Feb 18, 2023, 12:07 PM Last Edit: Feb 18, 2023, 12:08 PM by Guybrush
Hey there!

You probably know David Cronenberg, Canadian director and film maker who's considered instrumental particularly in the body horror genre. His most famous movies include Videodrome, the remake of The Fly with Jeff Goldblum, A History of Violence (although I believe he had nothing to do with the screenplay here) and more. His most recent movie is Crimes of the Future which revolves around human evolution and growing of new organs and adaptations to eating plastics and toxic waste.

His son Brandon is similarly making a name for himself as a filmmaker with his two most recent films being Possessor from 2020 and the very recent Infinity Pool. I've not seen any of his films, but they're at the top of my to-do list so that I expect to have seen both within a week.

I quite like Cronenberg's films. He often explores depravity, but without losing complete sight of humanity. His interests and the themes explored give him a unique voice in the world of movies. Are there any other fans or at least appreciators among you?

Happiness is a warm manatee

I watched most of his movies a long time ago and have been going through them again recently. I've seen Crimes of the Future, Dead Ringers, eXistenZ, Videodrome, A History of Violence and will watch Crash again soon.

Of these, A History of Violence is the least interesting and it's also his most conventional. Dead Ringers may be the one I enjoyed the most. Watching it gave me a newfound respect for Jeremy Irons which is terrific in that, playing two twin gynecologists obsessed with mutated female reproductive organs.

Videodrome was also a lot better on second viewing. I think being older adds some perspective to the themes he explores.

While I quited liked Crash when I watched it last, I also expect it to be more enjoyable now than when I was in my 20s. ;)

Happiness is a warm manatee

I noticed you haven't mentioned Dead Ringers yet. I think that one is tied with The Fly as my favorite of his. Identical twin gynecologist brothers played by Jeremy Irons make for quite a disturbing movie.

Edit: just noticed you mentioned it in your second post. :P

This is what you want. This is what you get.

Dead Ringers may be my current favorite as well. It's a pity it seems somewhat obscure compared to Videodrome and The Fly.

Now I'm looking forward to watching Brandon Cronenberg's Possessor later tonight :)

Happiness is a warm manatee

Possessor was great :) and somewhat on brand for the family name even if it doesn't go full body horror.

I don't wanna spoil too much of the story, so I'll describe the backdrop, although the following is still MINOR SPOILER territory.

The movie's set in a future or alternative reality where they have tech that allows for the temporary takeover or transfer of one's mind into the body of another. In order to do this, the victim has to be fitted with a brain implant first, so that means f.ex. getting kidnapped and brain surgeried on in a van first.

I watched the uncut version which had some very violent scenes in it. It's not pure sadism as it's important to the story arc and character development, but it's not a movie for the squeamish.

Happiness is a warm manatee

I guess I'm getting confused with these overlapping threads already. We got some fun discussion on Crash in the What's the latest movie you've seen? thread :)


Happiness is a warm manatee

Dead Ringers is being remade into a TV series starring Rachel Weisz as the twins:


Definitely interested! Hope it turns out good 🙂

Happiness is a warm manatee