most interesting places in japan that i visited

Going to Hiroshima or Nagasaki? I've always have been curious about those two cities.

The Word has spoken :D

Quote from: Rubber Soul on Apr 30, 2023, 05:39 PMGoing to Hiroshima or Nagasaki? I've always have been curious about those two cities.

i know you're asking her but i've been to both cities and of course the museums

honestly i don't really think the museums can do anything the best books can

i lived in hiroshima prefecture for a few years and met people who had family members die in the bombing but that's not an experience you can get without the luxury of a lot of time and a way to meet people naturally

How was it, @Marie Monday ? Did you go yet?

Of course I read John Hersey's Hiroshima over the summer (about the bombing) so now I wanna see Hiroshima 😅

Happiness is a warm manatee

I haven't gone yet
I thought about visiting Hiroshima but it's quite out of my way so I'm not going there

^ I think that's a good decision. I'm not sure how Japanese people feel about westerners visiting that city. I know neither you nor Guybrush would go there and sit on a monument eating a hamburger and Cocacola, but even so, I imagine western visitors still have to be extra-careful in that city.

I wonder how they feel in Hawaii when a Japanese tourist asks directions to the Pearl Harbor Memorial ?

What you desire is of lesser value than what you have found.

If Guybrush or Marie were to put on such a crass display of American-ness I'd imagine it would be all the more confusing considering (IIRC) neither of them are American.  :laughing:


They're probably fine with westerners, at least the non-US kind 🙂 @Toy Revolver did post that he'd lived in Hiroshima. At least in the prefecture, if not the city itself.

About crass displays of American-ness, I still remember being outside the Santa Maria church in Milan when I heard something like "Laaarrry! The kids wanna go to MacDooonald's!". Of course it was some American tourists and very noticeable.

It is possible that our kids would want to go to McDonald's too while on vacation in Italy, but we have the luxury of not everyone understanding us and our crassness when we talk in Norwegian 😄

Oh and Marie, I think you should go dipping in the hot Springs with the Japanese macaqs.

Happiness is a warm manatee

I will go to some hot springs for sure

Quote from: Guybrush on Aug 22, 2023, 06:35 AMOh and Marie, I think you should go dipping in the hot Springs with the Japanese macaqs.

:thumb: Great photo - great idea !

Quote from: Marie Monday on Aug 22, 2023, 10:54 AMI will go to some hot springs for sure

... posting a photo will be compulsory, not optional ;)

What you desire is of lesser value than what you have found.

I love to share pictures of macaq

Happiness is a warm manatee